Chapter 574 When Counseling, Counseling (4000-word chapter! Second update)
"This is atrocity!"

At the governor's mansion in Sacramento, the capital of California, Governor Newton reprimanded him loudly in an extremely angry tone.

"Mr. Special Envoy, your fleet shelled our forts, our city, and invaded Los Angeles. Sir, the atrocities you committed will surely be condemned by the whole world!"

As governor of California, of course he was outraged.After all, it was his state, his voters, that was being attacked.

Even after being shocked by the news for the first time, he mobilized the militia.He must fulfill his duty to defend California.

While mobilizing the army, he personally met with the special envoy of the Ming Empire—the special envoy came from the Beihai Governor's Mansion, and he came here to investigate the "Los Angeles Massacre".

In the face of Governor Newton's roar, Zhang Wenli, as a special envoy, appeared calm and said.

"Mr. Governor, when you keep talking about all these atrocities, let's first recall the crimes you have committed before."

The Americans are simply a bunch of double-standard dogs. What did they do before Daming used his naval guns to speak?
"When I arrived here, I warned you that a responsible country will not sit back and let its own nationals be killed, bullied, and discriminated against, but how do you do it? You use the so-called The court laughed at all of us!"

Looking directly at Governor Newton, Zhang Wenli sneered.

"What is happening in Los Angeles is not because of us, but because of you! It is you, when you commit atrocities, you take it for granted, and you have never been ashamed of your actions, Mr. Governor, now you I got my wish! Los Angeles was not destroyed by our naval guns, but by your arrogance!"

Zhang Wenli has never been so high-spirited before, and his chest has never been so hard! As a special envoy, he arrived in Los Angeles on the third day after the incident, and his investigation was artificially Even if he is here, Newton is just laughing at him, telling him that the trial is over, and if he has any opinions on the trial, he can appeal.

You see how high-sounding they say.



There is neither law nor fairness in their so-called courts.Because no one cares about the life and death of the Chinese!
In the end the so-called trial turned into a joke!

In his view, everything that happened here was an unprecedented shame.

And now?

At the moment when the naval gun rang, everything changed!
What is the point of American anger, as it is now?

Just like Da Ming's angry Americans didn't care before that, does Da Ming need to care about America's anger now?

"Mr. Envoy, this is war!"

Secretary of State Phyllis said angrily.

"Now our army is gathering here, and soon we will take back our city, and use your blood to wash away all shame!"

Facing Felice's threat, Zhang Wenli was unexpectedly calm, he said sternly.

"Is it war? If you choose war, it can be used to accomplish the feats of Ming soldiers!"

Then he said again.

"Are you sending General Grant? His army is marching towards Oregon. I think our army will welcome them with guns!"

Regarding the military response made by the United States, the Ming Empire didn't care at all, even the Beihai Governor's Mansion didn't care, even though the army in Beihai was far less than the U.S. military.

So what?
After all, war is a war between two countries in the end.Does the United States have the strength to challenge Ming Dynasty?
"As for the militia you mobilize? That is your right, of course. That's all."

Zhang Wenli laughed.

He seemed to be telling a joke.Can those militias do anything?

Can they go to sea and fight the warships of the navy?

Now as long as the fleet wants, they can even come and bombard the city.

It is impossible to discuss any results from the talks in California. After all, matters between the two countries will ultimately be resolved in Washington.

"War! War!"

In Washington, on Capitol Hill, members of the Senate and House of Representatives were clamoring for war, that is, when they were discussing whether to declare war on the Ming Empire, in the Oval Office of the White House, Pierce Cullen The Ambassador of the British Empire to America is talking to President McClellan,

"Mr. President, the United Kingdom understands your anger very well. London believes that no civilized country will sit idly by such atrocities, but it is well known that once the United States declares war on the Ming Empire, France will join them according to the treaty between them and the Ming Dynasty. War, at that time, what will the United States use to stop the French-Ming coalition forces?"

Karl's reminder made McClellan frowned. The Alliance of Ming and France... Once upon a time, France was the closest friend of the United States, but now?
The French are allies of the Ming Empire!The French, at the instigation of that emperor, had long since abandoned the United States.Even in the Civil War, they were on the side of the South.

Damn the Emperor of France!
"Mr. Ambassador, do you hear Washington's anger?"

McClellan asked back.

"War, almost everyone is calling for war, to respond to Ming's invasion with war!"

It's just an appeal, and anyone will let it go.The problem is the disparity in strength between the two countries.

Even the most arrogant congressman can't ignore the power gap between the two.

"Yes, Mr. President, your anger is well known, but you must also understand that the United States has no power to stop them! Your army and your navy are not ready for war at all, and you need more time To prepare for war, not to rush into a war without any preparation,"

Kars leaned forward slightly, and said to McClellan in a seductive tone.

"Britain will be on the side of the United States until then!"

Is this a promise from the UK?

Although he knows that the United Kingdom has no good intentions, McClellan certainly knows that with the current strength of the United States, what will happen if this war is waged, it will undoubtedly be a disaster!
But if there is British intervention, then in the future, the result will be completely different.

Even if there are many contradictions between the United States and the United Kingdom, so what?

Now they have a common enemy!McClellan as a statesman knew it well.Now the situation has changed.

For Britain, France is Britain's enemy.As an ally of the French Empire, the Ming Empire is of course also an imaginary enemy of Britain.

That being the case, the United States and the United Kingdom have the possibility of becoming friends.

"And now? How will this matter be handled?"

Facing the British ambassador, McClellan said directly.

"How to calm the anger of the Americans now? You must know that everyone is eager for revenge, and everyone is eager for war."

Facing the president's question, Kars said with a smile.

"Mr. President, that's just desire. But no one desires to die. Now, Mr. President, all you need to do is tell them. What war will bring!"


"Hand over to the International Arbitration Court!"

At the meeting of the Senate and the House of Representatives, Belden, who stood on the podium, said in a tone full of sadness.

"For the United States, this is the best choice. I know that no one is willing to accept this outcome. Neither can I. I have shed blood in wars and I am willing to continue to shed blood in wars, but gentlemen , we have to face the reality - the end of the Civil War until now, we have not prepared for war at all, we used to have the most powerful army in America, but now?"

As the whip of the Democratic Party, Belden accepted the task entrusted to him by the president-to prevent Congress from passing a vote to declare war.

Of course, in return.Belden will be the party's nominee to become the next President of the United States.

It is both a danger and an opportunity.Of course Belden is going to seize this opportunity.

"Now we only have less than [-] troops left. Maybe we can mobilize the militia in a short period of time, but what we need to face is an elite professional army with precision equipment. The most deadly is the navy. Our navy Not a single ironclad ship, not even a new warship built since the end of the Civil War, the once huge fleet is gone, our officers are out of work, even the laggards are rotting away, that's what we have Yes! Gentlemen, it is easy to declare war. As long as we raise our hands, we can declare war on a country-this country has the largest and most modern army and navy in America, and they also have the most powerful airship force in the world , Once war breaks out, what do we use to stop their warships, their airships? Gentlemen, the reason why we stand here is to protect the interests of the Americans, not because of our anger, let our country, Our people are caught in a war they're not prepared for," he said.

Faced with such rhetorical questions, even the most angry congressmen fell silent. Of course, these congressmen knew that the United States was not ready for war at all.

And they also know where the power gap between the United States and the Ming Empire lies.Although the economic strength of the United States is stronger than that of Ming Dynasty, the Ming Empire has an extremely modern army, which is what the United States lacks.

The United States has never prepared for war at all.If war is declared, then I am afraid it will be more than just a disaster,

Perhaps, the White House will be burned one more time.The last time it was the British who set it on fire, this time it may be the Ming Empire who set it on fire.

It's not even as simple as setting fire to it.These members of Congress also watched the documentary.

"Target - Versailles"

At any moment it could become "Target-Washington."

Of course it could be New York, Philadelphia, or any other American city.

And they also have no power to fight back.

The reality is so cruel!

The blackmail of the Ming Empire with a movie has achieved amazing results in this way.

"What we need now is patience, to bear with what we have suffered. It is to remember, to remember the shame we have suffered, and then work hard to change it. Gentlemen, the gunfire in Los Angeles is like a wake-up call. In the United States of America Let us remember the gunfire of Los Angeles, remember the shame of Los Angeles, and let us, for us, and for the safety of the United States of America build a strong military. Let us build a modern navy. Let us not indulge in childish dreams that war will never befall America, gentlemen!"

Facing the silent congressmen, he once again spoke with enthusiasm.

"The disgrace of Los Angeles is a disgrace to the United States of America, and it is a disgrace to us, because of our naivety, our naive belief that war would never befall this land, we disbanded our military, we destroyed ourselves fleet, now we're going to take it all. Bear all the shame, all the pain, but we need to be thankful to the Ming Empire, to feel like our neighbor in the south of the continent is the one who showed us with their cannon what we are Childish, too. Woke up a great nation with their cannons, faced the challenge, and now the great nation will proudly meet the challenge from the South. Gentlemen, let us meet their challenge, soon they will Will regret everything I did in Los Angeles."

The next moment, there was thunderous applause in the Capitol.Those members of Congress stood up one after another and continued to applaud!

Some excited members even kept patting the table and applauding!

Yes, now, America is woken up, and a slap in the face has been slapped hard.

It hurts to replace anyone.

Previously they clamored for war and for revenge, but they knew very well that the United States simply did not have the capital to retaliate against the Ming Empire.

Now, they will accept and live with all this shame.The reason for accepting and enduring is for better things in the future—revenge!
America is vengeful!

On this day, in the eyes of almost all American politicians - Daming has become their worst enemy.

"Remember Los Angeles!"

On this day, almost all American newspapers use the same word to tell everyone.What happened in Los Angeles?
Of course, they will distort the facts, and their newspapers are full of lies.They will tell Americans the so-called "truth" of the incident.

But no matter what, the Ming Empire has become the enemy of the United States!
"Remember Los Angeles!"

All the Americans can do right now is to utter these words swearingly there.

The United States is really cowardly!

But don't be shy, what can I do?

The American way... When you are cowardly, you are cowardly.

(End of this chapter)

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