Chapter 581 Records of Ming Dynasty's Experience (First update, please subscribe)

That night, after learning that as many as [-] Japanese women come to Daming through various channels every year, everyone, including Ito Hirobumi, thought of absolutely nothing—whether so many women leaving Japan will affect Fertility and population in Japan.

After all, in this day and age, both China and Japan worry about overpopulation, not underpopulation.

"This is really an unexpected discovery!"

"Yes, if the export of female workers can be brought under the control of the state, the government can earn at least one million yen for the export of [-] and female labor!"

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the overseas remittances with the women. As long as they remit half of their income to Japan, it will be tens of millions of remittances!"


For a moment, everyone in the mission was full of cheers, even if they had clearly witnessed that the dream of those women was to marry a Daming person and become a Daming person, but so what?

For Japan, which is poor and barren, finding an advantageous "export project" is simply a blessing from God!

Even without waiting to return to Japan, the mission wrote a letter back to China. In the letter, there was only one core point in a thousand words-"There is a lot to do in exporting Japanese women."Ever since, no one thought that in the next [-] years, a characteristic industry would be formed in Japan—the export of Japanese women. In the past [-] years, tens of millions of Japanese women went to Daming to work. While working in factories, She also married people from Daming one after another, and made contributions to the rise of Daming that are beyond the reach of outsiders.

Correspondingly, millions of Japanese men who could not find wives went to the African continent to make a living. local women as wives.

When Japanese women were proud of marrying people from Ming Dynasty, Japanese men also made contributions to Ming Dynasty.Tens of millions of Japanese have dyed their bodies and minds brown...

1872 was a fateful year for Japan. Even the members of the Iwakura Mission did not realize that Japan's fate had changed drastically at this moment.

But what is certain is that they seem to have seen the code of a powerful country here. In the next few days, the Japanese mission will conduct inspections in various places in Linhai. Their inspections are comprehensive, from factories to schools, from schools to Everyone in the farm was very excited when they left Shanxi after the inspection.

"The future of Japan lies in Daming!"

Almost everyone has made such a judgment!

In the "crack, bang" carriage, accompanied by the sound of a train whistle, the passengers who had been squatting in their seats all night woke up from their sleep.

Itou Hirobumi, who had slept in the sleeper car all night, raised his head and glanced out the window.He was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

It is different from the prairie that I saw yesterday, but a piece of factory buildings with no end in sight!
The train did not know when it had entered the Nanhua Prairie where cattle and sheep appeared from the wind blowing grass, which is also called "Pampas Prairie" by Westerners, and entered a heavy industrial city full of the sense of power in the industrialization era.

Even though entering Daming from Linhai, it also gave Ito Hirobumi and others a deeper understanding of the Ming Empire!
Now the railway line they take from Linhai to Beijing is also called the "Pacific Railway". Although it is not as long as the Pacific Railway in the United States, it is the first "Pacific Railway" in the world.

Such a railway is the only one in Ming Dynasty that connects the east and west coasts, and to some extent it is also the only horizontal railway. It has crossed the extremely complex terrain of the Andes Mountains, and built a large number of railway bridges and many tunnels along the long distance. As for the "Devil's Nose" section, it is a world-famous thrilling line... It is no exaggeration to say that the fact that the Ming Empire was able to build such a railway has already demonstrated its strong national power and industrial strength.

What's more important is the economic and political value of this railway, no matter how exaggerated it is, it is this railway that connects the east and west of Daming as a whole. Every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants enter Nanhua University through the railway. Grassland, in fact, there is a long section of the railway route on the grassland, and only occasionally villages are seen along the way. To be precise, they are farm stations. From a distance, the appearance of these villages looks like It should be quite enough to imagine the life of these farm workers.

Along the way, the train will also stop at the stations along the way. While adding coal and water, it also allows them to look at these small towns intuitively. Although they look small, the people living here seem to have A peaceful smile...Looking at the Chinese people who live and work here in peace and contentment, Hirobumi Ito and others' admiration for the Ming emperor has become even stronger. They can imagine that more than ten years ago, His Majesty led more than a thousand people to the Ming Dynasty. This scene on the prairie, at that time, was the domain of Westerners.

In order to survive, they could only work with swords. Just a few years later, a powerful country rose on this grassland, and the former Westerners surrendered to him one after another.

Then, Daming!The lost Ming Dynasty has risen on this land!

When the train passes through every town, Ito Hirobumi will take the opportunity to get off the train and take a closer look whenever he has the opportunity.The buildings in small towns seem to be a combination of Chinese and Western styles, and two-story and three-story buildings are also common. Unlike the narrow streets in Japan, the streets of these towns are spacious, and trees are planted on both sides. Although the trees are not too thick, they are The green town still looks pleasing to the eye.

When the train was filling up with water, Ito Hirobumi even went to the school near the train station to take a look from a distance—as long as he saw the Sun and Moon flag flying, that is, the flag of Ming Dynasty, he would know that it was a school, and he would be able to avoid it there. Seeing schoolchildren carrying schoolbags to school——Ito Hirobumi learned from Zhao Teng when he was in Linhai that Ming Dynasty began to promote compulsory education when the foundation was laid in Nanhua before the founding of the country.

"Now all children in Daming can receive compulsory education, and the literacy rate of adult Chinese immigrants is also [-]%. After all, every Chinese immigrant must receive literacy education after arriving in Daming!"

Looking at the school in the distance, Ito Hirobumi looked serious. He stared at the flying sun and moon flag, and a voice echoed repeatedly in his mind.

"Perhaps, this is the real secret of the rise of Ming Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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