Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 582 Shocked, My Daming

Chapter 582 Shocked, My Daming (Second update, please subscribe)
At the beginning of 1872, it appeared in front of Ito Hirobumi and others. It was a typical country that had just started the second industrial revolution!

Unlike other countries that are still immersed in or catching up with the afterglow of the steam age, the Ming Empire has entered the second industrial revolution without hesitation.

"It really deserves to be a great power in the world!"

Putting down a "Life Weekly" pictorial in his hand, Hirobumi Ito looked out of the window again - now the train has entered the boundary of Nanyuan, which is the largest industrial zone in the central part of Daming, and this is a building full of chimneys and the city of factories...

Suddenly, accompanied by a long siren, a train full of coal roared and roared, and passed by the passenger car of Ito Hirobumi.

"There are thirty-six knots, Daming's trains can really load!"

Ito Hirobumi, the Daisuke of the Ministry of Industry, deliberately counted the number of trains. Along the way, he found that the Daming steam locomotive was absolutely powerful.

"That's right, the trains we encountered in the United States can only pull 15 freight cars at most, but in Daming, it is fully doubled!"

While Kido Koyun was amazed, he didn't know that Daming's steam locomotive technology began as imitation, but after completing the initial technology accumulation, relying on the dozens of steam locomotive books that Zhu Xianhai bought from the mall successively, Daming's steam locomotive Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Compared with European and American steam locomotives, Daming has more powerful locomotives and more freight vehicles, which triples the capacity of trains, stronger rails allow heavier loads, and further improved air brakes, This made Daming's locomotive an existence far ahead of the world three years ago.

Even now, Daming's locomotives have become the key products of Daming's exports.After all, no capitalist will reject those trains with large cargo capacity.

In amazement, Kido Takayoshi turned his head and asked Ito Hirobumi who was sitting opposite:

"Ito, this must be Nanyuan, right? What are these factories doing?"

Ito Bowen immediately introduced:

"Yes, this is Nanyuan, and it is also the most important thing we want to visit. After all, 50% of the industrial output value of the Ming Empire comes from here, and the large factories here are basically the American company, which is the industry of the Ming Dynasty... …Dahua Iron and Steel Company was also founded by Emperor Shengde. It has the most advanced steel technology in the world. It is said that the open hearth furnace steelmaking method currently in use was first born here. Even Britain introduced open hearth furnace steelmaking from them. Steel technology!"

"Yaoxi, the science of the Ming Empire is indeed unique in the world!"

For a while, the carriage was full of praises. If they knew that the "inventor" of the "open-hearth steelmaking method", Zhu Dahuang himself, after learning that "Siemens and Martin" had developed the "open-hearth furnace steelmaking method" in 1868, "The helplessness.We must know that before this, relying on the technological monopoly and secrecy of cheap steel products, Dahua Iron and Steel Company's steel products profits can reach tens of millions of yuan.

Pig iron is 12 yuan per ton, and steel is 130 silver yuan per ton.

What is the concept of such a high price?
Ten times the profit!
But after 1868, everything changed, and the price dropped by 30% in the next year. Up to now, the price of steel products has only been equivalent to about 35% of the past. Even if the profit is still very considerable, it is far from being comparable to the past!

Big loss!

Fortunately, in the past two years, relying on the more mature open-hearth steelmaking technology, Daming also made a small fortune by exporting steelmaking furnaces and corresponding technology, and finally made another fortune.

However, it cannot be compared with the past. In the past, relying on the huge profits obtained from steel exports, Nanhua introduced a large number of equipment, which directly promoted the rapid development of Nanhua's industry. That was the golden age of Nanhua!
Even if Daming now has a large number of foreign students and local technical personnel, it can't compare to that era, with tens of millions of huge profits every year.

It can even be said that the entire Nanyuan was built on the huge profits from steel exports.Of course, all this is unknown to the outside world.

But what is presented to the world is a huge heavy industrial city. Of course, no one knows the story behind this heavy industrial city.They just saw the side of the city presented to the world.

"Dahua Iron and Steel Company, Nanyuan Locomotive Company, Maxima Automobile Company, and dozens of other companies are here. Up to now, this is the largest steel industry center in the Western Hemisphere. It is said that the annual tax paid by this place alone is More than [-] million yuan!"

"Thirty million yuan!"

"This is really a lot of money!"

"It's several times more than Japan's fiscal revenue!"

For a while, voices of astonishment continued to be heard, and Obo Jiuritsu and others even said.

"Japan will also have its own Nanyuan in the future!"

These ambitious Japanese only see the factory making money, but they don't see the backside of making money. Enterprises that can see through the future will of course be rich in money!

To put it bluntly, industrial development is the same as scientific and technological development, and it must be more about direction than effort!If the direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

Nanyuan can develop, rely on what?Of course, Emperor Zhu grasped the direction of future technological development. Not only did he grasp the direction, but he even threw out a few technical books called "Books from Heaven" from time to time.Driven by technical books there, Daming's industrial technology development level far exceeds that of European countries, so it is difficult not to make a fortune.

Amidst the roar of the train, the train coming from Linhai rumbled slowly into Nanyuan Railway Station amidst the rising white steam with a crisp siren, and sent the Japanese mission to the station. Arrived in a city they envy and look forward to.

When Ito Hirobumi and his group came to this industrialized city, for these people from the backward and primitive "ignorant" country, these big men who thought they had seen the world, looked at and those who had just left the immigrant camp, Like the common people of Ming Dynasty who came here, they all opened their mouths and stared at this bustling city.

The clanging tram on the road is coming slowly, the street is full of traffic and rushing back and forth, and there are tall and magnificent buildings on both sides of the street.

The passers-by who come and go look rosy, and they are neatly dressed. It can be seen at a glance that their lives should be very affluent.

Looking at the energetic passers-by and feeling the affluence intruding into the eyes around them, all the Japanese missions were in some kind of extreme shock.

It's really hard for them to imagine, it's hard to imagine all this.

This Ming Dynasty, which has been established in a foreign land for only twelve years, can be so rich, prosperous and advanced!

Only just 12 years.

How did they do it?

In fact, when they set foot on the land of Ming Dynasty, whether it was Iwakura, Okubo Toshimichi, or Ito Hirobumi, they all had such a question in their hearts.

While lamenting the strength and affluence of Daming, they kept sending out a question from the bottom of their hearts.

"How did Daming do all this?"

Perhaps when they were in the United States, they had experienced the prosperity of American industry, but after all, the United States has been established for almost a hundred years.

But what about Daming?
"They only played for 12 years..."

Ito Hirobumi muttered to himself.

"He, how did they do it?"

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(End of this chapter)

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