Chapter 595 Healing the sick and saving lives also makes a fortune (third update, please subscribe)
The Emperor Napoleon III fell ill, on the day he won the Legislative Council elections, with the same old problem - bladder stones.

On the doctor's advice, he underwent surgery.During the operation, according to the custom, Empress Eugenie was regent.For Eugenie, this is not a good job. Compared with dealing with government affairs, she hopes to be able to accompany her young son.

However, this does not mean that she did not care about Emperor Napoleon III, and even wrote to Zhu Xianhai specifically to ask if Daming had any suitable medicines - after all, Daming's medicines were well known and developed.

Regarding this, Emperor Zhu was obviously at a loss. Although Imperial Pharmaceutical Company has long become a world-renowned pharmaceutical company relying on Liqing, aspirin, berberine and other drugs, those drugs have no effect on bladder stones at all. effect.

"So we don't have any medicines for bladder stones?"

Emperor Zhu frowned.

"Yes, Your Majesty,"

Sun Yeli thought for a while and said.

"Perhaps, we can think of ways to use herbal medicines. For example, Desmodium sativa and Gallus chinensis both have certain curative effects."

Although Sun Yeli studied chemistry when he was studying abroad, it did not prevent him from studying traditional medicine. He has been conducting drug extraction tests in the laboratory of Imperial Pharmaceutical, and has also researched several new drugs based on traditional herbal medicine.

In the current Ming Dynasty, there is no distinction between "Chinese medicine" and "Western medicine". The former may also be turned into a new type of medicine by chemically extracting active ingredients.

"They won't believe that."

Zhu Xianhai waved his hand directly, and then asked.

"How is the company's drug development recently?"

Although Nanhua started his business with drugs, in the past few years, Emperor Zhu has not paid much attention to drug research and development. After all, as an emperor, he cannot lie in the laboratory, and at most he will give some Technical support—that is, buying some books on drug synthesis from the Life Mall.

However, even so, Imperial Pharmaceuticals has not launched a "new special drug" for several years. After all, the technical conditions are here. The so-called Western medicine is actually the home of extracting plant alkaloids and herbal medicines, and then progressing to alkaloids. From semi-synthesis to total chemical synthesis to design-based drug discovery, this process lasted for hundreds of years.

Even if Emperor Zhu could provide some technical information or directional information, it would not make much sense. After all, some technologies take time to accumulate.

"Your Majesty, this year the company has made some attempts on the basis of traditional prescriptions. At present, we have launched more than two hundred new drugs..."

When Sun Yeli mentioned [-] new medicines, Emperor Zhu secretly felt a little stunned. The speed is too fast. Most of those medicines are Chinese patent medicines according to the standards of later generations. How effective are the medicines? Emperor Zhu couldn't say clearly, but what is certain is that European and American countries welcome the Chinese patent medicines of Imperial Pharmaceuticals with both hands. After all, in this era of treating diseases with metaphysics, those Chinese patent medicines with indications are simply magical. medicine.

As for any adverse reactions, people don't care at all these days.Besides, several generations of European and American people have been doing experiments, and sooner or later they will figure out what adverse reactions will occur.As for the death in the process, taking medicine... can it prevent death?

The most important thing is of course to make money - last year, Daming's drug exports reached an astonishing 3700 million yuan!
The profit is naturally very considerable.

"...these new drugs have a wide range of uses and good therapeutic effects. For example, the licorice tablet launched this year is a drug that has good cough, phlegm, and asthma effects. In addition to having a certain curative effect, it even has a certain therapeutic effect on tuberculosis.”

When Sun Yeli mentioned the licorice tablets as if offering a treasure, Emperor Zhu directly waved his hand and said.

"It's just a temporary cover-up... Wait, tuberculosis?"

Only halfway through the words, Emperor Zhu was stunned.

This disease is a serious disease, not only an incurable disease in this era!It is also an infectious disease with a large number of patients.

After the industrial revolution, the population surge brought about by industrialization and the deformed urbanization developed into hotbeds for the spread of tuberculosis.Due to the harsh working environment, pollution brought by industrialization, low immunity caused by malnutrition, and lack of public health resources, the infection rate and death rate of tuberculosis have increased significantly. In 1799, 3.8 in every 1851 deaths in the UK was due to tuberculosis, and between 1910-400 tuberculosis killed around 13 million people in England and Wales - [-]% of all deaths!

Not to mention that tuberculosis is rampant in Europe. There are also many tuberculosis patients in Ming Dynasty. Even before the immigrants board the ship, they need to go through a physical examination, but there are still tuberculosis patients unavoidably. There are many immigrants on the ship. infected with tuberculosis.

This disease is terminally ill!

Not only terminally ill, but also terminally ill with many patients!


A drug--Isoniazid flashed in Emperor Zhu's mind. The reason why he knew about this drug was that Isoniazid became a "drug for poisonous dogs" and caused a lot of news. News, Zhu Xianhai learned that isoniazid is a drug for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Emperor Zhu didn't care whether it was a poisonous dog medicine or not. What he cared about was that this medicine, invented in 1952, was very effective in treating tuberculosis.

More importantly, Emperor Zhu knew the synthesis route of this medicine!

"It is obtained by the condensation of isonicotinic acid and hydrazine hydrate. Dissolve isonicotinic acid in hydrazine hydrate, add the previous batch of crude mother liquor, and distill under reduced pressure..."

Recalling the preparation process he saw on the Internet, Emperor Zhu couldn't help but thank the "poisoned dog incident" that was raging in his heart. If it hadn't caused a lot of controversy, he wouldn't have noticed the news, wouldn't have paid attention to it. to its preparation process.

This process is not complicated!
Not only is it not complicated, but it is also very simple.Once this drug is synthesized, whether someone will use isoniazid to poison dogs, Emperor Zhu does not know, but this is definitely a blue ocean!

There are tens of millions of tuberculosis patients all over the world. With isonicotinic acid, the disease of those patients can be cured. Of course, the most important thing is money!
A big market with tens of millions of people, no matter what, must be a big market of hundreds of millions, or even more than a billion!

For Daming, which is now developing rapidly, it has such a huge and high-profit industry.It will definitely stimulate the economic and industrial development of Ming Dynasty.

After all, the foundation of industrial and commercial development is money.

In the era of Nanhua, Nanhua did not rely on pharmaceuticals to get started!
Now it's Daming.

The profits brought by this drug can even support Daming's further industrialization. After all, this is a huge market with hundreds of millions of yuan per year.

Such a huge market, such a huge profit.It's been ignored for so long.

Even standing on the shoulders of giants, there is a time to wait for the darkness.

"We can't delay any longer, we must act quickly."

In an instant, Emperor Zhu became a little restless...

The only premise is that there are still some technical problems that need breakthroughs, such as some raw materials that need to be further "invented". After all, some raw materials for synthetic drugs have not yet been invented.

(End of this chapter)

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