Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 596 Queen, drink medicine

Chapter 596 Empress, drink medicine (first update, please subscribe)
There are twelve volumes in the heavenly scriptures, and each volume has the name of the master!
Zhu Xianhai is curly!
He is the king of scrolls, he is the king of scrolls!

What is the most voluptuous?
Of course, those books from the mall.

Compared to the Sims mall, which is the real golden thigh, although there are not many products in the mall, there are many types. What are those products?
They are not just simple mechanical equipment or daily consumer goods, nor are they simple cars and motorcycles.It's the capital of Daming's rise - Daming's rapid rise by imitating those products!
It's not fast, it's taking off at a rapid speed.

But the books in the shopping mall are the most helpful to Daming. Those books cover everything, from the most common but important primary and secondary school and even college textbooks to various basic books. Those books not only helped Daming quickly establish a complete education system, Moreover, it is also the source of Ming's world-leading technology.

The so-called Twelve Volumes of Heavenly Book.In fact, there is nothing more than the books in the mall, just like now when he flips through dozens of chemistry books, these books will definitely be sent to the company in the end, and they will become technical references for the technicians in the laboratory. Some new products will come out.

Of course, a side effect is that they follow the path of other future scholars.

In fact, life is like this, walking the way of others makes others have nowhere to go!
Soon, Zhu Juanhuang found the information he needed, the preparation method of isonicotinic acid and hydrazine hydrate. However, Emperor Zhu decided to make isoniazid himself.

Without him, fame!

This can save tens of millions of people, and even get dynamite... No, there is no dynamite award now.Let us finish the journey of Nobel.

It's okay, I can get a pill award in the future.

Only a few days later, with the tablet machine working, pieces of white pills were freshly released. Looking at these small pills, Emperor Zhu's first thought was not how many people this medicine would save, but ...well, money!

Isoniacin is exclusive.

Hydrazine hydrate is also exclusive.

And these little pills... are exclusive too, of course.

"How much should a bottle of this medicine sell for?"

Staring at the small medicine bottle in his hand, Emperor Zhu couldn't help hesitating between morality and the desire to make money.

The drug saves lives and of course makes money.

How much money is appropriate?

"Considering the cost of development, well, I think a bottle will cost [-] yuan!"

As the manager of Imperial Pharmaceuticals, of course, Sun Yeli first considers profit. Pharmaceutical companies are not charities.

Moreover, only after earning money can we give more money to the company, the company can open new factories, expand industrial production, buy national bonds, and support national construction.

In short, there is absolutely no problem with the sky-high price of medicine.

"Your Majesty, many tuberculosis patients are rich, and they don't care about such a small amount of money."

Seeing that His Majesty seemed to be hesitating, Sun Yeli emphasized again.

"As long as [-] bottles can be sold a year, the profit can reach..."

Before he could finish speaking, Emperor Zhu interrupted him with his hand, and then said.

"Let's sell it for [-]! This medicine is a life-saving medicine, let's sell it cheaper!"

Eight hundred, which is almost the income of American workers for two years and the income of British workers for three years.Compared with the six-year income of Daming workers, the income of Daming workers still needs to be improved, and there is still a long way to go.

"However, at the beginning, it can be sold more expensive! After all, rare things are more expensive!"

Even Emperor Zhu had figured out who "Patient Zero" was.

Since it is a great medicine, if you want to open up the market, you must find a suitable patient and let the world be shocked!
"It's her!"

One month later, in the sympathy gift sent by Emperor Zhu to Napoleon III, there was another affectionate letter to Empress Eugenie herself.In addition to the disgusting love words in the letter, he also specifically mentioned "Fukangping", which is isoniazid.

"Is this a cure for tuberculosis?"

Looking at the glass medicine bottle, Eugenie murmured to herself with some doubts.

"I don't have this kind of...but,"

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she thought of her good friend, so she immediately wrote a letter, and soon after finishing one of the letters, Eugenie told the maid.

"Send my letter and gift to Sissy, she should be in Vienna now."

Empress Sissi of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had tuberculosis. As early as ten years ago, because of her severe tuberculosis, Dr. Joseph Skoda, a pulmonary specialist, suggested that she go to Madeira to recuperate.

Since this medicine can treat tuberculosis, Eugenie will naturally not forget her good friend. Of course, soon, Eugenie discovered that "Fukangping" is a good thing to win people's hearts.

After all, even in the upper class, there are many aristocrats and politicians who themselves or their family members suffer from tuberculosis. In the past, they had no choice but to recuperate.And now with this medicine...

Staring at the medicine bottle on the table, Eugenie picked up the letter from her lover again, and smiled coquettishly.

"Honey, is this your purpose? Do you want me to use it to win people's hearts? To maintain the stability of the empire?"

Pressing the letter tightly to her chest, Eugenie closed her eyes, her pretty face was filled with happiness from the bottom of her heart. This letter was not only about verbal love, but also this kind of silent concern.

Obviously... Eugenie was thinking too much, Emperor Zhu just wanted to use her hand to open up the market of "Fukangping".

In terms of bringing goods, no one can compare to Eugenie, even if it is medicine.There is a live advertisement of the queen, so what else is there to use?
However, what Emperor Zhu didn't know was that Eugenie's deliberate actions changed many things. In the following months, relying on hundreds of bottles of medicine, she not only successfully won over many nobles, officials and politicians, It even stabilized the political situation in France. After all, the special medicine in the hands of the queen saved many lives.

Well, medicine always takes time to spread.

But Empress Sissi of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, who was the "No. 1 test subject" of European countries, quickly wrote a letter to Eugenie, which was full of gratitude. After all, she had been suffering from tuberculosis for many years because of frequent coughing. Due to other reasons, Sissy's health has been in poor condition, so the medicine that Eugenie sent was a timely help.

Soon, news spread from the Vienna court that the queen's tuberculosis had been almost completely cured under the medicine treatment sent by the French queen Eugenie—of course, it was impossible so quickly.

But in an era when there was no chest X-ray, no laboratory tests, and no tubercle bacilli were even found, just the early effects would give people the illusion of healing from the disease.

Overnight, "Fukangping" became famous throughout Europe, and at the same time, it was also famous all over the world, and of course Daming's Imperial Pharmaceutical Industry. Although it has long been famous all over the world, it does not prevent people from praising this company with extremely admirable words .

"They opened the hand of God and brought hope to the world!"

This is the first time that such a supreme honor has been praised to a Ming company. For this, Imperial Pharmaceuticals naturally accepted it. After all, this is an era that values ​​honor more than commercial profits.

However, the price certainly cannot be lowered!

(End of this chapter)

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