Chapter 597 Walking the way of others and leaving others nowhere (Second update, please subscribe)
"The empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire cured me with the magic medicine!"

Like most people, Li Lun also has the habit of reading newspapers every morning.When he saw the news in the newspaper, he felt more proud.

The reason why I am proud is because the newspaper specifically mentioned that the magic medicine "Fukangping" was invented by His Majesty the Emperor himself.

His Majesty the Emperor himself is also a scholar, this is a well-known fact, and even the reason why the Ming Dynasty is today is fundamentally related to the profound knowledge of the Emperor himself.

As a chemist, he invented a variety of medicines that are widely used and popular in the market.

As an engineer, he improved a variety of machine tools, invented the open-hearth steelmaking method, improved iron-making blast furnaces, and metallurgical techniques.

Not only that, His Majesty is also proficient in art, from music to art, from composing music to designing clothing...

Your Majesty is simply omnipotent!
Of course Li Lun is very proud to have such a scholar as emperor.

As the youngest professor of Nanhua University, Li Lun is also the first batch of international students sent by Nanhua University. He graduated from Zurich University of Technology, became a teaching assistant of Nanhua University three years ago, and was just promoted to associate professor last year.In the past six months, he has been engaged in the research of vacuum discharge phenomenon and cathode rays.

In fact, not only he is doing research, but many European physicists are doing research in this area, but compared to their European counterparts, Nanhua University has more sufficient funds. After all, as the highest institution of higher learning in Ming Dynasty, funds can naturally be fully obtained. guarantee.

The reason why Li Lun engaged in research in this area was because at the New Year's party, when he learned that he was the youngest teaching assistant in the Department of Physics, His Majesty suggested to him that he should engage in research on vacuum discharge phenomena and cathode rays.

This research made a breakthrough a few days ago. During the experiment, Li Lun discovered an unexpected phenomenon: In order to prevent the influence of ultraviolet and visible light and prevent the visible light in the tube from leaking out of the tube, he deliberately used black cardboard to cover the discharge tube. Seal the tube tightly.

When conducting experiments with high-voltage current connected, Li Lun found that a fluorescent screen coated with barium cyanide platinate emitted a weak light green flash, which disappeared as soon as the power was cut off. This discovery surprised him at the same time. , repeating the experiment with greater concentration.

In the past few days, Li Lun tried to move the fluorescent screen farther away, but even at about 2 meters, there was still strong fluorescent light on the screen. When he walked into the next room with the painted paper and closed the door, With the curtains drawn, the fluorescent screen continued to flash while the tubes were working.At the time, Roentgen was convinced that this novel phenomenon was hitherto unobserved.

Although this phenomenon is a recent discovery, Li Lun has not described his observations to anyone, whether collaborating students or colleagues in the school. He has been working alone in order to confirm this accidental observation. fact.

But now, after reading this report, Li Lun had an idea in his mind—to write a letter to the emperor and tell him about this discovery. After all, not only because His Majesty is a scholar, but also because of this experiment he never His Majesty got a lot of inspiration there.

From the sealed black carton to the fluorescent screen of barium cyanide platinate, they all come from His Majesty's hints.

"...then I experimented again with boards, paper and books, all of which were transparent to it... I realized that this was something new and unexperienced, and I hoped that by experimenting I could achieve "perfect Immaculate results", but now it is necessary to tell you this news, Your Majesty, this experiment was not only carried out with His Majesty's financial support, but also under the guidance of His Majesty's foresight and foresight. Without your guidance and reminder, Maybe I'll never do the research that leads to this discovery..."

Li Lun's letter was quickly sent to the palace through the post office, and sent to Zhu Xianhai. After reading his letter, Emperor Zhu just put the letter aside casually, and then said to himself.

"Finally, X-rays were discovered by Roentgen's classmates!"

In fact, the reason why Emperor Zhu reminded Li Lun to conduct research in this area was not only because he was engaged in physics research, but also because he and Roentgen were classmates at the Technical University of Zurich.

Well, that's just a coincidence.

But one thing is for sure, from now on, there will be nothing about Roentgen!
X-rays were discovered, so what's next?
Of course it was time to manufacture an X-ray machine, and I wrote a reply letter.In the reply, of course, he first congratulated Li Lun on his discovery, and then humbly stated that he only made some suggestions, and the main credit was still on him.

In fact, Li Lun's letter is just one of the many letters that Emperor Zhu received. What is Emperor Zhu's favorite?
Of course, it is to remind the younger generation.

What to mention?
It may be a simple chat, or it may be a few pages of materials directly rewarded. In short, anyone who receives advice from Emperor Zhu will make a corresponding breakthrough in a certain aspect. In recent years, Ming has been improving day by day, especially It is a breakthrough in technology, and it has a lot to do with the hint from the Great Emperor.

Twelve volumes of heavenly scriptures... Emperor Zhu's heavenly scriptures are more than twelve volumes!
People only have a few volumes of heavenly books, what Emperor Zhu owns is not only a book mall, but even real objects.

"It's just a small breakthrough. I really don't know why Wei Er was so excited back then. He was invited to show, perform, and have dinner together. Hey, such a discovery, in my Daming, is not at all It's a piece of cake!"

How did Emperor Zhu know that at the beginning of next year, when Li Lun, a young professor at Nanhua University, announced his new discovery to the public, it immediately caused a huge sensation all over the world. It is said to be rare in the history of science.

Physicists in all research institutes and universities from Europe to America began to imitate Li Lun’s experimental equipment, and seized the time to repeat his experiments. Li Lun also received letters from famous scientists in Europe and the United States one after another. Those letters were full of enthusiasm. Praise him for his great contribution to science.

Nanhua University, this "unknown" university located in South America, became famous all over the world overnight and became a world-famous university. Even because of Li Lun's relationship, Nanhua University also harvested a wave of European scientific circles. Talents, scholars and scientists who once needed repeated lobbying changed their previous attitudes.They are all full of curiosity and interest in that distant academic paradise.

Of course, this is all for later...

(End of this chapter)

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