Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 598 Leading Industry in the 19th Century

Chapter 598 The Leading Industry in the 19th Century (Part [-], please subscribe)
Thanks to the efforts of many scholars, Daming's technology is changing with each passing day!

Of course, the most important thing is Emperor Zhu's "Book of Heaven" and "Sacred Artifact". The former is a theory, and the latter is a real thing.

The two complement each other, and finally achieved the manufacturing industry of Daming.

In many cases, a simple object plus some technical books can open up a complete industrial chain.

Different from ordinary players, whether it is the American company of Ming Dynasty or Emperor Zhu, they are all real big players. Even if the early technology is primitive, as a leader, as long as they are willing to invest enough capital, they can always get extremely rich s return!
Just like investing in a car.

Daming’s automobile industry started off by imitation—the first Maxima sedan in the mall, its technical level was probably the same as that of the early Model T cars.

The "Maxima", which should have been rolled off the assembly line in 1879, came to this world through the mall [-] years in advance, and became the start of the Daming automobile industry.

In the early days of imitation, its gasoline engine always leaked oil, and there were constant failures.But as long as the development direction is determined, the rest will be easy to handle. Through continuous investment, it took two years before and after, and finally manufactured a car with a technical level equivalent to that of the early 20th century.

Relying on this first-mover advantage, Daming's automobile technology level has improved rapidly. A size 0 Maxima sedan has become a 1.5-ton truck, and then an armored vehicle.

As for the 12-horsepower gasoline engine used in the Maxima sedan, it has also become the "ancestral engine" of internal combustion engines in the Ming Dynasty and even the world. It is on the basis of that engine that they developed a 150-horsepower high-power engine. Engines are even used on small boats and submarines.

Through continuous research and development, of course, Emperor Zhu read a few books from time to time, and even the real car and engine. In 1872, Daming's car technology level had become an existence far ahead of the world.

As for the Maxima Automobile Company, it is also a company that is about to rise. As the world's first car company, it is destined to continue its glory for a hundred years!

However, it's not that big.

Until now, its annual output has not exceeded [-] vehicles!

Although it has successively launched Jiefang trucks, buses and high-end BMW cars, the production organization of the factory is still the traditional factory workshop style, with an annual output of no more than a thousand vehicles.

When the car was speeding down the street, a thought flashed in Emperor Zhu's mind.

"Maybe it's time for a real car industry!"

The reason why he thought this way was not because Eugenie wrote to him again asking for a car, but because the time was almost ripe.

It has been almost ten years since the imitation of the Maxima in 1864. In the past ten years, the company has already understood the technology of the Maxima-gasoline engine, constant velocity universal joint, gear transmission, planetary clutch, spring hydraulic pressure reducer, etc. Shocks, pneumatic tires, etc.

Even the so-called luxurious BMW 101 still does not get rid of these technologies in essence.But judging from Zhu Xianhai's actual riding experience, this kind of car is quite comfortable to sit on.

Just no air conditioning, no air conditioning, no...

But in 1872, what was the need for a carriage when there was a car?
And the importance of the automobile industry chain is self-evident.In another world, even in the 21st century, it is still the most important industrial chain!For any country that is industrializing or wants to industrialize, the automobile industry is a must.

And from a military point of view, for any country that wants to build a strong national defense or has a strong war potential, the automobile industry itself is a part of the defense industry. It can not only switch to military machines such as tanks, armored vehicles and even aircraft during wartime, it Advanced production equipment and supporting factories can also produce various light and heavy weapons.

It doesn't need to look at other countries, just look at the US imperialism during World War II.The tanks and planes lined up in the factories of Ford and General Motors directly flooded the Axis powers.

Moreover, the automobile industry is a high value-added industry that can support a relatively high-income working class.Historically, the most fundamental reason why Henry Ford was able to pay high wages was because of the high profits of making cars!

Of course, the more important thing is that Ford is so rich-he used the high-profit auto industry to raise high wages, and swept away the best workers in the United States!
As for what makes autoworkers afford cars, that's bullshit.The conscience of capitalists is reliable, and sows can climb trees.

However, this has nothing to do with Emperor Zhu. For him, what is the most important thing?
It is the industrial chain driven by the automobile industry, which will promote the industrialization of Ming Dynasty. Various industries from mechanical processing to metallurgical industry to rubber industry will take off because of the rise of the automobile industry.

For a country that produces millions of cars a year, its industrial capacity must have been extremely abnormal in the 19th century.Through the development of the automobile industry, Daming's industrial production capacity will quickly surpass that of France and catch up with or even surpass that of the United Kingdom.

As for the market, Emperor Zhu is not worried, let alone foreign countries, even the hundreds of thousands of domestic farms need at least hundreds of thousands of trucks.As for foreign markets, Ming Dynasty can completely use its technological advantages to crush the local automobile manufacturing industries of various countries, just like the American automobile industry before and after World War II.

Why was the U.S. auto industry dominant for a long time after World War II?
On the one hand, it is because of advanced technology, on the other hand, it is because they are really cheap!

As for the rise of German Volkswagen and Japanese cars, what is it?
Of course it's a smaller car with a cheaper price!
Let's play Daming's car, although it is a bit expensive.But as long as the production line can be established.The price of cars will definitely continue to fall.

Cars are even cheap compared to horse-drawn carriages.Cars are faster, at least for the common man, and don't need to be fed like horses and require hiring a dedicated driver like a carriage.

Even, in history, the reason why cars were able to spread rapidly in the United States was because the cost of using cars was cheaper than horse-drawn carriages.

After confirming the route, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

"It seems that the development of the automobile industry is imminent!"

Then, as if thinking of something, Emperor Zhu took a piece of paper and drew a car casually.

"Okay, that's it!"

Looking at the familiar car model on the paper, the corners of Zhu Xianhai's lips are lightly raised. This look is too familiar. In another world, this is a classic that has been passed down for nearly a hundred years.

"Okay, that's it... the Volkswagen Beetle... and Daming in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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