Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 63 The Miracle of South China

Chapter 63 The Miracle of South China (Second update, please recommend, please collect)
What is the immediate priority?
The top priority, of course, is to develop as soon as possible!

In Zhu Xianhai's plan, the future of Nanhua must be based on industry - medicine, chemicals (explosives) and even various factories related to arms production. After all, next year's Civil War will be the outlet for the arms business. If you don't seize the opportunity, you will be really sorry to God.

These industries will be the economic pillar of Nanhua in the future, which means that when urban planning, it is necessary to plan an industrial land.

Zhu Xianhai was very satisfied with Nanhua's topography.

Although Nanhua seems to be surrounded by mountains, from the outside, the whole bay seems to be surrounded by cliffs tens of meters or even hundreds of meters above the beach, which cuts off the connection between the sea and the bay, forming a natural safe haven. Behind the bay is another look. The cliffs are actually low-altitude hills. The slopes of the mountains in the bay are not too steep. The land around the bay is flat and the water source is sufficient. This is definitely the best choice for industrial development.

Of course, if there are iron mines or coal mines not far away nearby, that would be great, but this kind of thing cannot be forced.It doesn't matter how far away it is, it's nothing more than a railway.

The Huaxia nation was the first nation to light up infrastructure skills. It is not easy to build railways in the future. Besides, although the location is remote, it is surrounded by endless plains. It is outrageously simple to build railways in such a place.

And the most important thing is that it is far from the settlement of white people.

At present, apart from Viedma and Carmen, which are [-] kilometers away, there are a few sporadic white settlements across the Negro River, and the residents in other places are basically zero.

Is there a better place than here?

No, of course the fly in the ointment is that this place is too remote, and everything needs to be transported here from the outside, from Europe. In fact, the same is true in Buenos Aires, where it is only self-sufficient in beef and grain.

In the future, our factory will be put into production...

Well, before that, the factory building can be built first.

The factory buildings must be the kind of simple wooden factory buildings. Considering the climate conditions in Nanhua, simple wooden factory buildings are enough. After all, the winter here is not cold and the summer is not hot. The factory buildings are nothing more than shelter from wind and rain.

The raw materials for building the factory are also ready-made - the forests on the hillside that have not been felled for thousands of years are the best raw materials. Of course, if they come across oak and other wood suitable for shipbuilding, they are all preserved by Zhu Xianhai. As a port city, it definitely needs to develop the shipping industry and shipbuilding industry. As a typical "industrial party", he doesn't want to let the Americans control the shipping industry in South China like the Argentines.But before that, it really can only be controlled by them.

Just after New Year's Day in 1861, the "Annise" sailed into Nanhua Harbor again. When Nanhua Harbor came into view, Luke and the crew on the ship, who had only been away from here for more than [-] days, almost dropped their jaws in shock. In front of their eyes is no longer a barren bay, but a seaside town that has just taken shape. Not to mention the two or three times the expansion of the trestle bridge, there are more than a dozen rows of houses near the originally empty pier. Warehouses, even the houses in the city are neat and tidy, obviously carefully planned.

"My God, is this true?"

Captain Luke blinked, turned his head and asked.

"Adam, are you sure, you didn't come to the wrong place?"

During his rest, the ship was always in command of First Mate Adam.

"Captain, are you suspicious of me?"

Adam said helplessly.

"Do not,"

Captain Luke shook his head and said.

"I'm doubting my eyes!"

Not to mention Luke's doubts, even those people in this construction site are full of doubts about all of this.

Whether it was Elizabeth or Blair and others who came with her, or those black slaves.Even if I witnessed it with my own eyes, I was deeply shocked.

Shocked and amazed at the diligence of the Chinese people!They are like a group of tireless worker bees, working tirelessly to build the city.

Facts have proved that the genes of the infrastructure madman have long been engraved in the blood of the Chinese nation, and all this is only less than fifty days old...

Even if it's just a wooden house, it's amazing enough, especially for lazy South Americans...

In the eyes of the South American crew members on board, this is simply a miracle that God can create.As a devout believer, when stepping on the gravel road near the port, Valdano even grabbed a handful of gravel involuntarily.

This stone is real.

"My God, this must be a miracle, a miracle of God's work!"

Looking at the wooden houses on both sides of the road in surprise and the gravel road under his feet, Valdano couldn't believe the deserted beach fifty days ago.

"Don't look at it, it must be true."

Luke pretended to be calm.

In fact, he was also extremely surprised in his heart, although he could see that the gravel for paving the road was taken from the sea, and even the sea cliffs hundreds of feet high along the coast are natural quarries, where there are almost inexhaustible stones. gravel.

But it's still amazing to be able to transform what was once a seaside desert into a seaside town in such a short amount of time.

"How is it? The current Nanhua is not bad!"

When Leonardo and the others checked the cargo list, Zhu Xianhai said quite proudly.

"When you come here next time, the changes here will be even greater."

"Sir, I have no doubt that I shall again witness the miracle,"

Captain Luke agreed.

"However, for now, I think the cooperation between us should come to an end. After all, the goods shipped this time are enough for you to use here for a year."

When speaking, Captain Luke's tone was full of pity, after all, such a generous client like him is really rare.Of course, this is still a unique business, and you don't have a unique business that anyone else is competing with.

"Do not,"

Zhu Xianhai waved his hands.

"This is just the beginning, Captain Luke, let's talk about another business."

"Another business?"

Sitting on the chair, Luke asked curiously.

In fact, after two cooperations, he is very happy to work with Zhu Xianhai, without him... to make money!


Zhu Xianhai nodded and said.

"have you been to China?"


Luke said with some doubts.

"Have you been there?"

Zhu Xianhai asked.

"of course."

Captain Luke nodded and said.

"Before I became the captain, I went to Shanghai with the "Ai Li". At that time, I was the first mate on the ship."

(End of this chapter)

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