Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 64 Talent is the foundation

Chapter 64 Talent is the foundation (first update, please collect, please recommend)
"Been to Shanghai? That's enough."

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"This business is very simple. As for me, I plan to hire a group of laborers from China. You go to Shanghai and help me bring them over. I will pay two pesos for each person. How about it?"

What is the biggest problem for Nanhua's development right now?
It is nothing more than underpopulation and underpopulation.

No one, all plans are castles in the air, even if it is to create a foundation here, so what?
In the end, it will still be cheaper for others due to lack of manpower.

Only with a sufficient population can Nanhua be able to develop.To be more precise, it is to be able to survive on this land.

In the future annals of the Three Kingdoms in the Pampas Prairie, the human factor directly determines the future destiny of the three parties.

How is manpower shortage developing?

Relying on these more than a thousand Chinese laborers?

Even if they all married wives from the Mapuche people, when will they be born?

Time waits for me, life cannot be born.

Still have to find a way from home.

Fortunately, there is a war in the country now. Fortunately, the country has a large population and poor people everywhere... but the distance is a bit far.

But no matter what, we must try our best to attract people from China.

Right now, there is a rare "imperialist" power vacuum here, and the Argentines have not noticed it yet. This is the opportunity for Zhu Xianhai's rise, and we must seize it.

Many opportunities, once missed, will not exist.

Don't miss this opportunity!
"The shipping fee of two pesos? Sir, you know, this is not from Brazil to here! The cabin must not be as crowded as last time. The shipping fee of two pesos seems to me to be less."

After gaining the experience of transporting people once, Luke naturally knew the limits of the "Anlis" very well. After a long-term voyage of more than one month, it must not be as crowded as last time.

"And as far as I know, it costs five pesos to transport a Chinese laborer from Hong Kong to San Francisco! The boat ticket is at least [-] yuan!"

Obviously, Luke has long been familiar with the contract labor freight, after all, he has worked on that route.

"That's different, I'm hiring you! And listen to me, if you want to transport people, this ship must be modified."

As Zhu Xianhai spoke, he spread out a drawing.

"You see, my preliminary plan is to install such a multi-layer bed in the cabin, each bed is 2 feet wide (about 50 cm), 7.8 feet long, and 2.5 feet high, two beds in a row, each row Leave 2 feet of aisle between beds..."

To put it bluntly, it is an advanced version of the bunk bed "multi-layer board". It is very simple to make this kind of bed - wood, there are plenty of wood on the hillsides around Nanhua.And the craftsmen here are used to making this kind of bed. They sleep in bunk beds, only wider.

"This, this, the bed is actually made like this?"

Luke was dumbfounded again, he had never seen a bunk bed.

Although the bunk bed looks simple, it was definitely a "black technology" in the [-]th century. Although there was never a specific person who first invented the bunk bed, it is certain that it was not until the late [-]th century that it was used in the army. Use bunk beds and spread them out slowly.

Sailors in this era sleep in... hammocks, which seem to save space, but are actually a waste of space.Multi-layer beds are the real rational use of space.

Of course, the standard of beds that Zhu Xianhai made for the immigrant ship was almost the same as that of the troop carrier of World War II, and it was even a bit more crowded. Except for the aisle, there was no room for movement.But there is no way, the immigrant ship is not a cruise ship, enjoy the sea travel?Is it possible this year?

"Tell me, if all the cabins of the "Anlis" are equipped with such multi-layer beds, how many people can be transported on this trip? How about more than a thousand people?"

"No, definitely more than that. The length of the "Alice" is 276 feet, the molded width is 50.5 feet, and the molded depth is 26 feet. If such beds are installed in the double-deck cargo hold, each cargo hold can at least..."

After a little calculation in his mind, Luke barely screamed.

Get rich!
No doubt, one voyage is enough to make Luke rich!
"Mr. Steven, one more question,"

Take a deep breath, Luke said.

"When are we leaving!"

When faced with money, most people will make a choice immediately, which is almost instinctive.

"This is the correct way to use money!"

Once again, after successfully persuading others, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help sighing.

The cruel and merciless reality told him a truth.If you want to become stronger, you can only rely on your ability...


Fang Zhanbo is very proud!

This kind of pride comes from being valued!

Now he is Boss Zhu's confidant, no, he is an aide.

Although Boss Zhu claims to be the boss, in his opinion, he is the lord of Nanhua, and this place of foreigners is a land without an owner.

Isn't the lord of a place the prince of a place?
Although there are fewer people and the location is a little bit off, it is also the master of the place.

And himself!
As the lord's staff, he can naturally show what he has learned, and as a scholar, he can indeed show what he has learned.

What records, land acres, in the past few days, he has been imitating the rules of the Qing Dynasty, and produced Nanhua's field acres.Of course, the only thing that made him uncomfortable was William Hansen—that guy was brought by the Countess from Buenos Aires, and he said he was an engineer, but he just meddled in his affairs, saying what he The recorded land mu book is basically waste paper and needs to be re-measured.

Measurement?Measure what?The Qing Dynasty has been doing this for hundreds of years.

But when that guy drew the map of Nanhua with dioramas, rulers, etc., Fang Zhanbo was dumbfounded, and the drawing must have been too accurate.

Well, this barbarian school is also, we are not good at.

What we are good at is giving advice to the lord.

This study is a small skill.

"People are the foundation of a country. South China is fertile and wild, but the population is sparse. Recruiting people from the country is indeed a good way to enrich the population,"

As soon as he heard that the lord was going to bring people over, Fang Zhanbo immediately agreed.

"My lord's proposal is very good, as it should be."

Although he hasn't studied for a few years, Wang Dewen, as the earliest team member of Boss Zhu, naturally won his trust, he said immediately.

"The method is good, but it must cost a lot of money?"

Money is the hard cash!
"Yes, it costs money to recruit people from the mainland, and it also costs money to send them over by boat. This must be a lot of money, my lord."

Li Fugui couldn't come up with any ideas, but he still expressed his support at the moment.

"As long as you need us, you can order at any time."

"Where's Shuda?"

Zhu Xianhai glanced at Qian Deshan. Like Fang Zhanbo, this guy was the only scholar among the Chinese workers, and he even passed the Juren examination.However, unlike Fang Zhanbo who called himself "Master", this guy seemed to be somewhat "reserved".

"Well, spending money is definitely going to cost money, but it depends on how this matter is done."

Facing the gaze of the proprietor, Qian Deshan pondered.

"If you change the method, not only will it not cost much, but it may also get twice the result with half the effort."

(End of this chapter)

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