Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 65 The Promised Land of Huaxia

Chapter 65 Huaxia's Promised Land
Not only can you spend a lot of money?Can you still get things done?
Will the world be so good?

In doubt, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"Oh? Is there such a good thing? Shuda, let's hear it."

"Actually, this method is simple. How did we get here?"

Qian Deshan looked at Fang Zhanbo and they asked.

"Isn't it that the Qing soldiers took us and foreigners..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zhanbo said.

"Brother Shuda means, we also use foreign guns to replace people? From the officers and soldiers?"

Replace people with guns!

"Not only from the official army, but also from the Taiping army."

Qian Deshan looked at them and said.

"The proprietor has not been through military chaos, so I'm afraid I don't know about it. When marching and fighting in the country, no matter whether it is an official or a thief, the people are just things to be killed and taken at will. The so-called officers and soldiers are actually looting, and even more than bandits. Back then After entering the camp under the threat of the Taiping Army, when we marched, we looted all the towns along the way... The people flocked to save their lives, but when the Qing soldiers came, if the people didn't shave their heads, they were suspected of being "bandits" and killed! Taiping When the army came back, the people were killed for shaving their heads again. As the saying goes, "Where the thieves go, kill the shaved people", "Where the officials go, kill the people with animal hair", "

A few simple words made Zhu Xianhai feel a little unbelievable.

And when the war is in chaos, the common people are like mermaids.

Isn't it just fish?

A vigorous Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, how much did the population decrease?

It varies from tens of millions to [-] million, but what is certain is that both the Taiping Army and the Qing Army have too many people's blood on their hands.

Both of them sing at your house, and my family will appear on the stage. Some people will become successful and become famous, and some will enjoy the glory and wealth in a transformed form.That is to say, only the common people have suffered countless disasters.

And Qian Deshan's words also brought back painful memories for other people. They were not willing to join the army, and there were some painful memories in their hearts that they didn't want to touch.

"Whether it's officials or thieves, common people are just fish and meat, which can be killed and eaten. If that's the case, why don't we use foreign guns and exchange them for fish that are worthless in their eyes?"

When he said these words, the seemingly calm Qian Deshan had a flash of pain in his eyes.

"When they kill people, they always have to scrap their swords, but what if those people are useful? For example, ten people for one foreign gun?"

Turning his gaze to Zhu Xianhai, he continued.

"In this way, the proprietor got people, and the officers and Taiping soldiers also got foreign guns. The many people, they can survive more, and reduce the loss of life, which is a good deed!"

When his words fell, the atmosphere in the room was a bit oppressive. Even if he had not experienced the horrific tragedies they experienced, Zhu Xianhai could still feel the pain of being separated from his wife from their words.

"I'd rather be a peace dog than a chaotic person..."

With a long sigh, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Just as you said..."

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai added.

"Well, although I don't know much about the situation in China, I guess they should have already reached Zhejiang. In this way, you can bring more guns, gunpowder, bullets and so on. It doesn't matter if people can't transport them all at once, wait. When you arrive at the place, you can hire another boat, if there are not enough boats, you can send people to the islands off the coast of Hangzhou Bay, and settle there for the time being, in short, try to replace as many people as possible.”

Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If you can use a gun to replace people, Zhu Xianhai is of course willing to use them instead.

After all, people are really needed here!

This is the real fertile wild thousands of miles, with fewer people and more land!
Since they think that the people are fish and meat, if they don't want it, I will!
If millions of people immigrated here like the Europeans, it would be more than just immigration, and it could even be like the name of this city.

Nam Hwa!

Huaxia in the south!
No, it's Huaxia in South America!

Suddenly, Zhu Xianhai felt that earning a lot of money, living in a big man, and being a young model seemed less desirable.


A few days later, looking at the "Anlis" going away, Zhu Xianhai looked a little serious.

Can it be serious? For others, it is a ship that leaves, but for him, that ship carries hope.He left here with the hope that he would come back in a few months.

By that time, this place will become a new land of hope!The new promised land of the Chinese nation!

"You often say that good people have good rewards. Is it because you always want to save people, so there will always be unexpected gains?"

Elizabeth, smiling all over her face, looked at the man beside her.This man always brings too many surprises, time and time again.

Regarding Elizabeth's good card, Zhu Xianhai felt at ease.

We are indeed doing good things all the time!

Saving others and saving oneself is definitely the four good youths cultivated in the new century!

Complacent, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Actually, I'm pondering a philosophical question."

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Elizabeth asked curiously.

"Power and money, what is more important?"

Faced with such philosophical questions, Elizabeth said.

"When power is still there, he must be more attractive than money, but power will always slip out of the palm."

She answered almost without thinking, because she had power, or her husband had power, and he lost power in the end.

"But money is forever."

For such an answer, Zhu Xianhai just nodded slightly. He knew that it was Elizabeth's answer based on his own experience, but in the many times he experienced in his life, he told him clearly.

Helpless in the face of power.

In the face of power, he is nothing more than a piece of fat that others can take!

Like that military secretary!

Future President of Argentina.

Smiling, Zhu Xianhai glanced into the distance, he knew exactly what was more important.Money is nothing more than a mansion in his life, which can be burned by rebels or destroyed by cannons, but some things are the temple of Zeus, which can stand for hundreds of years!

Elizabeth, who saw some clues, didn't ask him for an answer, but smiled slightly.

"Everyone has everyone's answer. In fact, whether it is money or power, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to take every step well. My dear, people will always make mistakes, successful people and failures. The biggest difference between successful people is that successful people make fewer mistakes!"

Zhu Xianhai suddenly burst out laughing at what Elizabeth said.

Because she wasn't talking about us!

We can continue to simulate!
Even if it is upgraded to the "krypton gold" version, it doesn't matter.

Make a mistake...that's impossible.

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(End of this chapter)

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