Chapter 630 Daming's Unfilial Son
No one can "fabricate" a country out of thin air!
Chen Sheng certainly didn't think about it that way, and in this era, no one would have such an idea.At most, during the tribute trade, a country will emerge from nowhere.

But for the North Korean missions on board, they really felt that everything was a bit unbelievable.

After all, in their cognition, Daming had already perished.But now it is unexpectedly resurrected again, how can it not be surprising?
Just as Liu Zhongjiao and his group were heading for Shuri under the guidance of Chen Sheng and Jin Zainan, the boat on which the special envoy sent by King Li Xi was heading all the way to the mouth of the Yangtze River, towards the "Yingtian" direction.

Yingtian is by the Yangtze River, there is no problem with that, at least according to the tradition, there is absolutely no problem with their trip to heaven.But in the end, they will definitely regret it.

A few days later, the boat that Liu Zhongjiao and his group took finally arrived in Shuri. In Shuri, when they saw Daming's "iron armored" steamboat like a hill, they were all stunned and speechless for a long time. just said.

"As expected of the Kingdom of Heaven, such a giant steel ship, even if it is Yang Yi, is not as good as eleven..."

The reason why they were surprised was quite normal. The "New Tangshan" they saw was one of the 18-ton immigrant ships built by Daming. It was a large immigrant ship with a displacement of more than 12000 tons. In East Asia, there are definitely giants, and even in the whole world, giant ships are quite rare.

For those North Koreans who have only seen one or two hundred tons of wooden sailboats, of course they will be intimidated by its huge hull.

The Governor's Office was of course also surprised by the arrival of the North Korean mission, but the two sides did not communicate much.After learning that they were worshiping the Son of Heaven, they immediately started making arrangements.

In fact, there is no need to arrange at all.In the port there is an immigrant ship that is about to sail to Daming.When he knew that there were still vacancies on the ship, Governor Ding waved his big hand and let the missions board the ship.

Not to mention the communication, they didn't even say a few words.Whether there is any misunderstanding in it, I am afraid only God knows.

Soon, under the arrangement of the Governor's Mansion, Liu Zhongjiao and his group boarded the iron boat that looked like a hill, and then sailed towards Daming. Even until this time, they thought that the boat was going to China, to the Yangtze River drive away.

Standing on the deck, when they looked at the fluttering sun and moon flags, they just took it for granted, after all, the sun and the moon are big.Of course, it is natural to use the sun and moon flag.

But after sailing like this for a few days, they finally realized that something was wrong.

What's wrong?
The direction is wrong.

After Liu Zhongjiao and others figured everything out, the ship had already arrived in the Pacific Ocean, facing the news that Daming was far away on the other side of the ocean.

Liu Zhongjiao and the others all cried out in shock.

"Da Ming, how can you be in a foreign country?"

"There is no big river, no big river, how can this great Ming be called Huaxia!"

Liu Zhongjiao even yelled so excitedly, Daming in his mind was very simple.It is the Ming Dynasty in China—that Huaxia is the Huaxia with great rivers.

But even so, it couldn't stop the ship's voyage to Daming.

Compared to the excited Liu Zhongjiao, Jin Yujun, last year's new champion and an important member of the so-called "Enlightened Party" in history, seemed quite calm.

"In that case, let me wait and see what this foreign Ming Dynasty looks like."

In fact, it wasn't because he was calm.But because what else can a person do on a thief ship?
Is it possible to jump directly into the sea from here.Swim back to North Korea?

Don't even think about it.We are all scholars, why bother to find it boring.

As long as it comes, let it be safe.

After the initial excitement, Liu Zhongjiao also calmed down.He had to be calm, after all, he was on the boat now.

Along the way, when the ship berthed in Xinxiamen, he saw the black-skinned natives on the island, and Liu Zhongjiao said "Kunlun slaves". There is not much difference between Kunlun slaves,

Of course, it was also in New Xiamen that they felt the richness of this great Ming for the first time, but due to time constraints, the boat set off again before they had time to get to know this place.

Afterwards, the boat continued to sail eastward. While they were amazed by the vast sea, they also slowly felt the vastness of the world. Of course, they also saw the vastness of Daming's land.

From Xinxiamen to Linhai, they passed many small islands along the way, and those small islands belonged to Daming without exception.

Daming is really big... at least the sea is big.

That is, when Liu Zhong taught them to drive towards Daming, Yingtian Mansion by the Xin'an River had already received information about the North Korean mission.

Although there is no telegram from Ryukyu to Daming.However, it can be sent from Asia to Europe via cable telegraph, and then from the United Kingdom to Daming around the world via the Atlantic telegraph.Although the telegraph fee is expensive, such communication efficiency is definitely the highest at present.

Emperor Zhu didn't care about the visit of this filial son of Ming Dynasty.

Why don't you care, because the North Koreans are too tough.

North Korea, known as the "hermit country", has always insisted on the principle of refusing to found a country, and even the current ruler has put up a bunch of "monuments of denunciation" across the country-"Foreign barbarians invade, if there is no war, peace, the main peace traitorous country".

This is North Korea's attitude in the face of Western invasion. Of course, their attitude is worthy of respect, but in this millennium unprecedented world, what's the point of being blindly xenophobic?
Compared to forcing North Korea to open the country, Zhu Xianhai hoped that this "dutiful son of Daming" would take the initiative to open the country, and then - find out that Daming's father is still alive, and then continue to happily immerse himself in the honor of being Daming's dog again.

Da Ming's father knocked at the door, um, it would be useful, and it would also wake up the "unfilial son", but what?It would be good if an "unfilial son" came to him on his own initiative.

But who would have thought that this "unfilial son" really found him.

"Unfilial son"!
It doesn't matter whether he is filial or not, anyway, if the father says he is not filial, then he is not filial.

"Hey, I even brought a congratulatory gift!"

The so-called congratulatory gift is 300 Korean women, it seems that Ming and North Korea have resumed the relationship between the Hongwu Dynasty once again-those who pay tribute to the fire every year, that is, eunuchs, and palace ladies.

However, what Daming needs is not a court lady, but... the daughter-in-law of the common people!
"Your Majesty, North Korea has been a vassal of our Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years. If it can return to our Ming Dynasty, it will be of great significance to our Ming Dynasty. Would you like to send officials to welcome it?"

Wang Youling may be an official of the Qing Dynasty, but these years, people's hearts are in Daming, not only his wife and children have moved here, but even his clan members have also moved to Daming, in fact, Zuo Zongtang did the same.

Not because of how loyal they are.It's because...the nine clans who are afraid of the Qing dynasty punishing them!When suppressing Changmao, entire villages and towns were massacred at every turn, and the Jiuzu Clan couldn't have been more relaxed, so they immigrated their families and clansmen to Daming long ago.

Since they are from Daming, they must of course learn about the past of Daming. Of course they are deeply impressed by North Korea, the "filial son" of Daming. They don't hide their nostalgia for the Ming Dynasty.He even directly mentioned it in front of Emperor Qianlong, asking to pay homage to the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum. His words were full of respect for Ming Dynasty. Even if it was as disgusting as eating a fly, Qianlong could only agree with a forced face and a smile. down.

Daming will of course treat the arrival of this dutiful son of Daming differently.

Chinese people always have a better reputation. Although the Ming Empire is very famous all over the world, a traditional Chinese literati like Wang Youling still feels a little bit unwilling in his heart!
The current Daming re-founded in a foreign country, although they must call it "Da Ming", but they still feel a little guilty.

Why is this fuzzy?
Of course, it is because the land of Ming Dynasty is not the old land of China, even if they say "everything under the sun and moon is Ming land", but Chinese people always have a complex of the old land of China, and this kind of complex makes them a little bit unable to let go. Daming still has a bit of a bad name.

It was also because of this that when they learned that North Korea had sent people, they hoped to use North Korea's surrender to prove one thing - Daming is Daming, no matter where the country is re-established, he is Daming!
You see, even the filial son of Daming agrees with this!
Using the surrender of the Koreans to satisfy their inner feelings, what Wang Youling didn't know was that Emperor Zhu didn't care about this at all, he waved his hands directly.

"Although North Korea is a dutiful son of my Ming Dynasty, it has been Qing Dynasty for more than 200 years, so there is no need to treat it specially. If we take it seriously, they have been Qing Dynasty for more than [-] years, which is not filial. As long as they visit Daming normally..."

After making a final decision, Emperor Zhu changed the subject directly.Said.

"Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter again. By the way, how is the formulation of the "Second Five-Year Plan" going?"

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(End of this chapter)

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