Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 631 Daming's "25 Plan"

Chapter 631 Daming's "Second Five-Year Plan" (Second update, please subscribe)
1873 was the final year of the "First Five-Year Plan" of the Ming Dynasty.In fact, as of June, various industrial economic indicators had already reached their predetermined targets.

In June 1873, Daming’s steel output in the first half of the year exceeded 6 million tons, and it will exceed 115 million tons by the end of the year. Don’t underestimate this figure, because 240/2 of it is steel and steel production.If you just look at steel and steel production, then Daming is already well-deserved number one in the world.The output of coal in the first half of the year exceeded 3 million tons. Although a large amount of coal still needs to be imported every year, the energy crisis has been alleviated to some extent at least.

Faced with the perfect ending of the "First Five-Year Plan", the "Second Five-Year Plan" was naturally put on the agenda. Unlike the previous "First Five-Year Plan" which was mainly formulated by the company, the "Second Five-Year Plan" was formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce , the Ministry of Finance and other departments jointly formulated with the company.

Compared with the "First Five-Year Plan", it has a larger scale and more investment.

"...The planned investment has reached 23 billion yuan, which is an increase of 7 billion compared with the 16 million yuan in the "First Five-Year Plan"! This is definitely the largest investment in history!"

Fang Zhanbo, minister of industry and commerce, said rather proudly, how could he not be proud?As far as the world is concerned, there has never been a country that has invested so much money in industrial construction at one time.

The effect of such a huge capital investment is also extremely astonishing. Once the plan is completed, Daming's industrial output value will more than double.So as to truly squeeze into the ranks of industrial powers.

"Of course, in the plan, 70% of the projects are directly invested by American companies, and the government will retain the corresponding investment in these projects."

American Corporation... that is a monster created by Emperor Zhu, a huge enterprise with millions of employees involved in various industries.

"Well, this is the role of the company I set up. The current company is already a very large consortium, but its role is not just to make profits."

Zhu Xianhai nodded, and then said.

"The consortium is first and foremost a consortium. It really needs to make a profit, but this is not the only goal. Whether it is now or in the future, the consortium will become the leader of Ming's industrialization. This is its social responsibility."

What will become of the American company of the future?
Zhu Xianhai is not clear, but one thing is certain, the company in the future may change its name, and may become a larger consortium.

Maybe it will be like Samsung, not maybe, but actually it is.

The company not only owns more than 90% of the heavy industrial enterprises and more than 60% of the large-scale enterprises in Daming, but also owns 75% of the land in the South China Prairie, also known as the "Pampas Grassland".Moreover, the schools controlled by the company include 4 universities and as many as 75 colleges.To a certain extent, the company is the country, and the country is the company.

Most of the Ming people work in the company’s factories or farms, their children are born in the company’s hospital, study in the company’s school, wear the company’s clothing, use the company’s products, and live in the company’s house. In the end, he will die in the company's hospital.Even if they pay, they may use banknotes issued by the company's bank-the Bank of America and HSBC, which are wholly owned by the company, also have the right to issue banknotes.

The company that started it all... has long since become an extremely large company in various industries.

Maybe, it's time for a name change.

America... that skin is no longer needed!

In fact, Zhu Xianhai has always had an idea, which is to reform the company and establish a "royal consortium" to replace the American company and conduct unified management of the company.Emperor Zhu didn't care about the profit of the consortium. Although the company's profit is very high now, what is the most important responsibility of the company?
Of course, it is to guide and promote the industrialization of Ming Dynasty.

And on this point, the company is undoubtedly competent. The company has indeed contributed a lot to Daming's industrial technological progress!
Even so, Emperor Zhu had no idea how to achieve that ambitious goal.I am afraid that there is no example in the world where a consortium leads a country to achieve industrialization.

But now, the company is indeed playing a positive role, but there are still some shortcomings.

"Daming is a big country. Although we only have a population of more than [-] million now, our land covers millions of square kilometers, from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, from North America to South America. With such a vast land, it is impossible to rely on one family for its industrialization. The efforts of the consortium can be successful, so more people and capital are needed to participate together.”

As soon as Emperor Zhu's words fell, Wang Youling, Shangshu of the Ministry of Finance, did his part and expressed his views first.

"Your Majesty even said that although the company possesses the most advanced technology and the largest number of factories and mines, we can also pool the strengths of others. There is a lot of idle capital among the people, which can also be utilized!"

In fact, for a long time, the high-level officials of the Ming court have been quite vigilant about the fact that the company is a single company. After all, the company is too large. From the perspective of the country, it is definitely not a good thing.

So what if the company is an imperial property?
Who is the crown prince of Ming Dynasty?

Who is the current host of the company?
Everyone is like a mirror.

The crown prince will inherit the throne of Ming Dynasty, but what about the company?Lady Elizabeth's son must have inherited it.

One of the two brothers holds the country and the other holds the money.

What if there is a disagreement between their brothers in the future?
So no matter from any point of view, the company cannot be dominated by one company!

If all this cannot be changed from now on, then the company will only get stronger and stronger in the future.

"That's true. There are a lot of idle private capital! If those funds can be mobilized, it will definitely help the development of Ming Dynasty."

After scanning everyone, Zhu Xianhai asked in a deep voice,
"Anyone have any ideas?"

"Your Majesty, I think that the government can increase investment. As for the funds, it can be raised by issuing national bonds. Although the debt owed by the Ming court is 2 million yuan, the fiscal revenue of the court exceeds 5 million yuan. Our finances are good, and in the future we should consider issuing bonds publicly to raise funds from the private sector. I think that the government can directly invest 15 billion yuan in key construction projects by issuing national debts to the private sector.”

"Are the conditions ripe?"

Taking a look at Wang Youling, Emperor Zhu certainly knew what he meant by "increasing state-owned investment", which means weakening the role of companies and increasing state-owned capital.Of course he would not object to this, his rhetorical question.Rather than talking about capital, it is better to say that it is about the management of state-owned enterprises.

After all, borrowing 15 billion is not a problem for the Ming Dynasty at all, and this national debt can even be absorbed internally.How much is Daming's bank deposit now - more than 70 billion yuan!

Those private funds need safe and reliable investment channels.If the imperial government wants to issue public bonds, hundreds of millions or billions of people can easily eat them.

Because Daming has a good reputation!
The people are willing to borrow money. After all, in the past few years, the Ming Dynasty has issued bonds for major projects such as railways to cultivate the domestic bond market little by little. up.

What is Emperor Zhu concerned about?
Of course it is the management of the enterprise!He didn't want his state-owned factories to become "government-run enterprises" in the Westernization Movement.

After all, enterprises need to develop. If the national team does not have policy support, it is questionable whether the national team can be a private enterprise.

"Your Majesty, even a company is managed by hundreds of professional managers. All we need is to follow the company's model and start a government-run enterprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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