Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 653 Daming is the future

Chapter 653 Daming is the future (first update, please subscribe)
In the past fourteen years, the emperor of Ming Dynasty introduced a large number of immigrants from China in order to strengthen himself. Fourteen years ago, there were only a thousand Chinese in Nanhua, but now there are more than ten million Chinese, and Millions of people are born every year, and millions of new immigrants flood into the New World.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty established many factories to solve people's employment. Under his orders, millions of Chinese became farm workers. They cultivated land and herded cattle and sheep.There are believed to be more than 500 million workers in the country, both factory workers and farm workers.

Workers are the main body of this country, and such a huge proportion is unheard of in any other country.

This is also the group of people I want to get to know on this trip.Last year, when London newspapers reported their promulgation of the "Sickness Insurance Act", "Workers' Compensation Act" and "Disability and Pension Insurance Act", it caused an unprecedented sensation in Europe. You and I and we in France, North Friends in many places, including Germany, have discussed these bills very seriously.

We once thought that these bills were nothing more than a game made by the rulers of Ming Dynasty to buy people's hearts. I also thought that I would see the harsh exploitation of capitalists and the tragic scenes in the slums in Daming.

But when I came here, I found that everything was completely different from what we imagined...

In Daming, most of the factories belong to the "Nanhua Consortium", which was formerly known as the "America Company", and it is believed that most of the people in Daming work for it.And its founder was the emperor of the Ming Empire.The role played by this company in the founding of Daming no longer needs to be repeated.

May 5, this day is Sunday, and it is also a rest day - on this point, Daming's enterprises strictly abide by the relevant laws, and it is a rest day that does not require work.A handful of factories still need work though.

For example, in the Imperial Iron and Steel Company, the founders of this company are believed to be a group of imperial aristocrats. They founded this enterprise in 1870. His monthly production is 6 tons, with a total of 4000 workers.During the chat with the workers, I learned that they are very happy to work on the rest day, because a shift can get 1.5 times the usual salary, and if it is Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and other festivals, it will be double the salary. Each shift is 12 hours. Although it is far more than the "8-hour work system" you proposed, I have to admit that this is already the shortest working hours in the world.

In the Imperial Steel Company, the capitalists provided cheap breakfast and lunch for the workers. The workers only need to pay one yuan a month to enjoy a relatively hearty meal, including Chinese-style bread, beef and vegetables. Life far exceeds the standard of food for ordinary British workers.

In Daming, there is a special living area called "community". It is said that this kind of "community" first appeared in Nanhua, and it was designed by the emperor of Ming Dynasty to solve the problem of people's accommodation. Park, the apartment building is located between the park.

After visiting the steel company, I came to a nearby community. In the community, I saw with my own eyes that the living environment of the workers here was not only far superior to that of workers in other European countries, even many middle-class people could not compare with them. Or the four-and-a-half-story apartments are divided into four-room or six-room suites. In the suite, there are at least a living room, a dining room, more than two bathrooms and a laundry room. There are not only ceramic flush toilets in the bathroom, but also showers. - Hot water is provided by the solar tanks on the roof, which is why they maintain good hygiene.

In their kitchens, I saw stoves that use gas, which is an extremely advanced stove, and the gas used by residents comes from the by-products of coking in coke factories.

Perhaps because they invented the electric light, they used it in every room of their house, which is extremely rare in England.When most Europeans were still in the Middle Ages, they had entered modern civilization.

In their rooms, I saw that the workers’ homes were fully furnished, with landscape paintings on the walls and exquisite porcelain in the cabinets.During the conversation, I learned that this ordinary worker, who has a salary of 24-26 yuan per month, has benefited from the bill introduced last year, and he has enjoyed a series of royal benefits—according to the official statement, as a contribution to society As a supplement to insurance, the Crown takes 10% of its proceeds to subsidize social security benefits.Not only can he enjoy work-related injury, pension and other insurance, but he and his family can also enjoy medical insurance. He only needs to pay a small amount of insurance money to get medical treatment, and his children can also receive free compulsory education. We imagined it to be more superior.

Yes, unlike what we imagined, although this is a country monopolized by the big capitalist-the emperor himself, the life of the workers here is extremely superior.

In comparison, workers in the UK generally need 14-16 hours of work-related injuries every day, especially after the invention of the electric light, their working hours have been extended. It is certain that the electric light may be the progress of human science, but it is not seen for ordinary workers. Gotta be a good thing.

But here, the Ming Empire passed legislation to ensure that their workers could only work for a maximum of twelve hours a day, which was undoubtedly a big improvement.

...Maybe one day in the future, maybe this is also a social model, and I look forward to gaining more here.

Your most sincere friend Friedrich


Finally, after writing this letter, Friedrich stood by the window sill and stared at Yingtian outside the window. In fact, during Yingtian’s visit and investigation, he found that there were some Invisible discrimination, what is discrimination?

It is that the Chinese occupy the vast majority of high-quality jobs, while those Argentines who are conquered, it is difficult for them to get a decent job, unless they can speak Chinese fluently and write Chinese characters, otherwise they can only Do the easiest, lowest paid jobs.

Of course this is not publicly stated, but in this country.All the best jobs are owned by Huaxia people, and of course they will tend to their own people.

Just like the British will hire the British first, and the Germans will hire the Germans first. This is the simplest national sentiment, and you cannot say that it is a kind of discrimination.

Because that's true of all people.

"Perhaps this is a common problem of conquerors!"

Not just the conquerors, in fact, Friedrich knew very well that in many European countries, discrimination against people of color and against Jews is ubiquitous, even worse than here.

There is no perfect place in this world, perfection only exists in dreams.

"At least here, if they learn Mandarin and can write Chinese characters, they can still get a decent job."

A thought suddenly popped up in Friedrich's mind, fairness is never absolute, it's just relative fairness.

After figuring this out, he said to himself again.

"At least it's fairer here than in Europe..."

This is what Friedrich thinks is the most pathetic. Even though there are various problems here, it is still fair compared to Europe.

Here, although the factories here still endure heavy labor, they are well paid and they can live a better life because of it.Even those capitalists pay them overtime.All this is absolutely impossible in Europe.

Like workers paid overtime?
It is already a very good treatment to be able to give workers a high enough monthly salary.

More importantly, the life that ordinary workers live here is the life that many people dream of. In a way, this is the future.


Such a thought suddenly popped up in Friedrich's mind, and deep in his heart he even felt that it would be very good if the workers could live such a life like they did in Daming.

Even if they need to work 12 hours, at least their income can maintain the life of the whole family, and their living environment is admirable, even enviable.

Friedrich even believed that if European workers could live the same life as Ming workers, then everything would be perfect.

Even the goal for which they worked so hard is achieved.

When this idea popped up in his heart, Friedrich's expression became a little complicated.

"Is this really the future?"

Gazing at the city outside the window, Friedrich once again said to himself.

There seemed to be an answer in his heart, but there seemed to be no answer.In other words, he is not quite sure whether this answer is in line with the answer he is after.

"To a certain extent he is."

After thinking about it, Friedrich once sat at the table and continued to add a few words to the letter.

"At least to a certain extent, everything presented here is exactly what we are after, but it is far from our requirements, so I sincerely invite you to come here, and we will carefully observe together. This Unfamiliar country, maybe we can find a new answer here, who knows? In short, this country has brought too much impact to me, and I believe that one day, it will also bring impact to the whole world."

As a businessman, Friedrich believed that if the workers in Europe fully understood that they could live such a prosperous life here in the Ming Empire, they would definitely abandon everything and come to this new, strange empire. .

Start their new life here. Of course, not every European has the opportunity to enter Daming, unless he is a Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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