Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 654 New arrival

Chapter 654 First Arrival (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Is this Daming?
Zhao Siming stood at the bow of the boat, watching the harbor getting closer and closer, he couldn't help feeling a little dazed for a while.

As a Han Chinese, Zhao Siming has special feelings for Daming.It can be said that Daming is an inseparable complex in his heart.

In fact, this is generally the case for the vast majority of Han people. When Mr. Sun and others succeeded in the revolution, he deliberately went to Xiaoling to comfort Hongwu. In the end, he chose Zhongshan as his tomb. It can be said, but All Han people who are unwilling to be enslaved by foreign races have the simplest feelings for Ming Dynasty.

However, most of the time, this emotion is buried in my heart.

As a native of Sichuan, Zhao Siming was so excited when he learned that the Ming Dynasty was returning to the country overseas, he immediately called friends and invited them to go to "the country of the Han people themselves", but most of the friends were Do not believe.Some people even say that it may be like the Kingdom of Heaven, which is just a name, and the soup is not the medicine.

In the end, he was the only one who got here.

"Da Ming, I'm here."

he said in a low voice.

Zhao Siming set off from his hometown a month ago. He first took a boat to Chongqing, then took a boat all the way to Hankou, and took a train from Hankou to Haizhou in just a few days, and then sailed on the sea After more than [-] days, I finally arrived in Linhai when midsummer arrived.

Needless to say, the bumps and hardships along the way, there were several thrilling adventures, especially on the road in Sichuan, where he was targeted by robbers and bandits many times. Once, Zhao Siming would have suspected Guang Whether I can reach Chongqing safely by myself, but after Chongqing, the road will be smooth.

Especially the train, it has not even taken two days to travel thousands of miles. No wonder everyone who has been on the train never forgets the convenience of the train.

It would be great if one day the railway can be built into Sichuan!

The bookboy Zhao Shuwang was standing behind him. He knew the value of the young master—the three generations of the Zhao family are single, although the young master is already three years old, but if something happens, what will the master and the young master do?

Hey, this young master can really gossip, saying that he wants to go to Beijing to rush for the exam, and the master just let the young master deceive him.

Along the way, it was Zhao Shuwang who was worried all day long. Although he was a book boy, he was already twenty years old, and he took care of the young master's daily life along the way, lest something might go wrong.

Seeing that he had finally arrived at this Ming Dynasty safely, Zhao Shuwang breathed a sigh of relief.Finally, there is no need to run on the sea, God knows, along the way, even the bandits didn't make a boat to scare people, especially when the big waves hit, he thought the boat was going to capsize, if it capsized in the sea, it would be terrible It's all over!
Fortunately, the boat was fine, and the people were fine.

"Master, this journey has finally come here safely."

Zhao Shuwang said in a low voice,
"Do you think you are going to the city today, should you find a house first, or stay in an inn first?"

Zhao Siming can't wait to buy a mansion immediately, and then hire a few maids to take a good bath, but such things as buying a house, purchasing household items and hiring maids are not important. Just settle down at the inn.

Zhao Shuwang has been with the young master since he was a child. Seeing his hesitation, he knew what was on his mind.sidewalk:
"Young master, didn't you say that this Linhai just entered Daming? The young master came here just to see Daming. We can look at it while thinking about buying a house. We can't guarantee it. When the young master arrives at Yingtian Mansion, he wants to live in Yingtian Mansion again." What about Anjia?"

"Well, that's fine too."

Zhao Siming nodded:

"Okay, let's do as you said. Find a big inn first."

When the voice fell, Zhao Siming turned to Zhao Shuwang and said.

"Shuwang, remember, now my name is Zhao Siming, young master, do you know?"

"Hey, master, the villain knows,"

Zhao Shuwang sighed in his heart,
The young master is really hysterical in reading and reading, so he doesn't even want the name given by the master, he must be called Zhao Siming.

Siming, is Ming Dynasty so good?

"Da Ming, what a wonderful place!"

Just at this moment, the voice beside him made Zhao Shuwang quickly turn sideways and speak.

"Brother Fang Chuan,"

Nodding slightly, the grandson laughed more.

"Brother Huaixian, you are being polite. After you go ashore later, I will do something for you. You and I will have a good drink. This is your first time in Daming, so you must experience the life of Daming."

"This will disturb Brother Fang Chuan."

"Brother, please be polite."

The grandson said with a smile.

The two of them are in the same cabin, and they have become friends for a long time. Unlike Zhao Shuwang, his grandson has already come to Daming a few years ago, but as a businessman, he will go back and forth between Qing and Ming once a year between.

Who would have thought that many of the foreign cloth and foreign oil sold in the Qing Dynasty came from Daming, not to mention the trains running on the railway, and even many of the foreign guns and cannons used by the officers and soldiers came from Daming.

If it wasn't for his grandson to introduce these things to him along the way, he would never have imagined that, logically speaking, how could the immortal Ming and Qing start a business?
"The business dealings with Governor Li and the others are for them."

Pointing to the crowded lower deck, Sun Tzu Yue said.

"What Daming needs is people. If there is no one, no matter how big Ming is, it will be an empty shell. Lord Shengde has built such a large territory, and there must be people. So, these years, Da Ming and Governor Li have done business for the purpose of doing business. This is to bring people out. Of course, we also have a lot of goods they need. Daming can make all kinds of foreign goods, even foreign guns and cannons. The ones made are only better than foreigners, not worse than foreigners. Foreigners have many countries. They all buy guns from our Daming—it’s a pity that I don’t know foreign language, otherwise it would be a good business.”

"Brother Fang Chuan's business is not bad now."

Zhao Siming complimented.

"Hey, you don't understand, I can't earn a lot of money from buying land freight from the Qing Dynasty, it's just hard money, that's all, let's not mention this, the ship is about to enter the port, you pack your luggage, After a while, we will disembark from the rear deck and go through the customs channel from there."

The grandson said with a smile.

"Customs passage? What about them?"

"Yes, they are new immigrants. They go directly to the immigration camp for isolation. We all bought the boat ticket."

They are also passengers, but there are differences among the passengers. After the ship lands on the pier, the passengers on the upper cabin disembark directly. They don't need to stay in the education camp for several months like ordinary immigrants.

On the way to the customs, looking at Zhao Shuwang who was carrying two suitcases in his left and right hands, his grandson thanked him repeatedly.

"Shuwang, thank you for your hard work. Let me help you with the luggage."

"Look at what you said, Young Master Sun, you are the young master's friend, and it's a small job to carry the luggage."

Zhao Shuwang said cheerfully.It's just a luggage.

Soon, the group of them arrived at the customs passage, but because the grandson was from Daming, he passed through the national passage, while the master and servant of the Zhao family took the foreign passage.

When they passed the passage, Zhao Shuwang saw a puppy circling around him.As a newcomer, he didn't take it seriously at all.

The customs officials took a look at them and simply asked them why they came. When they arrived at Zhao Shuwang, the officials looked at him and asked.

"The luggage is all yours?"

"Young Master's, Young Master's, are all books, and they are all the originals brought from China, Young Master..."

Zhao Shuwang, who couldn't remember what book it was, asked.

"Rare books, orphan books, the most worthless books are the ones that are in chaos in the country."

Zhao Siming replied casually, when he was on the boat earlier, he heard from his grandson that these boxes contained only rare books, and these books were very rare in Daming.

"Oh, rare books are hard to find, good stuff, but I still have to open it and have a look."

When the Haiguan official's words fell, and before Zhao Siming figured out what was going on, the grandson who had already cleared the customs in the distance left directly...

(End of this chapter)

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