Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 674 Governor Li's Trouble

Chapter 674 Governor Li's Trouble (Second Update, please subscribe)
Behind any treaty is an unknown secret treaty, which is a basic principle in the game of international politics.

Even secret diplomacy is the core of diplomacy in this era. Through secret negotiations between us and countries, through mutual alliances and betrayals, we can win the interests of our own countries as much as possible.

What is the scariest thing about secret diplomacy?
The thing is that you never know what's behind the secret diplomacy.But what is certain is that in any secret diplomacy, secret treaty, there will be hunters and prey.

When the news of the signing of the "Quadruple Alliance Treaty" was exposed to the world, all the countries were there to speculate and guess what the four empires were planning?
What are they planning?
No one knows, but what is certain is that it is absolutely not as simple as "exposed".

In order to be able to deceive others, some action is always required.

What kind of action to take?
In fact, Emperor Zhu already knew and had a specific plan for the so-called "covering people's eyes and ears".

For example, the ownership of "Hawaii", Ming has always been eyeing Hawaii, at least Emperor Zhu has been coveting Hawaii for many years.It's just that they are trapped by the factors of Britain, France and other countries, so they can only look there helplessly.

Now Hawaii can be thrown out to cover up the real goal of the four countries. In fact, there is not only one Hawaii. In order to cover up the ultimate goal, France, Russia, and Austria-Hungary will all expand in Africa to some extent.

To some extent, the "Vienna Conference" is basically equivalent to an "African Partition Conference". Of course, these are just smoke bombs, but they are just smoke used to confuse other countries.

However, what Zhu Xianhai did not know was that the news of the "Quadruple Alliance" not only aroused strong repercussions in Europe, but also caused a sensation in America. The Brazilian Emperor Pedro I directly sent his foreign minister to Yingtian to ask whether the treaty There are provisions for Brazil.As for all walks of life in the United States, they even believe that the secret treaty has provisions against the United States.

In a word, a seemingly insignificant "treaty of good-neighborliness and friendship aimed at eliminating wars and maintaining peace" has aroused unprecedented repercussions around the world. However, this world does not include East Asia. For East Asian countries That is to say, no matter how the world changes, they still live their lives, or live their lives according to their own ideas.

At the end of 1874, it was not a good time for Governor Li of the Qing Dynasty.

He is a worry these days.

What are you worried about?
Of course it was the "kidnapping" of Sassoon a few months ago.

Several months have passed, but there is no news from Sassoon. For this reason, the British consul and the British company have protested to him many times.Even Britain sent warships from Hong Kong to visit Haizhou.

As soon as he entered the Governor's study, Zhao Tianfeng heard Governor Li's sigh.

"Ziqing, who do you think Sassoon kidnapped?"

Before Zhao Tianfeng could speak, Governor Li continued.

"It stands to reason that since it happened in the concession, it has nothing to do with us. But Sassoon... Although he is a British Indian, his family has a great influence, and even their family has a relationship with the British The big family of yours has in-laws, if this matter is too much to deal with, there may be some troubles."

Opening his eyes and looking at Zhao Tianfeng, Governor Li said.

"I don't know how many people and how many pairs of eyes are staring at me in the Qing Dynasty now. If something goes wrong, how will Li deal with himself at that time."

Facing the Governor's inquiry, Zhao Tianfeng said.

"My lord, I have almost found out who did this."

"What? Do you have any news?"

Governor Li, who was already busy and overwhelmed, immediately said in surprise.

"more or less."

While speaking, Zhao Tianfeng took out a copy of "Ming Pao" published by the Ming Concession, and said.

"My lord, have you read the "Ming Pao" published today?"

"There's no time to see it! Now the imperial court and the British are asking me about the whereabouts of Sassoon, can it be as if I was kidnapped by someone like Li? Is there any time to ask other things?"

Governor Li even wondered if Sassoon was kidnapped by people sent by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the south, and then framed him. Otherwise, whoever is idle and full will kidnap such a person.After thinking about it, only the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom would have the motive to attack such a person.The reason why they kidnapped Sassoon must be to cause diplomatic disputes and force the court to fire themselves.

Without him, Li Hefei, who else in the world can stop the spear's attack!

"My lord, you should take a look."

Zhao Tianfeng delivered the newspaper, sir, and said.

"Hey, the news about the size of a tofu block may seem inconspicuous, but this matter, Baobuqi has something to do with Sassoon."

"Baobuqi has something to do with Sassoon? What's the relationship?"

Governor Li took the newspaper and glanced at it, and then saw the report of the "Four Nations Treaty".

Of course he had heard about the "Four Nations Treaty", but in his opinion, it had nothing to do with him at all.Of course he said so, but in his heart, Governor Li really envied Daming's status.

They can all sit on an equal footing with big countries like France, Russia, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and they have signed treaties, but what about the Qing Dynasty... well, it is also a big country in the Celestial Dynasty.

However, there is no news about this treaty, it is nothing more than friendly relations.Building trust, maintaining peace, stuff like that.But it's all empty words, stereotypes, and empty words.

Continuing to look down, he soon saw another piece of news.

"Hundreds of drug dealers are under the law!"

The content of the news is only more than 100 characters, but the information revealed surprised Governor Li.

"This, this... They actually went to Peru and arrested the people who trafficked drugs to them?"

"Not only arrested people, but also killed those people directly. I almost inquired that it was Sassoon's foreign firm that sold opium to Peru."

When Zhao Tianfeng said this, Governor Li immediately said.

"This... So, that guy also sold the big cigarettes to Daming..."

Standing up abruptly, Governor Li clapped his palms and said excitedly.

"Let me just say, who in the world has the guts to kidnap a decent foreigner like Sassoon. After a long time, it turned out to be that group of people. They really have the guts. Even If the British dare to kidnap, they are not afraid of the British..."

But having said that, they are indeed not afraid of the British, and if they were afraid of the British, they probably would not do this.After all, Ming Dynasty is not Qing Dynasty.

"As expected of the Ming Dynasty, things are always unexpected..."

When the words came to his lips, Governor Li looked at Zhao Tianfeng and said.

"But we have no evidence for this matter. How can we make the British believe us with empty words?"

What he needs is of course not that the British believe him, but that the British can stop bothering him about this matter.The imperial court is no longer putting pressure on him because of Sassoon's affairs.As for Sassoon's life or death, he didn't care at all.

"My lord, you are just going to Haizhou. Go and ask Consul Liu in person, what does he mean?"

Zhao Tianfeng said with a smile.As a person from Nanhua, until now he dare not go to the Ming Concession in Haizhou, even knowing that Daming did not take him as a "traitor" seriously at all, and even met several people here in the past few years. An old friend of Nan Hua, he also intentionally or unintentionally avoided the Ming Concession?
Why is it so?
It may be because of a guilty conscience, or it may be because... everyone has their own ideas and persistence.Zhao Tianfeng has his own ideas.

"It's time to ask."

Governor Li thought for a while, and then said.

"They have brought me such a big trouble, I want to hear how his surname Liu explains this?"

(End of this chapter)

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