Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 675 Killing chickens is to warn monkeys

Chapter 675 Killing chickens is to warn monkeys (third update, please subscribe)
Will he tell the truth?

Before coming to Haizhou, Governor Li was worried for a while. He was worried that the other party would never admit it. After all, admitting such a thing would definitely cause countless troubles.

Such a thing on the Qing Dynasty cannot be admitted even if it is killed.Abduct foreigners, and they are very decent foreigners.

Why was the royal garden burned more than ten years ago?Who can not have a memory?
Would they admit to something like this?
Unexpectedly, as soon as Governor Li opened his mouth, Liu Kunpeng admitted it openly.

"That's right, Daming has indeed promulgated corresponding laws. Any criminal who sells drugs like Daming, no matter what country he is in, we will arrest him back to Daming and try him according to Daming's laws."

He actually admitted it.

For a moment, Governor Li couldn't believe his ears.Originally, he thought that the other party would find various excuses and reasons to deny this matter.But they actually admitted it so generously.

"This, this, why didn't you say it before?"

"I just got the news too."

Liu Kunpeng replied directly.

If there is no direct instruction from the country, he will never admit this matter.After all, this may cause a series of diplomatic troubles.

But who ever wanted to tell him directly in China—we admit that Sassoon was arrested by us.

Why did the country tell him to do this?

One of the simplest reasons is - the reason why Da Ming arrested Sassoon was not, just to try a criminal.It was to tell the world about Daming's determination.

The inexplicably kidnapped Sassoon will not alert anyone.However, a Sassoon who was secretly arrested by Ming officials from abroad and returned to China for trial was enough to make everyone vigilant.

This also means that Daming needs to make this matter public and tell the world that Sassoon was arrested by us.

"This, this...why arrest him? There will definitely be trouble if he is arrested."

Governor Li asked with some concern.

The big gods fight, and the little ghosts suffer.

Of course he understands this truth.Originally, he just wanted to give up the matter, but now after Liu Kunpeng admitted that Daming did it, he found that not only was the matter gone, but it would bring him countless troubles instead.


Liu Kunpeng shook his head and said.

"If you dare to arrest him, we are willing to bear everything. Anyone who dares to sell drugs to Daming, no matter which country he is in, we will bring it to Daming and use our laws to judge him."

Is this sentence overbearing?

Of course it's overbearing, and it's arrogant!
Governor Li believed in the British consul, how angry he would be after knowing this.But what was the use of his anger?
Could he start a war like Daming?

Facing the visiting Governor Li, Liu Kunpeng said in a sincere tone.

"Your Excellency, we are old friends. If you can't say something, it is nothing to Daming. However, we have all seen that when this incident happened, the capital's response Your pressure. I don't know how many people didn't use this to force you to step down, and I don't know how many people waited for the opportunity to add insult to injury. Why did they do it? Just because of different political opinions?"

Shaking his head, Liu Kunpeng looked at him and said.

"If it wasn't for the ambiguous attitude of the Manchu court in the capital, how could they be so?"

"Hey, Mr. Li is also in a difficult situation."

Governor Li sighed.

"In recent years, no matter what Mr. Li does, he has been restrained by many parties. There are always some people who don't like what Mr. Li does. It's not because they don't like it, but because they don't want to open their eyes to see the world."

Looking at Liu Kunpeng, Governor Li thought of a joke.

"Someone mentioned Daming in the memorial a few years ago—it was said that you must be the court's confidantes in the future. Then?"

Liu Kunpeng smiled without saying a word, of course he knew the joke.

That person was taken off his hat on the spot, why did this happen? ——Because Daming is long gone.

You are a majestic official of the imperial court, and you are talking about the Ming Dynasty that did not exist hundreds of years ago.What is the intention?
If you don't dismiss your official, whose official?

"How can you hide your ears and steal your bell like this..."

Before Governor Li finished speaking, Liu Kunpeng said with a smile.

"Since that's the case, what's the problem with the governor's rebellion?"

Once again, Liu Kunpeng made his suggestion.

"Your Excellency should already understand our attitude. Between Daqing and Your Excellency, we must support His Excellency, and based on His Excellency's strength, as long as we do it, this matter will surely succeed."

As the consul of the Ming Dynasty in Haizhou, Liu Hengpeng has always had a mission to lobby Governor Li to rebel, because only in this way can Huaxia carry out real reforms and reforms, so as to catch up with the pace of the world.

"Hey, you guys..."

Li Hefei shook his head, then looked at Liu Kunpeng and said seriously.

"I always want to make me rebel, but the current's difficult, there are Westerners outside, and there are long hairs in the south, which is the northwest..."

Looking at Liu Kunpeng, Li Hefei said in a playful tone.

"I heard that you are also transporting weapons to the northwest. There are many Ming arms dealers doing business in Lanzhou."

Of course, Liu Kunpeng did not deny that he did not tell lies in front of a real person.

"It's just a business. Northwest... That's also the homeland of China. It's better to have someone guarding it than no one guarding it. Do you think that's the reason?"

"Then if Mr. Li uses troops in the northwest in the future,"

Governor Li asked directly.

"By then, Daming will definitely be on your side. After all, we are old friends."

Governor Li nodded and said with a smile.

"Indeed, you and I are indeed old friends, but about Sassoon..."

Looking at Liu Kunpeng, Governor Li said in a persuasive tone.

"Let's try not to make trouble if you can, since he's English after all."

This is of course persuasion from the standpoint of a friend.After all, they are indeed friends to a certain extent.

Offend the British.

Can the British offend casually?

"No matter what country he is from? He is a model, a drug dealer who sells drugs like Daming! Daming will never show mercy to such a person, after all, Daming is Daming."

Facing the governor's persuasion, Liu Kunpeng smiled. Of course he knew that the governor had good intentions, but the other party obviously forgot one thing - the Ming Dynasty is not the Qing Dynasty.

Then he spoke directly again.

"Your Excellency, you can tell the British directly that you have solved the case and that they were taken away by us. We will negotiate with them at that time. After all, we will finally tell the whole world what will be paid for selling drugs to Daming." The price! There is no need to cover up!"

Daming really deserves to be Daming!

Not even the British are afraid, they are so daring!

Look at this tough guy, he still doesn't listen to persuasion...Governor Li couldn't help but sighed.

"In this case, if the British come to ask again, I can only tell the truth."

Alright, now I've done my best on my side.All the sympathy that should be given has already been given, and what happens next has nothing to do with him.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's going to be made public. After all, there are a lot of drug dealers in Haizhou. If they can't be warned, Sassoon's head will be lost."

He's going to lose his head!

Governor Li looked at Liu Kunpeng in surprise, and said in surprise.

"You, are you really going to want his head?"

Facing the Governor's question, Liu Kunpeng laughed loudly.

"No, we plan to take his head. Da Ming is a country ruled by law. I think Da Ming will never treat anyone differently because of their different identities!"

(End of this chapter)

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