Chapter 687 The Shock Behind the Friends of Shan County (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
Japan's invitation to visit the Ming Fleet further confirmed the judgment of the British side that the Restoration Government had already turned to the Ming Empire.

It was inevitable that the British side would not make such a judgment. After all, after Iwakura and others returned from their visits to China, Japan not only sent a large number of overseas students to Daming, but almost all Japanese high-level officials, including Iwakura, became fans of Ming Dynasty.Words must be called Daming.

Even Fukuzawa Yukichi, who advocated "leaving Asia and entering Europe", has seriously studied "Daming". He also highly respects this rising Western "Daming", and has repeatedly called them "subhumans". Light".

The invitation from Japan now fills the hearts of the British with a sense of crisis, all of which just verified their initial speculation—Da Ming has extended their hand to Japan.

In order to stop Ming Dynasty, of course, it is also to prevent them from further threatening British interests in East Asia.British officials directly expressed their support for the Tokugawa family, and even Minister Bacharley publicly declared that "Britain is willing to develop a new relationship with General Tokugawa."

With British support, Tokugawa Shigeru's army launched an attack on Kyoto.

The flames of war once again ignited in Japan.

Unlike the reform government's new army, which is dominated by farmers, the troops under Tokugawa Maocheng's command are all from noble families. Compared with the undertrained government army, Tokugawa Maocheng's army has better combat effectiveness. After receiving the assistance of the British , After they defeated the government troops one after another, their soldiers pointed directly at Tokyo.

For the reform government with insufficient troops, they have no way to resist the attack of the Tokugawa army.

"Now, we must consider the establishment of a rear shock army!"

In front of Ito Hirobumi, Yamagata Aritomo, the army secretary, said in a rather excited tone.

"Now that the Tokugawa rebels have surrounded Nagoya, once the Nagoya town is defeated, their troops will soon point directly at Tokyo. The government army mainly composed of peasants is no match for the gentry rebels, but the Germans The military supplies of the Sichuan Rebellion Army all come from the rear. We can send two to three brigades by sea to land in the area around Tsu City, and use the empty situation in the rear to directly cut off their logistics. In this way, Tokugawa Rebellion No matter how brave the army is, what if there is no ammunition? The rebellious army will be undefeated and defeated!"

As the Secretary of the Army, Shanxian Youpeng did have his unique way in the use of troops. Even in the past few years, he tried his best to suppress the development of the navy, but it still did not prevent him from looking at the war from the perspective of the overall war. In one world, the biggest turning point in the Southwest War was when he set up the "Rear Shock Army" and landed in Hinagu and Yatsushiro, south of Kumamoto. The Satsuma army fell into a situation where they were attacked from the front and back. The Satsuma army retreated across the board, followed by the government troops, and finally defeated Samoan Army.

But this time, Youpeng in Shan County is just "preparing it in the same way".

"Do we have any troops left to mobilize?"

Ito Hirobumi asked with a frown.

Although he is the Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, he also knows that the government army has reached the point where it is stretched.As a small country, although the reform government tried its best to build a strong army in the past few years, due to financial constraints and other reasons, it was not until three years ago that the four towns of Tokyo, Osaka, Zhenxi, and Northeast were established. There are only 1873 officers and soldiers. In January 1, after long-term deliberation, the Ministry of War finally expanded the four townships into six townships of Tokyo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Kumamoto.

But after the emperor passed away last year, rebellions broke out all over the country for a while, and the government forces had to attack everywhere.Kumamoto Town was besieged in Kumamoto by the Saigo Army, and Nagoya Town was besieged by the Tokugawa Army in Nagoya. As for the Osaka Town, it was a disgrace to the towns. After a fierce battle, they were attacked and killed by the gentry. He actually surrendered directly to the Tokugawa Army.

Now the Hiroshima town is used to guard against the Xixiang Army in the direction of Kyushu, and the Sendai town is used to guard against the private soldiers of various domains in the northeast.Tokyo Township... This is the last armed force of the Restoration Government to defend Tokyo, which means that they can't mobilize any troops to form the "rear shock army".but
"The Hiroshima town station can still be transferred."

Shanxian Youpeng said directly.

"The navy's fleet is also in Hiroshima. They can ship directly from Hiroshima, under the escort of the navy, and carry out a rear attack, thus..."

Before Shanxian Youpeng could finish speaking, Ito Hirobumi refused directly.

"No, the town of Hiroshima is the last obstacle between Honshu and Kyushu. In the past few months, we have been able to prevent the Xixiang rebels from entering Honshu because of the naval fleet stationed at Xiazhenguan and Hiroshima town,."

Thanks to the recovery of the warships of the feudal vassals and the return of the navy to the government, perhaps the rebels relied on the laid-off gentry to build an army stronger than the government army, but they did not have a naval fleet. will be limited to Kyushu.

"With the presence of the Hiroshima Township, we can prevent the Kyushu Saigo rebels from landing. Therefore, the Hiroshima Township must not be mobilized!"

"Your Excellency, the Kumamoto Township is still holding back Xigo's main force. At least until Kumamoto is occupied, Xigo will never land on Honshu. According to Saigo's habit, he will only consider attacking Honshu when he controls the entire Kyushu. .”

Xixiang Longsheng and Shanxian Youpeng are very familiar with each other. Although that guy has a very high reputation, he is by no means a master of military use.

"Also, I have another idea."

Looking at Hirobumi Ito, Aritomo Yamagata said.

"Now that the government has decided to invite the Ming Fleet to visit Japan, let's invite them to Hiroshima!"

Yamagata Yutomo's suggestion made Ito Hirobumi and Navy Daisuke Kawamura Junyoshi look at him in surprise, and said in surprise.

"Invite the Ming Fleet to visit Hiroshima!"

"Yes, as long as the Ming Fleet is in Hiroshima, even if Xixiang has the idea of ​​landing, he will never take that risk. After all, the Ming Fleet is very powerful!"

Can it be strong!
Among other things, just one "Nanhua" battleship is enough to overwhelm the entire East Asia. Since last June, after the Ming Far East Fleet headed by the "Nanhua" battleship arrived in Naha, this fleet has been Japan caused an unprecedented sensation.

That is the most powerful fleet in East Asia!

For Youpeng of Shan County, who was short on troops, from the day he conceived the establishment of the "Rear Shock Army", he put his brains on the Daming Fleet.

"Yaoxi, you are using Daming's military power to frighten the Xixiang rebels!"

Ito Hirobumi couldn't help but praised.

"With the Ming Fleet, not only do you not need to worry about the possible attack of the Xixiang rebels, but also the British Fleet will be restrained."

In the eyes of these people, Ming's national power is so strong that it will definitely be able to deter the British and make them dare not act rashly.

Wouldn't it be a waste of such a strong support without the help of their tiger skin?
Ito Hirobumi, who originally objected to Yamagata Youtomo's move to the Hiroshima station, agreed almost without thinking.

Afterwards, Ito Hirobumi looked at Navy Daisuke Kawamura Junyoshi and asked.

"The navy can send Hiroshima Township to the area around Tsu City."

"Oh, don't you know the situation of the navy? Although you can't fight, you can still transport troops."

What Kawamura Junyoshi said is true, after all, the current Japanese navy does not have much combat effectiveness.Even in the Southwest War in another world, the Japanese Navy played the role of a transport ship. As for combat, at most it was just a few shots with its own family during the falling war.

Of course, this does not prevent that in another world, Japan's invasion of Taiwan relied on such a navy that could not conduct naval battles to successfully force the Manchu Qing to pay 50 taels of compensation and recognize Japan's sovereignty over Ryukyu.

It is not difficult to understand such a seemingly unbelievable thing when it comes to Yueqing.

Ito Hirobumi nodded.

"In that case, let's settle it like this."

(End of this chapter)

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