Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 688 Hiroshima's Ming Fleet

Chapter 688 Hiroshima's Ming Fleet ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
On January 1875, 1, ten days after the "Chinese Fleet" of the British Royal Navy arrived in Osaka, the Ming Fleet headed by the battleship "Nanhua" slowly entered the Dimaguan Strait, the narrowest place in the Maguan Strait Only about 13 meters wide, after sailing into the Shimonoseki Strait, the fleet entered the Seto Inland Sea, and their arrival shook the whole of Japan.

When the fleet passed through the narrow strait, the shores on both sides of the strait were full of people, including soldiers and civilians, with different expressions. The government troops at Maguan Fort were all smiling. It is like a mourning concubine.

Although their expressions were different, their faces were full of envy and longing.

"It is truly the most powerful steel warship in the world!"

This gunboat equipped with 12-inch cannons is not only the most powerful warship of Ming Dynasty, but also the most powerful warship on the seas of East Asia in this era.

"Crossing the Shimonoseki Strait is the Seto Inland Sea!"

Zhao Yaozu, the commander of the dispatch fleet, looked at the Seto Inland Sea and said to the staff officers around him with a smile.

"Maguan Strait is the west gateway of the Seto Inland Sea. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. Looking at the whole map of Japan, you can find that it is really a wonderful place. It is Honshu Island on one side and Kyushu Island on the other. It seems that the Japanese have set up artillery batteries on both sides of the strait, which is enough to prevent the fleet of any country from entering the Seto Inland Sea from Shimonoseki in wartime."

Holding a telescope, Zhao Yaozu looked at the people with different expressions on the shore, with a smug smile on his face.After a while, he said without hesitation.

"Today, with the arrival of the Ming Fleet, the history that Westerners can conquer a country and a nation in Asia with a few cannons is coming to an end."

Yes, this is a glorious moment!

In the past, Western countries only needed to send out a fleet and add a few cannons to conquer a country.

But now everything has changed, and the appearance of Daming has fundamentally changed everything.

It is no longer possible for them to conquer Asian countries as unscrupulously as they did in the past.Even if you want to conquer those countries, you should switch to Ming to conquer them.

"Westerners want to conquer this country, but also depends on who their master is!"

Who is the master of Japan?
Of course it was Daming.

This time, the reason why Ming Dynasty sent the fleet over was of course to "support" Japan.

The next morning, the Ming Fleet arrived in Hiroshima. Amidst the sound of rumbling gun salutes, the fleet docked at the port.

"As expected of the number one warship in the world!"

When staring at the "Nanhua" battleship, Kawamura Junyoshi's eyes were full of envy.Two years ago, he was sent to Europe to participate in the 1873 Vienna World Expo in Austria. During his stay in Europe, he had a chance with this warship in France.Since then, in his eyes, the "Nanhua" battleship is definitely the most powerful battleship.

All-steel hull, 12-inch naval gun...

Although it was just a glance, since then, he has been a die-hard fan of this giant ship!
Now, finally have the opportunity to board the warship in person.

What an honor this is!

Kawamura Junyoshi seemed a little excited, he was even a little envious of his luck, you must know that he might be the first Japanese to board such a huge warship.

Of course, he is definitely not the first.

After all, there are still some naturalized people of Japanese descent in the navy, all of whom were captured by the navy during the "Battle of Okinawa".

But they are no longer Japanese.They were the naturalized people of Ming Dynasty.Although the number is small, there are still one or two on the Nanhua.

According to the practice of visiting various countries, after a warship docks at a port, the first to disembark is a guard of honor composed of marines and sailors. The guard of honor composed of more than a hundred marines is all proud. As soon as the tall and burly marines in military uniform set foot on the port, they attracted everyone's attention.The marines, who were generally taller than [-] meters, stood next to the Japanese military band, and there was an immediate contrast. After all, the general height of the Japanese was only... [-] meters.

"You really deserve to be a soldier of the Ming Dynasty!"

The stark contrast made the Japanese naval officers and soldiers who came to greet them have such thoughts in their hearts. As for the generals in gorgeous western dresses, when they saw these handsome and tall Ming officers and soldiers, they all felt that Shortness of breath, heart beating wildly.

No way, who made them so tall and mighty?

Of course, in the past, they have also seen naval officers and soldiers from countries such as Britain and the United States. They are equally tall, but those people are... Western ghosts and animals, and the red-haired and blue-eyed ones look like nightshades.

In terms of appearance, the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are still handsome!

Well, Japan in this era has not experienced the bombing and occupation experience of the US military, and has not yet reached the point of blindly kneeling and licking Europeans. Even the appearance of Europeans is the evil spirit Yasha in the eyes of Japanese.

However, this does not prevent these Japanese women from seeing Da Ming's handsome sailor, and when their hearts flutter, they can't even hold their bowed legs tightly, and they can't help cheering for the handsome Daming sailor with their blushing faces .

In contrast, the Japanese navy band, who was like a child, played the "Navy March" of the Ming Navy.

Amidst the passionate military music, the Marine Corps officer with a saber in his hand kicked forward, walked proudly in front of Zhao Yaozu and Kawamura Junyoshi and shouted.

"Your Excellency Daisuke! The Marine Corps of the Pacific Fleet of the Ming Empire is complete! Please review!"

It really deserves to be the Ming army!
No wonder they can conquer Europa, even the Prussians are under their hands!
When Kawamura Junyoshi was reviewing, another idea suddenly popped up in his mind—how about inviting them into the city?

The reason why Kawamura Junyoshi had such an idea could not be simpler. Just last night, Hiroshima Town Station left Hiroshima on 13 naval and private ships to implement the "back attack plan".

The departure of the Hiroshima Township left the defense of this area extremely empty. Those gentry ronin originally had the intention of plotting against them. Now that the Ming Fleet is here, why not use the Da Ming Fleet to deter those who have no guts?

When this thought flashed in his mind, Kawamura Junyoshi admired his ingenuity. Since he wanted to use Daming's military power, why not just borrow it to the end, how can he deter Xiao Xiao with just a fleet visit? .

Invite the Ming Dynasty sailors to hold a marching ceremony!
After this thought emerged in his heart, Kawamura Junyoshi could no longer control his inner thoughts.As soon as he rolled his eyes, he had an idea.

"Your Excellency, Commander, in order to express our welcome to the visit of the Royal Navy of the Ming Dynasty, we have held a reception ball in the city, and I would like to ask you to show your face, um, in order to let the people of Hiroshima feel the majesty of the Royal Navy of the Ming Dynasty better, soldiers of honor Let the team enter the city!"

The guard of honor enters the city!
Feel the majesty of the Royal Navy of Ming Dynasty!

It has to be said that these few words of Junyoshi Kawamura reached the bottom of Zhao Yaozu's heart.

This... is a good thing!

This is Bu Guowei Yu Wanli!
Not bad……

After this idea popped up in his heart, Zhao Yaozu nodded and said.

"Since Your Excellency Daisuke is so kind, how can Zhao refuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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