Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 698 The Flower of the North Country

Chapter 698 Flower of the Northland (Second update, please subscribe)
Although there were still some problems with the reliability of the newly invented wireless telegraphy, his invention fundamentally changed the distance of space, and the use of wireless telegraphy was more flexible than that of wired telegraphy, which required the laying of cables around the world.Especially for ships at sea, the emergence of radio stations allowed them to keep in touch with the mainland for the first time while sailing at sea.

However, as a secret device that can be called "top secret", only a few warships will install radio stations. In early 1875, even the "Great Orient" did not install radio stations, let alone other small ships. up.But all of this is just a matter of time, but now the ship has basically lost contact with the land as soon as it goes to sea.

For the port, they can only rely on the merchant ship's flight schedule to speculate on the arrival time of the merchant ship.

This time may be one day earlier, or one day later.

When the merchant ship "Deren" sailed into Beihai Port, it was half a day later than scheduled.Amidst the whistle of the merchant ship, the ship slowly approached the trestle.

Standing on the side of the ship, Zhao Qiang pinched the collar of his coat again.

"It's so cold here!"

Despite the biting cold wind, Zhao Qihang still looked at the city in front of him.

A few years ago the city was called Vancouver and was the capital of the British colony of British Columbia.And now it is indeed the capital of the Great Ming Beihai Governor's District.Even so, the city that can be presented in front of you looks like a small town.Even the port is empty, with only a few fishing boats at most.

The Northern Territory of the Ming Empire in 1875, although after several years of construction, was much more prosperous than a few years ago, it was still desolate. As the capital of the Beihai Colony, Beihai, which was formerly Vancouver, even though the population here has exceeded five There are thousands of people, but it still looks like a small city that is not very eye-catching.

However, although the city is small, like all cities in Ming Dynasty, there is a national elementary school in the center of the city. As soon as he left the customs, Zhao Qihang went straight to the elementary school in the city center.There are neither trams nor stagecoaches in this small town.You can only walk to school.The snow-covered road was very slippery, so he could only walk carefully on the street, for fear of accidentally falling to the ground.

But after only ten minutes of walking, he arrived at the gate of the school, and asked the porter through the closed iron gate.

"Hello, may I ask Sun Mei, Mr. Sun, do you teach at this school?"

Sun Mei is his elder sister in the same class. After graduating from the Women's Normal School four years ago, she took the initiative to apply to teach in Beihai, which was rumored as a good story at the time.After all, as we all know, compared to the prosperity of the local area, the Beihai Governor's District at that time was more desolate than it is now, and the British had no intention of developing here at all.After all, for Britain at the time, the British Columbia colony was a heavy burden.This is also the reason why they will eventually sell this colony to Daming.

It was at that time that Sun Mei came here and became a Chinese teacher in a national elementary school.The reason why Zhao Qihang came here, besides the excellent job provided by Northern Mining, was that he missed his sister who had been taking care of him since he was a child.

As soon as he heard that he was looking for Mr. Sun, the school porter waved his hands repeatedly and said.

"Oh, I'm talking about you guys. Why do you keep pestering Mr. Sun one by one? I've said it all, go back, Mr. Sun won't see you."

The porter said while waving his hands.

"You guys pester people like this every day, don't say that people are annoying me, this is annoying me."

what's going on?Who is pestering her?
Feeling a little dazed, Zhao Qihang thought for a while and said.

"Brother, I am her younger brother."

"Brother, nonsense, Mr. Sun is obviously alone, when will..."

Before finishing speaking, the concierge looked at Zhao Qihang and asked.

"You also graduated from the Armed Forces Academy? But that's not okay, the class is in session now, and outsiders are not allowed to enter the school during the class."

"Yes, please tell me that the little six is ​​here. I work for the Northern Mining Company, and I should be in the city for a few days."

After saying that, Zhao Qihang took out a pen and wrote another note.

"Please give this note to Mr. Sun."


"Congratulations and congratulations on the arrival of the new year. Every family is full of excitement. Dad buys candies, mother steams rice cakes. Brothers and sisters beat gongs and drums, and younger brothers and sisters set off fireworks. Wear new clothes and hats. Running around, giggling, don’t forget "Congratulations to Xinxi". Congratulations to Mom and Dad for a happy every year. Happy every year until old."

The sound of reading aloud came from the classroom. Amidst the children's reading aloud, Sun Mei would cast her eyes on the teaching wall chart, and then point to the new words printed in red letters and say.

"Pay attention, everyone, we need to learn a lot of new characters today, follow me to read "热" and "Zheng"..."

Amidst her gentle and sweet words, the sound of children reading was heard again in the classroom. Just like in the past, Sun Mei, who was standing on the podium teaching, called the students to ask questions from time to time, and asked them to write new words on the blackboard.

After class, just as he returned to the office, a magnetic voice came.

"After a class, my throat must be very uncomfortable. Have a drink of tea. I just poured it for you. This is the clear fire tea made by Dr. Li from the Renkang Pharmacy. The classroom is well heated, and it is easy to get angry in winter..."

Seeing Teacher Cheng walking towards her with a teacup, Sun Mei said politely and calmly in the face of his enthusiasm.

"Thank you Teacher Cheng, I'm still used to drinking plain water."

When speaking, she shook the thermos in her hand and said.

"And I also brought a teacup to class, thank you for your kindness. And..."

Raising her hand to look at her watch, Sun Mei smiled.

"It's almost time now, I'm going home too, goodbye."

The sweet smile caused Cheng An to lose his mind for a while, and couldn't help admiring in his heart.

"It really deserves to be the flower of the Northland."

The Flower of the North Country, this is a report by Beihai Daily last year.And the protagonist of that news was her, the only female teacher in Beihai.

And the name "Flower of the North Country" is undoubtedly extremely appropriate for him, because she is indeed very beautiful!

Seeing that Sun Mei had already put on her coat, Cheng An, who came back to his senses, said quickly.

"Ms. Sun, let me give you a gift. I just bought a bicycle with the "permanent brand". I waited for almost half a month, and I just came back yesterday."

Sun Mei smiled and refused while putting on her coat.

"That... It's too cold outside now, it's more comfortable to walk, goodbye."

After all, she seemed to be walking out in a hurry. In the past few years, whenever new colleagues entered the school, they would always show courtesy to her. All this made her really helpless.All she could do was refuse.

But her polite refusal did not stop Cheng An. When she left the office and was about to walk to the school gate, Cheng An had already followed her with a shiny bicycle.

"Ms. Sun, let's go together, I happen to be on the way..."

Just when Sun Mei was about to refuse, the concierge opened the window from the room and said.

"Ms. Sun, someone came to you just now, and he said..."

"I see, thanks..."

Sun Mei's words came to an abrupt end following the porter's words "little six sons". Then she was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily.

"Little Six? Is his surname Zhao? Is he a particularly handsome..."

Seeing Teacher Sun's face full of joy when he mentioned this little six, Cheng An's budding love was killed just like this.

After getting the address left by Little Six from the concierge, Sun Mei looked back at Cheng An and said with a smile.

"Teacher Cheng, I still have something to do here, so go back alone!"

After that, she walked out of the school gate without looking back.

Looking at Cheng An's absent-minded look when he looked at her back, he comforted her.

"Mr. Cheng, take a closer look, you will definitely find a more suitable one in the future."

more suitable?

It is possible to meet, but how many women like her are both talented and beautiful in Beihai?
The Flower of the North Country is only one person.

Looking at the figure that had gone away, Cheng An suddenly asked.

"Brother Xu, is that little six really handsome?"


Brother Xu, the concierge, glanced at Cheng An, sighed first, and then spoke.

"The appearance is the same thing, the main reason is that he looks more energetic than others."

Although Big Brother Xu didn't say anything, after hearing his sigh, Cheng An still felt a little pricked...

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(End of this chapter)

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