Chapter 699 New Ming and New Youth (Third update, please subscribe)
On the snow-covered sidewalk, a woman in a white fur coat was rushing along with a smile on her face. A pretty face was exposed under a white fox fur hat, and her boots were exposed at the hem of the clothes as she walked. Make a crisp sound on the ice and snow.

In the shop by the side of the road, the clerk who had just opened his eyes involuntarily cast his eyes on her. Although he only saw the side face, he could still tell that this person should be very beautiful.

"Hi Mr. Sun!"

On the way to the mining company, there would always be people greeting Sun Mei, both parents of students and ordinary passers-by.Teacher in Daming is a very respected profession. After all, this is a "holy duty" with a sacred mission. Even a female teacher will be honored as "Mr."

Of course, there are not many female teachers in Daming, and she is the only one in Beihai City, which is why many people know her.

After all, female gentlemen are really rare.Moreover, women with both talents and looks are naturally even rarer!

Besides, she is the famous "Flower of the North Country", so of course there are many people who know her.



When returning the salutes one by one, Sun Mei walked quickly, her face was filled with joy from the bottom of her heart.

The little six sons actually came to Beihai.

How could he be here?

Could it be that he is here on a business trip?

Although she had all kinds of doubts in her heart, Sun Mei was more happy.Haven't seen him in years, how is he now?
Soon she went to the front desk of the hotel of the mining company and learned the room number he lived in.

After going up to the second floor and standing in front of the door, Sun Mei knocked on the door, and then a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from behind the door.

"Who is it!"

She immediately said happily.

"Little Six, it's me!"

The door opened.

The moment the door opened, Sun Mei was stunned, the boy from back then had become an adult.


The moment he saw Sun Mei, the moment that pure and beautiful face was reflected in his eyes, Zhao Qihang stepped forward and hugged without even thinking.

His hug made Sun Mei's cheeks flush slightly, but she didn't push him away, and even leaned her head on his shoulder involuntarily.

He is so tall!

And his chest seemed to be thick and very strong.A thought came to her mind, the little monkey back then has grown up now.

"Sister, I miss you so much."

After a hug, Zhao Qihang looked at Sun Mei and said.

"Slick tongue, if you miss me, why don't you write to me?"

Sun Mei said while looking at the room with her head.

"Are you here on business? Just yourself?"

"Sister, go into the room and talk."

Turning to ask his sister to enter the room, Zhao Qihang said with a smile.

"Sister, I will stay here from now on. I found a job at the Northern Mining Industry. From now on, I will be close to you!"

"What? You're here!"

Sun Mei looked at Zhao Qihang who had become an adult in surprise, and was about to ask him why he came to work here, when suddenly she seemed to understand, so she said with a smile.

"Welcome to come here. In the future, our siblings will be together often. It just so happens that you are here..."

While talking, she took off her coat and hung it on the hanger, and sat down on the sofa casually.

"By the way, tell me quickly, what have you been up to these past few years? And how are they doing? By the way, isn't Xu Yun married to the second son? Do you have any children now?"

As soon as she sat down, Sun Mei wanted to ask countless questions, while Zhao Qihang stared at her sitting on the sofa in a daze. She was wearing a thin sweater and looked... Miss's figure is so beautiful !
They chatted for a long time that day, and there seemed to be endless things to say. After all, they hadn't seen each other for four years, let alone 1875, or in the [-]st century. They stayed in the northern and southern hemispheres respectively. People, parting may mean farewell forever.

But now the two people who might have finally disappeared have met again, and there is naturally endless talk between them.

In the next few days, almost everyone in Beihai City noticed that Mr. Sun from the National Elementary School was shopping and eating with a man. Many people were curious about who this man was. After all, that Mr. Sun had never Been so close to that man.I don't know how many people's hearts were broken.

Of course, Sun Mei ignored it.She just lived her life as before, but outside of work, she was used to eating alone, and there was another person beside her. They went shopping, walking, and eating together, and then parted ways in front of her house. .

"Qihang should be home."

Standing by the bedroom window, Sun Mei looked at the street lights outside the window and thought to herself.After sending himself home a few minutes ago, he went back to the hotel by himself.

It should be in place by now.Just looking out the window.Then, she sighed leisurely again, walked to the table and prepared the lesson plan.

The wattage of incandescent lamps is not large, and the size of the bedroom is not small, which makes the light in the bedroom look a bit dim.After preparing the lesson plans for a while on the desk by the window, Sun Mei, who was a little irritable, closed the book and stood up, stretching unladylike.

Then she sat on the chair and looked at the group photo on the table. It was a group photo of her and her brothers and sisters. Although they were not relatives, they had lived and studied together in school for so many years, and their relationship was naturally very deep. The oldest She took care of them like a sister, and to her, they were his brother and sister.

Until four years ago, after graduating from Nanhua Normal School with the second place in the school, she could enter any primary school in Nanhua, but after learning that there was no teacher who graduated from a normal school in the entire Northern Territory, she came here without hesitation. When he got here, the reason why he came here was not only because of the "sacred mission" shouldered by the teacher, but the main reason was that she wanted to repay the royal family for their kindness of upbringing.

In the past four years, although her hard work has been praised by all parties, she is lonely in her heart. After all, she has no relatives and friends here.Although many people pursued her, she didn't have much affection for those people.

Half leaning on the chair, she stared out of the dark window, and when she frowned, that tall figure crept into her heart quietly, that energetic face became clearer and clearer in her mind, the broad and thick shoulders might be the best thing for a woman to rely on The place.

"Yeah, what are you thinking..."

Sun Mei was taken aback by her own thoughts, she hastily put down the curtains and left the window sill, sat on a chair and opened her notebook to continue writing lesson plans, but she was so upset that she couldn't write anything now, the more she wanted to forget the figure The more it is in the mind, the clearer it is.

My mind was so confused that I had no intention of writing it down.Closed the notebook, turned off the light, Sun Mei lay on the bed, closed her eyes and wanted to fall asleep early, but although her eyes were closed lying on the bed, her mind became active again, and the image of him full of masculinity reappeared in her heart. It came alive and could not subside for a long time.

"What's wrong with me?"

Sun Mei sat up from the bed in distress, covered her face with her hands, pouted and hugged her legs.

"He is a younger brother who is several years younger than you. Damn it, why do you always think about him? He is a younger brother!"

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(End of this chapter)

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