Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 710 Lincoln Entering the Grand View Garden

Chapter 710 Lincoln who entered the Grand View Garden (third update, please subscribe)
So in the United States, what is the living condition of American workers?

Not only are their working conditions extremely harsh, but their living conditions are even worse.Workers in the United States live in slums that are dark and humid, where sewage flows and horse excrement piles up like mountains.

They struggled in harsh conditions, supported their families on meager income, and there was never much hope in them.For them, perhaps not being unemployed is already the biggest luxury.

But what about Daming?The faces of those workers are full of smiles, and their eyes are full of hope for the future life.

It seems that everyone here is happy.And this kind of happiness is not available to American workers.

On the train to Yingtian, Lincoln also thought about this question.Born into an ordinary family, he certainly sympathized with American workers to some extent, but that was all.

In his view, it is impossible for American workers to live like Ming workers.Not just because of the greed of those factory owners, but more importantly, technology.In many technical fields, Ming was far ahead of the United States.

If American factories left Ming Dynasty dyes, they would not even be able to dye brightly colored clothes. If Americans left Ming Dynasty medicines, many people would suffer from diseases.Even beef from the United States is inseparable from Daming's refrigerated ships - only Daming in the world has such an extremely advanced ship that can transport fresh meat produced in central America to Europe.

Daming's leadership is in all aspects. Looking at the citizens on bicycles outside the car window, Lincoln feels a little lost in his heart, because there are many places in the United States where Daming's bicycles are used.All a luxury, but here?But it's just a means of transportation for ordinary people.

"It's really a very developed country!"

If there is any impression of Ming Dynasty on Lincoln, then prosperity and civilization are the deepest impressions.On the way to Yingtian, he witnessed the most prosperous side of the country from the train.All are surprising.

Finally, three days later, Lincoln and his party arrived in Yingtian. Unlike Linhai, where no one greeted them, now, when they got off the train, a young official greeted them with fluent English.

"Welcome, Mr. Lincoln, I am Lin Weinan from the Imperial Foreign Office, and I will be in charge of your next itinerary."

Although Lincoln and his party came to Daming in their personal capacities, he said that after their arrival, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent officials to receive them.This is not because Daming is a country of etiquette, but because the purpose of the other party's arrival involves some things in the diplomatic field.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Lin."

Then, under the guidance of Lin Weinan, Lincoln and his party walked out of the station from the dedicated passage. There were two BMW cars parked under the porch outside the station. When John saw the two black cars, John couldn't help being surprised. .

"This must be the legendary BMW 101!"

The reason why John is so surprised is that until now, no American owns a BMW 101 sedan. This luxury sedan is extremely picky about its users. It doesn’t mean that you can buy it if you have money. Money is just one of them. , the most important thing is identity.His users are limited to royal nobles, and they also need to be high-ranking nobles.

Ordinary civilians... Of course, it is not due to it.

For Americans who are in the Gilded Age, they are full of yearning for everything about the aristocracy.But this kind of car is something they hope for but never get.Because of their identities... they are a bunch of local turtles.

It's really people comparing people, making people mad.Aren't those Europeans just a bit more noble?But deep down they are jealous.Of course I am more envious.

"Yes, sir."

There was a little pride in Lin Weinan's tone. He knew very well what BMW meant to Americans.
It was a high-end car that only the royal family and high-ranking nobles could ride. Of course, it was not only because it was a special vehicle for the Ming Dynasty, but also for the French royal family, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Russian Empire.It is the car used by the British royal family, the German federal imperial family and other European royal families.

On the one hand, even though there are car manufacturers in Europe that are also producing cars, there is no way. Daming's "BMW" is synonymous with the royal family. If you are a king or queen without a BMW, you will be ashamed to say hello to others when you go out.After all, she has long been a status symbol.

When the car door was opened and stepped into the car, although Lincoln seemed relatively calm, before getting into the car, he tidied up his clothes deliberately but quietly, it seemed that only in this way could he be full of a certain sense of ceremony.

The moment he got into the car, a strange feeling suddenly popped up in his heart.

What does it feel like?

Perhaps, Lincoln would deliberately ignore this feeling, but John felt very honored, even a little proud.

After all, this is for the royal family.

Along the way, although they didn't show the surprised state like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.However, some expressions could not be concealed, and soon, the car drove them all the way to the Peace Hotel.

The Peace Hotel is the most upscale hotel in Yingtian, and to a certain extent, it is also the guest house of the Ming Empire. Just like the name of the hotel, peace is exactly what Daming longs for.

After all, Daming has always been pure like a little white rabbit. He yearns for peace and opposes war.At least, the Imperial Foreign Office often said so, as did many newspapers in European countries. Even in the German Federal Empire, there were many newspapers saying that the Ming sent troops to France because of helplessness. If it was not because of Germany’s invasion, It is impossible for Ming to send troops. After all, the emperor of Ming said that he believes that the German people are peace-loving. The people of Ming and Germany are good friends forever. May the two countries be peaceful forever.

Of course, after this report came out, the newspaper was quickly shut down.

So is Germany!

In contrast, in the United States, even if a newspaper office is stoned, they can still write in the newspaper how Ming Dynasty loves peace. On this point, Americans still have a bottom line.

Of course, those newspapers must have won a lot of Ming Yuan.

After entering the Peace Hotel, the Lincoln operator was of course stunned by the luxurious lobby of the hotel.To some extent, being in the gorgeous hall even made them a little nervous.

After they took the elevator to the top floor, under the guidance of the hotel staff, the group entered the suite. Looking at this rather gorgeously decorated suite, Lincoln couldn't help but said.

"It troubled you, please convey my thanks to His Majesty the Emperor!"

This feeling of being at home made each of them feel flattered, after all, even in the United States, they could not enjoy such hospitality.

"I will tell you, sir, I live next door. If you need anything during the next journey, you can tell me directly."

Lin Weinan said with a smile, but when he went out, he turned around and asked as if thinking of something.

"Sir, do you want to listen to music?"



Lincoln, Henry, and John were all in a daze. They even looked to the left and right when they were listening to the music. There was no band here.

"Is it Beethoven? Or Chopin? Or Mozart, of course, there are other records here, if you will."

"What? What's a record?"

John couldn't help asking.

"It's a record!"

The reaction of these Americans made Lin Weinan feel a little proud, which was exactly what he expected.Even all of this was done on purpose.I just want to see the surprise on the faces of these Americans.

Laughing as he walked over to what appeared to be a decorative brass horn, he pulled a paper bag from a glass case in the back and pulled out a black disc from it.

While everyone was watching, he placed the black disc under the copper horn and said at the same time.

"If it's music, just put the record on the bottom seat of the record player, and then, put the tonearm on the record."

When he put the cartridge on the singing, after a while, a beautiful melody sounded in the room.

It's Mozart!

The three of them looked at the record player in amazement, they couldn't speak for a while, they just looked at the record player dumbfounded, even though there were countless questions in their minds.

But now there was only one question left - where did the sound come from?

(End of this chapter)

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