Chapter 711 Edison Who Was Walked to Death (Part [-], please subscribe)
The beautiful melody sounds, recalled in the room, as if there is a symphony orchestra playing here.

Where did the music come from?

What about the band?
Where is the band?

Just for a moment, Lincoln and the others looked left and right, and Sohu wanted to find out the band hidden in a certain depression.

But they could clearly hear the music coming from the record player.There is no way a symphony orchestra could be hiding in this room.

Since it is impossible to hide a symphony orchestra, who is playing the music?

What they can be sure of is that it will never be the sound of something like a music box, because this is simply a band playing the most beautiful melody there.

How did the music come out?

"Mr. Lin, this, what is this?"

After being surprised for a while, Lincoln asked curiously and surprised.

"The record player, this is a machine recently invented by Daming. It can keep the sound. What you hear is the performance of the Imperial Symphony Orchestra."

Lin Weinan didn't think there was anything strange about their stunned appearance. After all, when he first heard the music from the record, his appearance was not much better than theirs.

But looking at the stunned looks of these people now, he was filled with a certain kind of pride deep in his heart. This kind of pride was born naturally because of Daming's advanced technology, because they always give people too many surprises.

Even when he exited this room, Lin Weinan still had a faint smile on his face. This kind of smile was both proud and complacent.

Of course, it also seems to be showing off, he is showing off, how advanced Ming's technology is like these foreigners are showing off.

Such showing off is of course human nature.After all, in the past few years, the most fundamental reason why European and American countries are most proud of their arrogance is because of science.

Once upon a time, they used science to define civilization and claimed to be a civilized country!
But now?
Now Da Ming's science is far more developed than theirs.This kind of leadership is not just a certain industry, a certain aspect, but an all-round lead.

Even now Daming has become the pioneer and leader of the second industrial revolution, and what about them?But it is only just knocking on the door of the second industrial revolution.

With such advanced technology.If you don't show off now, when will you show off?After all, in this land, new inventions are born every day.


This... whose invention is this?

Edison, who was in the movie theater, stared at the moving photos. Although there was no sound, the funny actions on the screen made the people in the movie theater laugh from time to time. It was like a joy here. Like an ocean, everyone was laughing because of the actor's antics.

Although every expression and movement of the actor can make people laugh, but Edison's eyes are not on the film at all, he just stares straight at the movie camera behind and the pictures projected on the screen .

"This, this is really a great invention!"

When Edison made such an exclamation, he didn't know that in another world, the movie camera was invented by him. To be precise, it should be improved in his laboratory and eventually spread to the whole world.

Even in another world, the rise of Hollywood is precisely because Los Angeles is far enough from New York that those people choose to shoot movies in Los Angeles in order to escape Edison's patent blow.

That's right!

Hollywood, which keeps saying that it wants to protect intellectual property rights, was actually born precisely because it wanted to avoid paying property rights.

Now, of course, the laboratory in Menlo Park is no longer possible in this world.Because Edison came to Daming with his family, last December, Edison's synchronous transmitter research work was coming to an end, Western Union promised to pay Edison 12 US dollars, and offered 5000 US dollars to buy his patent, and paid him 2.5 dollars a day. U.S. dollars, as a per-line fee for the use of this equipment, but Western Union failed to keep its promise.

Just when Edison was on the verge of bankruptcy because of this invention, the Daming Telegraph and Telephone Company finally bought the patent of the synchronous transmitter for US$30000, which made him tide over the difficulties.At the same time, the Daming Telegraph and Telephone Company also issued a job invitation to him, inviting him to come to Daming.

Of course, for Edison, he was not willing to submit to others, but he did not refuse the invitation, because this was his only chance to enter Daming.

"This is a palace of invention! Here gather the most outstanding scientists and inventors in the world."

In the past few years, facing the countless new inventions of Da Ming, the newspapers and scientific circles of European and American countries have used such a tone full of envy and envy to describe Da Ming.

In the eyes of many European and American politicians and observers, in the past few years, Ming has been using very favorable treatment and conditions to attract scholars and inventors from all over the world, so as to use their intelligence to serve their industry and commerce .

But some experts and scholars said in a distressed tone.

"The rise of the Ming people in this land is not because of how smart they are. It is because they have made full use of the smartest people in Europe. They are like harvesters, waving the silver notes in their hands, Reapers from various European countries serve them with the intelligence of the whole of Europe. There will be a Daming man in front of almost every outstanding scholar who will say to him, come on, come to us, we can treat you beyond your imagination. Just like the Turks in the past, they used silver to lure those weak-willed scholars and technicians. In the end, it was those Europeans who achieved everything for them. Their inventions and innovations were entirely based on the knowledge of European scholars. Harvest."

Of course, this is the ramblings of a few people who don't pay attention to a fact at all.Those scholars and experts who were introduced to the Ming Dynasty were not valued in European countries, and they were even rejected by the mainstream academic circles.In this case they are forced to leave their country.

In the whole world, only Daming can provide them with the most favorable treatment and research conditions. For those experts and scholars, they are more inclined to the latter. After all, here will not only provide them with a better research environment, but also the academic The atmosphere is thicker.

This is of course the reason why those scholars and experts were heartbroken, because they watched with their own eyes how Da Ming used talents from all over the world to serve them.Even in their view, it was precisely because Daming bought those experts and scholars with silver that they became the leaders and pioneers of this industrial revolution.

But for those experts and scholars who came to Daming, the reason why they are willing to come here is because it has a better scientific research environment.

This is of course the reason why Edison came here, because there are far more excellent technicians here than he imagined, and they are even better.

So because of this, he came to Daming. Of course, as a foreigner, it was not easy to enter Daming. The Daming Telegraph and Telephone Company gave him a job invitation, allowing him to obtain a work visa to enter Daming.

"This is truly a magical place."

It has to be said that the spread of technology in this world is limited, and of course it is slow, even though as early as a few years ago in the "Los Angeles Incident", the daimyo once threatened the President of the United States with a movie.

It is not because of the problem of technology dissemination that Edison saw the movie for the first time. The most fundamental reason is... Daming’s industrial production must first meet its own needs. As early as December 1872, Daming’s The first time a movie was released, although the movie theater could accommodate hundreds of people, there were still huge crowds of people in front of the movie theater, and people were all proud of seeing the "movie".

Because of this, investing in movie theaters has become a popular industry in the past year-because it was not until last year that Daming solved the problem of film production and was able to provide cheap enough film, so that until now, Daming only offered films to certain countries. Some movie machines were given away.

Even in some European countries, according to the "gift" given by Ming Dynasty, they have successfully copied the movie projector, but they do not have a camera or film, for example, the United States, even countries like France, because Ming Dynasty presented the royal camera , some "smart" Frenchmen successfully imitated the camera, but they couldn't make film, at least not cheap enough to be mass-produced.Because of this, movies in European countries are still only entertainment for a few people.It is also because of this that watching movies has become an exclusive entertainment for the people of Ming Dynasty.

That's why Edison has been lingering in movie theaters for the past few days, not just because of the funny movies that make people laugh.The most important reason is that this invention is so amazing.

At least, before coming to Daming, he had never seen such a fascinating invention.In the past period of time, he has seen too many new inventions, from movie players to record players.These unheard-of and unseen new inventions completely subverted his perception of the world.

So much so that Edison even felt a sense of frustration, because as an inventor, he discovered for the first time how small he was in front of these new inventions.It can even be said that it is not worth mentioning.

Sometimes he really wanted to ask out loud what kind of people invented these new inventions?

(End of this chapter)

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