Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 712 Edison Living in the Shadows

Chapter 712 Edison Living in the Shadows (Fourth Change, Please Subscribe)
After the movie ended, the lights in the movie theater came on.

Edison was still sitting there when the auditorium was brightly lit.He looked back at the projection room, and even had an idea in his heart, wanting to go there to find out, to study carefully, what kind of machine is it that projects such a real picture.

What he was sure of was that there must be a very close relationship between the movie camera and the camera.Because before that, he had seen some principles of the movie camera from some academic works.

He even had the idea of ​​improving the movie camera, but apart from those pictures and text materials, he knew nothing about the movie camera.

Now he has the opportunity to personally touch those movie machines, but he knows very well that there is no place for him to enter.

"Perhaps only the country of inventors will have such novel and numerous inventions."

In addition to sighing so much, Edison's heart is also a bit heavy, because the place he can't enter is not just the projection room for those few days. Compared with reflection, he hopes to enter the Imperial Central Laboratory.

There is the real palace of inventors, and I don't know how many inventions were born there.

This was also learned after Edison came to Daming.In Daming, apart from the research institutes of various companies, there is also a mysterious "Imperial Central Laboratory". Even until now, not many people know where that laboratory is.

He is extremely mysterious.

Only a very few qualified people can enter that laboratory, but even they don't know where the laboratory is.

If it weren't for the fact that the "Imperial Central Laboratory" would recruit some excellent technicians into the laboratory for training every year.Perhaps no one would believe that there is such a mysterious institution in the world.

Telephones, electric lights, automobiles, gasoline engines, airships, motorcycles, bicycles, movies, medicines... Almost all the inventions and innovations of the Ming Dynasty that can be found are inseparable from the shadow of the "Imperial Central Laboratory".

It can also be the case, after knowing the existence of this institution, Edison's dream is to join that laboratory, where the world's most outstanding inventors work together, the most important thing is to learn, there are many countries ahead of the world technical knowledge.

Edison is convinced of this, because many directors of the laboratory of the Ming Dynasty Telegraph and Telephone Company he is working for come from the "Imperial Central Laboratory". They have mentioned more than once that they have learned a lot from studying there. .Encourage other young technicians to work harder and strive to enter the "Imperial Central Laboratory" for advanced studies one day earlier.

"Empire Central Laboratory" is the dream place of all technicians, and of course Edison's dream place.

For others, though, there is an opportunity for a dream come true.

For Edison, who was a foreigner, this dream was nothing more than a dream.

After all, only people from the Ming Dynasty can enter that laboratory. As a foreigner, he must be naturalized to have the opportunity.

Before that, he was just thinking about the "Imperial Central Laboratory".

"Hey, naturalization..."

As he left the movie theater, Edison became a little melancholy.Because as a foreigner, it is not easy for him to naturalize.

Not only does he have to pass the Chinese proficiency test, but he also has to let his employer prove that he is the talent that Daming needs, and his professional category must also be included in the talent introduction form. Of course, this is not a problem, after all, He is a veritable inventor.

But's really hard to learn!
And for Edison, he is really reluctant to stay in this country, because there are too many inventions in this country, even if it does not say "Imperial Central Laboratory", it is just the invention efficiency of those enterprises' laboratories. Nothing the inventor himself could compare.

This is also the secret of the rise of Daming Industry.

But for Edison as an inventor, such an environment was too complicated.

How could he compete with those laboratories by himself?
He even felt that he was somehow living in the shadow of so many scientists.Just like the phonograph he saw in the exhibition hall half a month ago.Edison himself had a similar idea, but when his idea was not yet mature, he unexpectedly saw a phonograph in the industrial exhibition hall of Daming.

This is simply copying the ideas and inspirations in his mind, and even now he still remembers the dumbfounded look when he saw the gramophone for the first time.

He was completely dumbfounded, as if he saw someone take an object out of his mind alive.

That kind of feeling and taste is probably only clear to Edison himself.In addition to that kind of joy, there is more despair. Why despair?Because he found that his inspirations seemed to be nothing to mention here.

Because long before him, many more outstanding inventors had similar inspirations, and soon they turned the flash of inspiration into real industrial products.

Such an environment is really depressing.Edison rested for two full days at that time before he got over his breath.If it weren't for his relatively resolute personality, I'm afraid he couldn't stand the blow long ago, and he couldn't recover from the setback.

And this also means that it is difficult for him to rely on inventions to become a rich man in this land. Of course, the income in the laboratory is not cheap, but what Edison wants is not to work for others, but to be his own boss.

Even as early as in the United States, he had imagined setting up a laboratory, recruiting the best brains, working for himself, and turning the inspiration in his mind into reality.Just like those laboratories in Ming Dynasty, hundreds of the brightest talents are working on one or several inventions there.

There will be the latest experimental results in those laboratories at all times, just like the synchronous transmitter he brought, but a new improved version has been launched in just over a month, compared to its prototype machine, the new synchronous transmitter is more reliable and more efficient.

Those laboratories were undoubtedly Edison's dream experiments, but they were not his laboratories.

So in Edison's view, such an environment was too harsh for an inventor like him.Those labs are literally taking their jobs away.

Such a "harsh environment" is certainly not an inventor's dream, so Edison has already made up his mind that as long as the contract expires, he will leave Daming and return to the United States to establish his own laboratory in the United States .

and then?
Of course, it is to hire a large number of the smartest talents to kill American inventors.

There is no way that Daming is too curly, Edison thinks that he will be buried here, he really can't afford it.

Edison was in a heavy mood. When he walked to the street, it was already the beginning of the lights. The bright street lights and the lights of the surrounding shops turned the whole city into a city that never sleeps.While walking on the streets of Yingtian, he still feels the city with an attitude of appreciation.

Unlike walking on the streets of New York, USA, where you need to carefully avoid the horse manure on the ground, and the smell of horse urine is in the air, the air in Yingtian is fresh, and even now he remembers that he just arrived at Yingxia Ship After that, what my wife said.

"The air here is sweet."

This is because the streets here are not like New York, where there are carriages everywhere, horse manure and urine are all over the floor, and there are piles of garbage that no one cleans up.As long as anyone walks on the road, as long as he has the desire to urinate, he can do it at will. Such a street is naturally full of all kinds of stench.

In fact, this is also the most troublesome problem in cities all over the world in this era-how to deal with the horse manure on the streets.Countless bright minds have come up with various solutions over the past few decades, all to no avail.

However, with the invention of trams and the popularization of bicycles in Ming Dynasty, coupled with the gradual promotion of automobiles, this seemingly unsolvable problem was solved. At least in big cities like Yingtian and Nanhua, such problems are far from being solved. Not as serious as European and American cities.

Breathing the slightly fragrant air, Edison couldn't help being a little envious of the Ming people and their living environment.

But even so, he knew very clearly in his heart that this was not a suitable place for him.

After all, Daming's scientific research environment is really too complicated!
What's more, if you want to become a Daming person, you need to go through many tests!
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(End of this chapter)

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