Chapter 735 Japan is subjugated (third update, please subscribe)
Noon, February 1875, 2, Tokyo.


The sun was covered by gunpowder.

There was another heavy boom on the ground.All of a sudden, the hanging lantern in the bunker shook, and then the bunker shook, dust fell from the gaps between the logs, and dazzling flashes of light shot into the underground bunker from the vents from time to time.Through the deafening roar and whistling, the rumble of the shells exploding was heard more and more distinctly.

"The British bombardment is very violent!"

Through the air vent, Chen Dexuan saw orange fires rising from time to time in the sky and earth shrouded in gunpowder smoke.The narrow streets are full of thick smoke and dust, and the smell of explosives makes people breathless.

The shelter was shaking violently, and despite being separated from the shelter, he could still hear the wailing and moaning around him.

You can also see tens of thousands of citizens running desperately, shells are falling behind them from time to time, houses are burning,

At this moment, what appeared in front of his eyes was a hell-like scene. The flames of burning houses were constantly expanding. Thousands of people were running on the streets. The bombardment was still going on, but it seemed to have slowed down. According to the rhythm, the shells were still falling, but they were no longer bombing blindly and indiscriminately, but were fired strictly at a certain direction, so Chen Dekun was able to observe carefully.

Everything was burning around—houses, trees, everything, everything that could burn was burning, even what couldn't.Amidst the roar of flames, the rumble of cannonballs and the interlacing flying of hot shrapnel, some almost naked people rushed here and there.

Occasionally there are horrible, inhuman cries from the burning house.There, those people caught in the sea of ​​fire have no chance to escape at all, and people are being burned alive at this moment.

Occasionally he would cast his eyes on the people sitting in the shelter—they all looked like Westerners, they just sat there smoking cigarettes and playing cards, as if they didn't care, they were from the Naval Intelligence Department Commandos, most of the commandos are of European descent, this is to facilitate infiltration operations behind enemy lines.

"Mr. Chen, will they come out?"

Xiao Nanlin walked up to him and asked, just looking at his name or listening to him, he was no different from a Daming person, but he was of European descent, and he was also a blond guy.

"It should come out, the most important thing is whether the British are worthy or not!"

"Will the British troops go ashore?"

Faced with Xiao Nanlin's question, Chen Dekun smiled and did not answer. According to the information he had, Britain and the United States would occupy Tokyo, forcing the emperor to appoint Tokugawa Shigeru as the new shogun.

"We just have to stick to the plan."

Afterwards, Chen Dekun turned his attention to the Imperial Palace in the distance, which is the imperial palace in Japan. Now, the Emperor Xinghua should be making a decision!

"Your Majesty, it's time to make a decision!"

Standing in front of the Emperor, Mimi Sanjo said again.

"If we don't accept the conditions put forward by Britain and the United States and dismiss Iwakura and others, Britain and the United States will definitely attack Tokyo further. Now that such a mess is happening, Iwakura and the others are unforgivable crimes. In my opinion, I can behead them. To appease the anger of Britain and the United States!"

Although he used to be a representative of the pro-protection faction among the public, Sanjo Mimi is still a politician in essence. He supports the collapse for power, and supports the reform for power.

Since Emperor Meiji died of a sudden illness last year, he has been planning a new coup.But before the situation is clear, he will not act rashly, which is why until now, the public and military have not converged.

Politicians will always be politicians, and in their eyes, interests are the most important thing.

"But now we are forced to make concessions under the threat of Britain and the United States, what about the future?"

He Gong looked at the gunpowder smoke in the distance with a worried look on her face, and she said without turning her head while her face was pale.

"In the future, Japan will become like the Qing Dynasty, allowing the big powers to blackmail and exploit. At that time, the country will really be lost."

As the emperor's peace palace, it is very clear what this concession means to Japan.After all, there is a ready-made example right next to Japan.

"But do we have a choice?"

Sanjo Mimi said helplessly.

"The Qing Dynasty had no choice at the time. They fought several battles with the British and lost once. They could only solve the problem through peace talks. Now, our problem is the same, and we are even worse than the Qing Dynasty. We both Without a navy, and without an army strong enough to resist enemy invasion, now...peace talks are the only option."

"Where is Sheng Haizhou? And..."

As soon as the words came out, Kazumi remembered where Sheng Haizhou had gone. As the Secretary of the Navy, he went to Hiroshima to discuss the aftermath with the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the most important thing now is to end the conflict with Britain and the United States as soon as possible!"

Once again, Sanjo Mimi said directly.

"After all, if it's later, there's no rush..."

Just as his words fell, a servant came in to report in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, the Daisuke Mountain County Pavilion of the Army sent someone to report that the fort has been completely destroyed by the US fleet. Now the British and American sailors seem to be preparing to go ashore. Please make plans early, His Majesty the Emperor!"


Sanjo Mimi said in astonishment.

"They're going to land! What do those foreigners want!"

Not to mention Sanjo Mimi was surprised, even Iwakura Toshishi and the others were shocked from ear to ear when they heard the news, and they spoke after a while.

"It was so, so it was..."

Iwakura said with a vision.

"The conditions offered by the United Kingdom and the United States are just excuses, but only for the annexation of Japan! Damn foreign devils, it really is a country of tigers and wolves!"

It seems that at this moment, all the things that can be figured out and things that can't be figured out have been figured out. Why did Britain and the United States interfere in Japan's internal affairs? What is it for the Tokugawa family?Just like Britain occupied India and France occupied Vietnam.

"The country of tigers and wolves in the West, you really don't lie to me!"

In fact, the Japanese essentially have a kind of persecution paranoia. Living on this earthquake-prone island, the crisis that accompanies them day and night makes them more crisis-conscious than other nations. What is the extreme development of this consciousness? ?Of course they are suffering from persecution paranoia. Their stubborn character makes them find ten thousand reasons to prove that their choice is correct as long as they believe in the existence of something. They will try their best to use all kinds of lies and imagination to deepen this impression.

Of course, if there was the slightest hint of support for their speculation, they believed it to be true.

Just like before the Pacific War, these Japanese invaded China with American steel, gasoline, and weapons, bombed Chinese cities, and killed Chinese people. They believed that the United States would definitely "intervene by force", so after almost the persecution paranoia of the Zhaonu men broke out, they directly attacked Pearl Harbor.Then they thought they were complacent and blocked the intervention of the United States, but they never thought about it. When they invaded China, they used American oil and steel. Instead, it was the United States that was attacked by surprise. Are you in business yet?
But now, the situation...although there is a difference, in essence, there is not much difference. After all, for Iwakura and the others, it is only a matter of time before the Western ghosts and animals want to occupy Japan. It is for this reason.

And now?

The bombardment and naval landings of Britain and the United States just confirmed their previous speculation.

"No matter what, they can't be allowed to attack the Imperial Palace, send a letter to Shan County, ask him to abandon the fort, call all the troops that can be mobilized, and cover His Majesty's withdrawal from Tokyo..."

After giving this order, Iwakura sighed.

"I hope everything comes in a hurry!"

(End of this chapter)

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