Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 736 How can I do well with these insects?

Chapter 736 How can I do well with these insects (fourth update, please subscribe)
There is no hurry!

The British and American fleets did not leave Japan any time to react. After the shelling began at [-]:[-] noon, the four ten-inch cannons on the American ironclad California fired on the turret first.

The establishment of the California with a displacement of 7200 tons was established in response to the growing navy of Ming Dynasty, and its target was the "Nanhua class".

But history made a little joke here. Although the design of the "California-class" was borrowed from the "Nanhua-class", the increase in displacement and the enhancement of the artillery during the construction of the Nanhua-class led to the "California-class" as soon as it entered service. Far inferior to the "Nanhua class", but this does not prevent the "California" and the same class "Texas" from becoming the strongest warships of the US Navy.

The power of the ten-inch breech-mounted cannon is extremely astonishing. It took only a few salvos to turn the five forts of the Odaiba Fort in Tokyo Bay into a pile of scrap iron. Even those cannons were impossible to bring to the fleet. How many threats are either backward front-mounted guns or smaller-caliber Armstrong cannons.

After the Odaiba Fort was destroyed, at two o'clock in the afternoon, after three hours of bombardment, the landing force composed of British and American marines and armed sailors, that is, boiler soldiers, began to paddle small boats, or Under the drag of the transport motorboat, the landing operation began.

Facing the landing of Western ghosts and animals, the resistance of the Japanese was brave, but their bravery was meaningless at all. After all, they bombarded the barracks near the Imperial Palace at the beginning of the bombardment.Those who resisted were either the police or the gentry who had been laid off by the emperor. Although they were laid off, many of them still felt that they had an obligation to be loyal to the emperor.

"Miko, Miko, the knife, the knife is there!"

A man with a face full of gunpowder broke into the house and shouted at the woman whose clothes were patched.

"Quickly, quickly bring me the knife. The day of the righteous death of a man is today. Quickly, quickly bring me the knife."

"Didn't Dao Dang let you become a rice trader long ago?"


Only at this time did the man realize that his samurai sword had already been pawned, but he quickly thought about it again.

"Knife, I mean you, the Taidao I gave you before, if it doesn't work, a kitchen knife can also..."

A kitchen knife is fine, too.
For a samurai, all he needed was a sword.

But there are quite a few down-and-out samurai like him. After all, Tokyo, or Edo, is the headquarters of the Tokugawa family. The samurai here used to belong to the Tokugawa family. Since they are going to be laid off, they must be the first approved.

No way, this is the truth in the world.

But even if there is such a reason in the world, there are still some relatively decent people who choose to be loyal to the emperor.

Like many people, Yamamoto, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, originally thought that he could be loyal to the emperor on the battlefield, but how could his kitchen knife block bullets?Before he even saw the Western Ghost Animal, he fell under the gun.

Times have long since changed.

It's just that after the abolition of knives, even if some people want to resist, they can only take kitchen knives, but more people are indifferent.

Why should they defend the Emperor?
They thought that the emperor was their new lord when they "returned the books", and they knelt there to swear allegiance to the emperor.Dedicated their loyalty to the emperor, but what did they get in return?

They were laid off, and the emperor regarded them as a burden. They pawned their clothes, houses, and even sold their wives and daughters in order to maintain their lives after losing their salaries. Even so, the emperor and the reform government still scratched their hearts One knife - "waste knife order".

For samurai, the sword is their life and their glory!
But for the emperor, these are not worth mentioning.Their anger is at its peak, and they have already accumulated a lot of anger. If it weren't for the sense of dignity engraved in their bones, they might have already given up.

Of course, even if someone is restrained now, it is a traitorous official in the "restraint" court, not the emperor.

But they knew very well in their hearts that the emperor... that's it. Therefore, during the bombardment, more former nobles chose to escape and escape from the city.

While running with them, he looked back at Tokyo, which was under fire, and said to himself there.

"Emperor, didn't you say that everyone is a samurai? Then let those ordinary people resist Western ghosts and animals for you now."

The warriors fled so quickly, let alone those ordinary people?
Not to mention some ordinary people, those ordinary people who joined the army and became soldiers, faced with devastating artillery fire, many of them also chose to escape rationally. The Japanese army in this era has no fighting skills It is a deadly realization that during the Southwest War, thousands of soldiers with guns would even be beaten and fled by one or two hundred warriors with knives.

Everyone is on the run!
Ordinary people are fleeing, and dignitaries are also fleeing, and the emperor is no exception. "Nishikura" is not the patent of the Queen Mother, and it is the same in Japan.

After learning that the British and American sailors were going ashore and they were unstoppable, under the suggestion of Sanjo Mimi, the Emperor Xinghua was also the palace. The female emperor finally decided to leave. After living with her, what will she do? She is only [-] meters tall...

"Your Majesty, we can't leave the Erchongqiao. Now the people at the Erchongqiao are Iwakura and the others!"

When Kazumiya was about to flee, Sanjo Mimi said directly.

"Now we have to be careful that they coerce the emperor to order the princes."

It has to be said that the Japanese are also very fluent in reading Three Kingdoms. Not only can they read Jin Pingmei, but there is no such idea as He Gong, who just chose to agree. Of course, she herself is also worried that she will not be able to make peace with Britain and the United States. After all, Britain and the United States If the dismissal of Iwakura and others falls into their hands, it will definitely be controlled by them.

"In that case, let's do this!"

After making this decision, He Gong got into a carriage under the service of the maid of honor, and left from the side door of the Imperial Palace under the escort of the maid. At the double bridge, which is the main gate of the Imperial Palace, waiting for the emperor's driving.

But after waiting and waiting, I still haven't waited for the emperor's driving.

"What's going on, doesn't His Majesty know that there is no time?"

Iwakura shouted loudly, although he was very anxious, according to the palace order, he could not enter the palace without the emperor's summons, no matter how anxious he was.

In contrast, Dabao Jiulitong was more decisive. He glanced at his pocket watch and said directly.

"It doesn't matter how much, if you enter the palace, even if you commit a great treason, you will send the emperor out of Tokyo!"

It has to be said that even at this time, Okubo and the others are still loyal to the emperor, but... Mimi Sanjo is a typical politician.

After they broke into the Imperial Palace, they learned that the Emperor had already left the Imperial Palace with Sanjo Mimi and other ministers under the escort of the palace servants. Faced with such a result, Iwakura was stunned for a long time before speaking.

"Baga! Three Japans died at the hands of these rats..."

In the past, when they played with politicians in front of those warriors, those warriors were simply vulnerable, but now it seems that they are still too far behind those ministers of the public.

In terms of playing with politicians, the ministers of the public are better at it. After all, they have been playing with those methods in the past hundreds of years.

They play politics, just play politics.But at this time, when Japan is facing the situation of subjugation, they are still playing with these methods here.

Are you really not afraid of Japan's subjugation?

Thinking of this, his face was full of grief and indignation. How can the country be well-off with these insects?

(End of this chapter)

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