Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 751 England has started playing cards

Chapter 751 England has started to play cards (third update, please subscribe)
How to get the UK out?

In fact, since the troops of the Ming Empire entered Tokyo with a strong attitude, and the envoys of France, Russia, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire issued a declaration of support for Ming with a strong attitude, Britain has lost the initiative.

In fact, this is also Pacharley. Of course he hopes to prevent the entry of the Ming army, but he has no choice, not because of his strength, but because he has no way to make a decision in the first place.

For front-line diplomats, they simply do not have any autonomy.

And this is also the reason why Emperor Zhu led the imperial conquest.

After all, in this era, communication seems to have improved, but wireless telegrams are still the top secret of Ming Dynasty, and wired telegrams have not yet spread all over the world. In this way, it is impossible for the diplomats in front of them to send messages in a hurry. Changes in the current situation inform the rear headquarters, and the latest instructions from the headquarters cannot be communicated to the front in a timely manner. It is the lag in information that will not only make many simple problems extremely difficult, but also allow people to take the initiative.

Just like Tokyo now, with the entry of the Ming army, the initiative is completely in the hands of Daming.

On the day that Emperor Zhu arrived in Tokyo, an urgent telegram was sent from Tokyo through the submarine telegraph line, via Haizhou, Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore, India, and the Suez Canal to the British mainland.

Just a few hours later, in the prime minister's office at 11 Downing Street, Benjamin Disraeli, the British prime minister who has been vigorously promoting colonial expansion since taking office, was seriously discussing with the secretary of the navy, Sir Alexander Milne, and the foreign secretary. Edward Henry Stanley, they gathered together, and there was only one topic of discussion-the Tokyo crisis.

"Gentlemen, you have learned what happened there, and now what shall we do with it?"

Facing the prime minister's question, Stanley answered directly.

"Your Excellency, the "Tokyo Crisis" is no longer just a problem between us and the United States, and Ming Dynasty, but the first time we have faced the threat of the "Four Emperors Alliance" in a real sense. The Four Emperors Alliance "has such speculations. We once suspected that the Four Emperors must have their own ghosts. The cooperation between them will not last long, but now it seems that we are so naive!"

Stanley had a wry smile on his face.

"Now we can see that their footsteps are consistent. When the Ming Empire expanded in Japan, France, Russia, and Austria all stood on the side of the Ming Empire. If we declare war on Ming Dynasty or break out with Ming Dynasty because of the Tokyo incident Conflict, then..."

Turning his gaze to the Secretary of the Navy,

"Admiral, if war breaks out, do you think we can defeat them?"

Facing the inquiry from the Foreign Secretary, Sir Alexander Milne said in a helpless tone.

"In the past few years, Ming, France, Russia, and Austria have all continuously strengthened their naval armaments. Before the Four Emperors Alliance, our navy was equal to the sum of the second and third naval powers, but now, What we need to face are the four empires. In addition to France and Ming Dynasty's continuous strengthening of maritime armaments, Russia has built four "Ekaterina II" class, which is an improved version of the "Nanhua class" battleship , it has a larger tonnage and thicker armor, and Austria hopes to introduce Daming's "Linhai-class armored ship". , will completely surpass us!"

After giving such an answer, Alexander Milne's expression was bitter. As the Secretary of the Navy, as soon as he took office, he based his experience on the "Civil War" - the incident in which the American warship intercepted the British cruise ship "Trent".Determined the urgent need for trade protection in times of war, calling for the construction of new cruisers to protect British merchant ships in war.

But the emergence of the "Alliance of Four Emperors" changed everything.

"The problem that the Royal Navy considered in the past was how to defend the sea transportation lines during wartime, but now, the most urgent problem facing the Royal Navy is how to defeat the challenges from the four countries in the decisive battle at sea! It can be said that the Royal Navy is now facing The challenge is unprecedented, even far beyond the Napoleonic era."

Taking a deep breath, Alexander Milne frowned.

"As we all know, in the past few years, relying on the advantages of industrial technology, Daming has built an extraordinary naval fleet. Their warships are more reasonable in design, more powerful, and more powerful in firepower. We have never faced the threat of technology spreading to France, Russia, Austria."

The Secretary of the Navy's answer made Benjamin a little confused. When did the British Empire fall into such an embarrassing situation?

let's hit.

What needs to be considered is not only Ming, but the extremely powerful "Alliance of Four Emperors".

Let's not fight, is the British Empire so convinced?
"Your Excellency, I think the most important issue for Britain right now is not Japan at all."

Facing the silent Prime Minister, Stanley said directly.

"Now all of us have seen the threat of the "Alliance of Four Emperors" to the British Empire. This threat does not only exist on paper like in the past, but in reality. It can be said that to some extent As far as the "Tokyo Crisis" is concerned, it is not a bad thing for Britain, at least it has fully exposed our enemies, and they have formed a close alliance. A close alliance that will pose a threat to Britain."

"Indeed, after the Tokyo incident, the "Alliance of Four Emperors" has become the most pressing issue facing the empire. If we cannot establish a new alliance or disintegrate this alliance, it will inevitably become the biggest obstacle to the empire's global interests ...and now all we need to do is break up their alliance while building an alliance that belongs to Britain."

For Benjamin, who has been vigorously promoting the policy of foreign aggression and colonial expansion since becoming Prime Minister, he clearly sees the threat of the "Four Emperors Alliance" to the British colonial empire. In the past, this threat was potential, but now this threat But it's already on the table.

British politicians have always been extremely sensitive to external threats.Since the establishment of the "League of Four Emperors", Britain has been trying to form an alliance against the "League of Four Emperors", but with little success.

This is for many reasons.On the one hand, the United Kingdom has not yet fully realized the threat of this alliance to the United Kingdom, and on the other hand, it is because the United Kingdom has not been able to offer a suitable price. After all, the so-called "alliance" seems to be based on friendship, but in essence it is based on interests .Alliances are valuable in themselves.

When the UK has no way to give a suitable price, naturally no country is willing to join it.

"Disintegrate this alliance! That's the most important thing right now."

The prime minister's decision made Stanley frowned.

"Their alliance is closely bound together based on interests, Mr. Prime Minister, how can we dismantle them?"

Facing Stanley's inquiry, after a while, Benjamin said.

"Austro-Hungarian Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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