Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 752 The Empire House of Cards

Chapter 752 The Imperial House of Cards (Fourth Change, Please Subscribe)
"Austro-Hungarian Empire!"

After uttering these words, Benjamin said.

"Among this alliance, Austria and Russia are the most divided. In order to make their foreign aggression and expansion famous, Russia's usual trick is to talk about things with the Slavs, often inciting and inciting the Slavs in the Ottoman Empire and Eastern Europe. People made trouble, and then took the opportunity to send troops to expand in the name of "liberating the Slavs" and "protecting the Orthodox Christians,"

Holding a cigar, Benjamin sneered.

"However, half of the people in the Austrian Empire are Slavs, and the dominant positions are Germans and Hungarians. They unscrupulously exclude and suppress the Slavs. The Austro-Hungarian Empire took extra precautions against Russia. They worried that Russia would break into Central Europe and subvert the empire under the pretext of protecting the Slavs’ independence movement. If so, the whole of Europe may belong to Russia. Russia and Austria have constant conflicts because of the Slavs Intensified, the relationship continued to deteriorate. This is also the fundamental reason why Austria will stand by our side in the Crimean War.”

For a long time, why the United Kingdom was able to implement its balancing policy in Europe, in the final analysis, is to use the contradictions among European countries to serve the real European policy.However, the contradictions and conflicts between European countries have existed for a long time, and they are even irreconcilable.

This is also the fundamental reason why European countries are willing to be driven by it even if they understand the British conspiracy?
"In other words, we need to intensify the conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire?"

"Yes, only by making full use of the contradictions among European countries and placing their differences, it is possible to create a divided Europe."

"That's the Balkans! Although Austria's desire to invade and expand the Balkans is far inferior to that of Russia, the reorganized Austro-Hungarian Empire has begun to turn its attention to the Balkans in order to regain its status as a great power. Russia has also coveted the Balkans for a long time. .”

Stanley thought for a moment, then said.

"We can incite conflicts between the two countries on the Balkan issue. Maybe we can support Austria's occupation of the Balkans. Once it occupies the Balkans, the conflict with Russia will be intensified. This is how we disintegrate the "Four Emperors" "Alliance" opportunity."

Nodding, Benjamin said.

"A Balkan can not only induce a war between Russia and Austria, but also the large number of Slavs in the Balkan will only increase the divisions within Austria. Even if Austria wins the war with our support, it is impossible for him to rise , threatens our interests in the Mediterranean, after all, internal chaos will restrict Austria's development."

It has to be said that Benjamin, as the Prime Minister of the British Empire, is definitely an excellent politician. His vision is absolutely keen. He can not only see that the Balkans can leverage the relationship between Austria and Russia, but also see the Balkans. For Austria, it is blindly wearing intestinal poison!Not only will it not increase his strength, but it will even drag him down.

"And what about Turkey?"

After all, asked Alexander, as Lord of the Navy, the Balkans belonged to Turkey.

"Turkey, just Turkey."

In the political games of big countries, small countries have always been betrayed.Of course it was sacrificed.No big country will care about their interests. Even if they say they are friendly, they will betray each other at any time when needed.

"If it succeeds, the "Alliance of Four Emperors" will become the "Alliance of Two Emperors". France and Ming... are just threats!"

A smile finally appeared on Benjamin's face. He smoked his cigar with some complacency. How could he not be complacent?For at this moment, the most intractable problem that the British Empire has faced in recent decades is solved. .

"However, all of this will take time. We still have to solve the problem in Tokyo."

Stanley is back to square one again.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, we have received a diplomatic note from the Ming Empire. The Ming Empire has decided to file a complaint with the International Court of Justice regarding the British and American invasions of its vassal states that caused a large number of casualties among Japanese civilians."

The public law of all nations is not as good as a few cannons. Such a complaint is definitely meaningless, but what the big countries need is not just the threat of force, they also need the support of public opinion.

"International Tribunal?"

Benjamin frowned immediately, and then said.

"The empress of Japan, did we kill it?"

In the past period of time, newspapers in many European countries have reported the tragic death of the Japanese empress, including British newspapers. Perhaps few people would really care about Japan, but the death of the empress did make the Royal Navy And the British government has suffered unprecedented accusations. After all, that kind of humiliating killing is simply testing the moral bottom line of human beings.

Moreover, they also claim to be a civilized world.

What kind of atrocities did the armies of the civilized world commit in Japan?

It is killing women, killing babies, and killing people arbitrarily.It is even conceivable that in the not-too-distant future, when the Japanese question is brought before the International Court of Justice, all British newspapers will publish the atrocities committed by the British army in Japan.

At that time, the gentlemen in the parliament will definitely accuse him more—accusing his connivance for causing the massacre, and those opposition parties will of course accuse him and attack him with the high-sounding reason of the basic morals of the civilized world.

"I'm afraid only God knows this. So far I have not received any reply that someone in the Royal Navy needs to be responsible for this matter."

Alexander wasn't protecting his subordinates, but because... the British army closest to the incident was a full mile away.

"This is really a trouble, but it's just a trouble, um..."

After thinking for a while, Benjamin said.

"To some extent, the value of Japan to the United Kingdom is almost meaningless, and the British Parliament will certainly not agree, because Japan and the Ming Empire have a direct conflict, well, the essence of diplomacy is compromise, that is, through compromise After negotiating with Ming Dynasty, the two sides finally reached a consensus that we can resolve the Tokyo issue with Daming through negotiations, and there is absolutely no need to discuss it in Europe for a worthless Asian country.”

The reason why Benjamin made this decision was because he did not want the "Tokyo Crisis" to become a weapon in the mouths of politicians, instead of making a fuss over the cause of the death of the Japanese Empress and the massacre of civilians in European international courts Yes, to damage his personal reputation, it is better to resolve it directly through negotiations.

In fact, there are no more choices for the United Kingdom. After all, when the "Quadruple Alliance" shows their strength, Britain, which is weak on its own, will tear its face against Ming and even declare war on the four nations.

"I think the mission of the fleet has been accomplished!"

Just as Benjamin's words fell, there was a knock on the door of the office, and then his secretary hurried in and sent a telegram.

"Your Excellency, the Governor of India has sent an urgent message."

After receiving the telegram, Benjamin shouted violently.

"Fuck...damn the Ming Empire, do they want to go to war with Britain?"

(End of this chapter)

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