Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 753 Ming Imperialism

Chapter 753 Ming Imperialism (First update, please subscribe)
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival, the cruiser "Tianlong" of the Ming Navy slowly sailed into Dar es Salaam on the coast of East Africa.

Dar es Salaam means "safe port" in Swahili. In May 1873, a merchant ship of the Daming East Africa Company sailed here and signed an agreement with the Sultan of Zanzibar through negotiations to obtain the 5 square kilometers. land for the establishment of company anchorages.

From that day on, this place became Ming's first colony along the coast of East Africa.Like all colonies, after entering here, the East African Company began to build here, and soon steel-wood structure trestles and piers appeared on the river bank.

The cities built along the banks of the river are full of Chinese charm.The streets are full of Chinese-style buildings, and the roadsides are full of flowers, full of colorful flowers.

In less than two years, a small oriental town stood here and became another unique landscape on the coast of East Africa.

On the morning of the Lantern Festival, after the "Tianlong" cruiser sailed into the anchorage, the sailors who had arrived here from the ocean walked ashore leisurely on the streets of the anchorage as if they were at home, and the dark-skinned locals along the way People cast awe-inspiring gazes, and the Ming boss in the shop greeted them warmly.

"It's comfortable, it's unimaginable. It took only one year for this anchorage to take shape."

The officer in a white navy uniform said with a sigh.

He is the captain of the "Tianlong" cruiser, Ding Zezhong, he is the first batch of trainees of the Nanhua Naval Academy, he was just promoted to captain last year, and this is the first time he commanded a warship to the anchorage in East Africa.

"I came here last year and first signed an agreement with the Sultan of Zanzibar on the other side of the river to gain a foothold here. Then my staff and I went deep inland and signed thirteen agreements with the local chiefs, making Daming a owners of the land, but not everyone wants us to own the land."

Chen Haowen pointedly said that he is the general manager of Daming East Africa Company. This company was established in March last year according to the royal order. Two months later, Chen Haowen and hundreds of company employees arrived at Sambagier Island by boat. , crossed the strait within a week, and came to the opposite continent. While recruiting labor to build anchorages, he went deep into the inland and signed 3 treaties with local chiefs using single-shot rifles and other commodities. I don't know what they signed - they couldn't possibly know Chinese.

However, they donated their land, together with all public and private appendages on the territory, to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty for the full use of the Ming colonization. These lands cover an area of ​​14 square kilometers and are called "East Africa of the Ming Dynasty".

However, this move by the East African Company naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the nominal ruler of this land, Sultan Sambager. He has repeatedly declared that he is the owner of this land, but that's all.

Although the current negotiations with the Sultan of Sambakir are not going well, on the map of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs, the railway from Dar es Salaam to Matadi has been planned, and that railway will take the West African land of Ming Dynasty The colonies and the East African colonies are integrated into one whole.

Before that, the Sultan of Sambazier must be allowed to recognize Ming's right to rule this land.

"Whether they want us to own the land has nothing to do with us, if someone wants to stop us, then our naval guns can talk."

Ding Zezhong said with a smile.

"Naval gun..."

Chen Haowen picked up the teacup with a smile, and said with tea instead of wine.

"Then I wish you all the best, Chief Ding."

After taking a sip of tea, Ding Zezhong asked directly when he put down the teacup.

"Can you give me an excuse? If the naval gun wants to talk, there must be an excuse!"

This is Chiguoguo's imperialist hegemony. Few countries in the world like imperialism, but what they don't like is the imperialism of other countries, and they have never rejected the imperialism of their own country.

But even imperialist hegemony needs a reason and an excuse to do something.


After pondering for a moment, Chen Haowen said.

"Do slaves count?"

"What slave?"

Ding Zezhong asked back.

"It's like this, Mr. Ding didn't know that this Sambagier was a Portuguese colony in the early days. After the Omani Portuguese captured Sambagier in 1698, it became an overseas province of Oman. Since then, Sambajir Gier has become the most important source of wealth for Oman. It is not only rich in cloves, but also the largest black slave trade center in the world. Relying on the control of Zanzibar, the Omanis frequently went to the African continent to carry out slave hunting operations, and brought a large number of African slaves to the African continent. Negroes were trafficked to Arabia or Turkey."

Putting the teacup on the table, Chen Haowen continued to explain.

"Around 1832, the Sultan of Oman, Said bin Sultan, moved the government from the native Muscat to Stone Town on Unguja Island, the largest island in Zanzibar, and it became Oman's The capital, although more than ten years ago, after the death of the former Sultan Said, the Omani civil war was on the verge of breaking out. Four years ago, under the mediation of the United Kingdom, it was divided into two countries, Oman and Sambazir. However, with the construction of the Suez Canal in 1869 After all, the strategic position of Zanzibar was lowered accordingly, and Britain no longer valued Zanzibar as much as it used to. Because of this, the British forced it to announce the cessation of slave trade in 1870, and forced it to close in 1873. slave market. As a result, the Sultan's royal family lost a lot of money. But..."

After a pause, it seemed that Chen Haowen said in front of him.

"As I said before, they produce in the lilac plantations on the island and rely heavily on slaves. Perhaps those slaves are an excuse!"

"You mean... to free the niggers?"

Ding Zezhong suddenly became interested, it's interesting!

"You see, as a civilized country, I think we have a reason to stop the atrocities in the world, just like the British forced them to close the slave market and stop the slave trade. I think this is a good reason, no, this Not a reason, but an intervention we have to do based on human morality, and..."

Looking at Ding Zezhong, Chen Haowen took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and said.

"As far as I know, even until now, their slave plundering and slave trade on the mainland have not stopped, and if you don't mind a hard trip, you can intercept a slave ship today, and they are taking The slaves are loaded on the ship, at most tonight, they will send the slaves to Sambazier, yes, "

After taking a puff of cigarette, Chen Haowen said.

"Sir, you are in the Navy, you should have heard of the British Navy's anti-slave cruise!"

Of course Ding Zezhong knew that after Britain passed the bill to abolish slavery in 1807 and ended their hundreds of years of slave trade, they immediately turned to the global abolition of the slave trade. With guns and real money, he became a "world policeman".

In the ensuing half century, almost one-third of the Royal Navy's warships intercepted, searched for slave ships all over the Atlantic Ocean, and arrested them for trial in Britain. However, it was not until 1859 that the last slave market in Havana was closed, and the slave trade in the Atlantic region stopped. Mainly.

"You mean, we will also conduct a slave cruise?"

Ding Zezhong thought for a while, then said.

"That doesn't seem to work."

"It's definitely useless to just cruise, but..."

Chen Haowen laughed.

"If we extend the cruising to the land, all the black slaves on the island will be completely liberated!"

Expand to land?
Ding Zezhong looked at the other party in surprise, as if he was asking what do you mean?Is it an invasion?

"It's a country there."

Facing such a question, Chen Haowen answered directly.

"Sir, you must know that for the great powers, there has never been any such country or that country. As long as it is a weaker country, then it can be a country or not. In short, for the great powers, everything They all use naval guns to speak, um, this is imperialism, yes, that’s right, this is imperialism, Ming’s imperialism.”

This is not the manifesto of the Chiguoguo imperialists.Although it sounds domineering, isn't this also the pride of the empire?

(End of this chapter)

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