Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 805 You have an advance army, I have high technology

Chapter 805 You Have an Advance Army, I Have High Technology (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
The Alexander Expedition of the British Empire!
When Earl Henry Herbert delivered the so-called "the empire has no end" speech in the British Parliament, Daming also obtained information.Almost on the day Lieutenant Colonel Henry Plaine led the army to set off, the businessmen of Ming Dynasty in Cape Town sent out the news in the form of "news".

This is just a piece of news, not intelligence.

So, by any means, this isn't espionage, it's just normal news coverage.

Well, so-called journalists are spies in many cases, especially between countries.

This "news report" quickly spread to Ming Dynasty and was sent to Emperor Zhu's case. Facing the upcoming expedition by the British, Sun Hu, Liang Shan and other generals soon arrived at the battle map room of the palace.

"Time, in order to ensure that we can be one step ahead in terms of time, the plan of the staff department is not to use cars to advance quickly. Even if we send the cars over now, it will take time, and we also need to consider a series of issues such as fuel. , Of course, more importantly, the desert along the way will also restrict the use of cars. Considering the guides and other reasons, the land march must be full of problems..."

Standing in front of the map, Zhao Shiji emphasized the many deficiencies in the original plan. This chief of staff of Ming Dynasty was the first military student of Ming Dynasty to study abroad. He was personally selected by Emperor Zhu. In the long-term simulation of the miners, Zhao Shiji was the person with the most military talent around him. During the long-term guerrilla warfare, he had always been Zhu Xianhai's most important staff, but he found out a little too late.

After that simulation, as early as 1861, Emperor Zhu sent him to Prussia to study military affairs. Daming's chief of staff.

"So, we decided to change the original plan."

When the words fell, Zhao Shiji said to Li Berg.

"Deputy Chief Li, please introduce the combat plan of the staff department!"

"The staff's plan is to use airships in this operation—both by airship, to drop our men on the northern frontier of the Cape Colony within five days..."

The report of Li Haisen, the deputy chief of staff of German origin, made Emperor Zhu quite appreciative.

"Well, use the airship to drop the army into the target area! This will be the first airborne operation in human history! This brand-new combat method will change the course of the war!"

When speaking, Emperor Zhu's expression showed a hint of longing.

After taking the airship to France to attend the funeral of Nazan, Emperor Zhu had an idea brewing in his heart—to use the airship to carry out airborne operations. In the past few years, the Army Commando directly under the General Staff has been carrying out this aspects of the test.

What parachute airborne, what vertical cable drop, in a word, for the current Daming, the airship is not only a transport plane, but also a helicopter!

After learning that Britain was trying to "seize Africa", the staff decided to carry out this operation in Africa after several discussions.As long as it can be successfully implemented, this operation will be a breakthrough in military tactics.

Although in another world, the use of helicopters to carry out airborne operations was very common as early as the 20s, it was the first time in this era, not to mention the use of airships, and the need to cross oceans. Emperor Zhu, who was at great risk, thought about it, and then said.

"There is no problem with safety!"

Even Emperor Zhu himself once made an airship across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe.But you should be more cautious in military operations. After all, there is nothing wrong with being cautious about military issues.

"no problem!"

Chief of Staff Zhao Shiji replied.

"Strictly speaking, our real spin is not airborne. How should I put it? It should be a cable drop. After the airship arrives at the destination, there will be guide soldiers using ropes to carry out the cable drop, and then they will use the tethering rope and sandbags to fix the airship. This enables vertical hovering, and crew members can use ropes to lower the airship from the airship to the ground."

Cable descent... Of course, this is also the invention of Emperor Zhu.I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs walking.He also watched "Black Hawk Down" several times at the beginning, and he has a very deep memory of some of the plots.For example, the cable drop of the helicopter, and even the reason why Emperor Zhu thought of using the airship as a helicopter was inspired by those military movies.

"And what about the landing field?"

"Although there is no suitable landing field, as long as there is an open area, the rope drop can be implemented, and according to past training, there is no problem at all."

In fact, the reason why Emperor Zhu asked such detailed questions was because he was also a layman when it comes to airship airborne landing. Although this tactic was created under his leadership and airborne combat is very common in later generations, that They all use airplanes, helicopters, and gliders.The use of airships to carry out airborne operations is not written even in science fiction.

Not to mention it is far beyond the imagination of people in this era.

Even Emperor Zhu is very strange!
But strangers are strangers, and of course advanced equipment must be used. After thinking about it, Emperor Zhu specifically asked.

"What about firepower? How about our light machine guns?"

The so-called light machine gun is the "heavy machine gun" designed by Liu Qingen, which is definitely lighter than Gatling.When he learned that there were still some problems with the machine gun, Emperor Zhu had no choice but to give up, and then said.

"Well, the airborne troops have to be prepared to fight badly. We don't know what kind of enemy we will face in that area, and we don't know whether the British will open fire on our people, but if the war starts, we will definitely Can't be soft!"

After thinking for a while, Emperor Zhu deliberately said again.

"We can't just consider airships. I think cars can also be considered. Sending motorized troops over, doesn't the British want us to compete in speed? Well, I will let them see what the power of technology is!"

What is the power of technology?
Airships are the power of technology, and so are cars!

What is Daming most proud of?
It is the cross-age technology currently mastered by Daming, and it is these technologies that allow the Ming army to use cross-age technology and equipment to fight in a cross-age fighting style.

As soon as they play, they will definitely blind the eyes of the British!
"Your Majesty, apart from the fact that the desert terrain is not suitable for cars, we don't even have a simple map!"

Zhao Shiji reminded again,

"In the absence of a guide, I don't think sending a motorized force is the best option. I suggest that after the airship force enters the border, Simon Longsheng can lead the "African Legion" Southwest South African dispatch to the former Southwest South Africa. They conduct an expedition."

Why let Ximen Longsheng and the African Legion go... without a map, without a guide, and without anything, of course they need to use imperial consumables!
What are Imperial consumables used for?
Isn't it just for exploring the way!
It's for sacrifice.

"Well, that's a good idea!"

Emperor Zhu laughed.

"Just make a military plan..."

(End of this chapter)

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