Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 806 Epic Expedition

Chapter 806 An Epic Expedition (Third Update, Please Subscribe)

In Yingtian Southeast's comprehensive training base, the roar of dozens of engines of more than [-] airships echoed throughout the training base, and all the people on the ground looked up at these huge airships.

Under the airship, hundreds of army commando soldiers are ready to go. Although this is not their first time to take an airship, it is their first time to use an airship for airborne operations.

"Attention! Bring the camera closer... yes!"

Song Pingzhi, a cinematographer of the Propaganda Department of the General Staff Department, has photographed military training and exercises countless times, but those scenes are far less important than this one.This time, he will use a camera to record the first airborne operation in human history. At this time, Song Zhiping and several photographers from the Propaganda Office are using their cameras or cameras to record this epic expedition.

The scale of this expedition was small. Twenty-six airships transported more than [-] soldiers to carry out airborne operations.

It was absolutely epic action.

It has created too many world firsts... the first airborne operation, the first airborne intercontinental operation, the first...

Almost everything you can think of can be reflected in this battle.

What is debut is the pinnacle, this is the debut is the pinnacle.

Created for the first time, it has achieved an unsurpassable history.

"Brothers! See you in Africa!"

After saying this to the brothers, Wang Kunlun, who stretched out his hand to salute, grinned. The photographer pressed the shutter and took a picture of them about to board the boat.

This picture has since become a classic, and even a century and a half later, this photo is still being quoted constantly.

This is history.

Not only is there a new chapter never before in world wars, but it is also a new chapter in human history!

"Okay! Let's go!"

The awe-inspiring Wang Kunlun gave an order and said that at this time more than [-] officers and soldiers of the commando had already entered the airship through the hatch.

"I wish you success!"

Song Pingzhi with a camera in the cabin was watching the people waving on the ground through the lens after the airship slowly took off. When they waved their arms, they blessed loudly. Amid the sound of blessings, the airship Slowly rising to a high altitude, at the same time, the huge formation of airships began to accelerate towards the east, and soon they entered the sky above the Atlantic Ocean.

After stabilizing the spaceship and handing over the control of the spaceship to several other pilots, Wang Feihu left the cockpit and then went to the bomb loading compartment, um, it has now become the transport compartment.

As soon as he entered the transport cabin, Wang Feihu saw the elite officers and soldiers of the sudden team sitting leaning on each other in the cabin, and saw Wang Kunlun wiped the frost on the porthole and looked down at the porthole, so he walked over. Said.

"Captain Wang, let the brothers take a rest first, our next voyage is still far away! It will take almost two days and two nights, with boiling water and dry food on the boat, let the brothers make do with it when it is time to eat!"

"They are all resting there, Captain Wang is interested!"

Wang Kunlun grinned.

"Hehe! Captain. I want to ask, such a long distance. How can you guarantee that you won't fly off? I looked out of the window just now, and there are no landmarks at all except the sea."

As a ground force commander, Wang Kunlun, who stayed on the boat, felt a little strange how the airship could fly thousands of kilometers away without losing its way.

"This is simple. In fact, there is no difference between flying an airship and sailing at sea. You use a sextant and a clock to measure your latitude and longitude. Looking at the spaceship, it is clear that there is no big difference, if there is one, it is sailing on the sea, and the other is sailing on the sea of ​​clouds.”

Although you say so, whether you are sailing in the sea or in the sea of ​​clouds, you must bear certain risks. Of course, it is not a problem of losing your way, but because of the poor wind resistance of the airship itself, the ship encounters problems at sea. After a strong wind, the structure of the ship may be able to resist the strong wind, but the airship cannot. The airship uses thin rubberized cloth and internal ropes to maintain its strength. Encountering strong winds is likely to cause the airbags to rupture. A person can be perfect.

Although there is no strong wind now, who knows if he will be so lucky next time?

No one knows, after all, this voyage is across the ocean.On the sea, there are always various possibilities.

It is also because of this that every time he crosses the ocean, Wang Feihu will ask for the blessing of Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva, but he does not know whether the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea can manage to come to the Atlantic Ocean...

From day to night, and then to sunrise, the soldiers ushered in the sunrise in the airship. Although it was the first long-distance flight on the airship, the soldiers quickly learned the "life" skills on the airship. For example, things like urinating and defecating, and every time they urinate and defecate, they always laugh and discuss whether they will turn into a bomb and land on some unlucky person.

In the narrow airship, there were only such entertainments, and some soldiers disassembled and wiped the bolts of their rifles again and again, and everyone was looking for work for themselves to pass the time.

Finally, after another sunrise, when the soldiers began to enjoy a not-so-rich breakfast—a few compressed biscuits, the white waves on the coastline and the yellow African land came into their sight. shouted from the cabin behind.

"We're in Africa!"

Time will record this moment. Song Pingzhi used a camera to record the coastline of Africa. They finally arrived at this wild continent.

"The time is now at [-]:[-] a.m. on September [-], [-]. The third wing of the Daming Float Force transported the Army Commando to the sky over Africa..."

When Wang Feihu recorded this time in the flight log, all the people on the airship looked at the ground from the portholes, and the ground was full of yellow.

"It seems to be a desert!"

The soldiers are no strangers to the desert. They have trained in the desert area on the border between northern Shanxi and Peru. As army commandos, they need to adapt to combat training under various terrain types.

This is indeed a desert - the Namib Desert, which is a dry area along the Atlantic coast of southwest Africa. This desert extends for 2100 kilometers along the Atlantic coast of southwest Africa, and the widest part of the desert is 160 kilometers.

When the airship reached the desert sky, they flew very low because the hydrogen was compressed by the cold night-like air.When it reached the sky over the desert, the airship was only flying in the air less than 200 meters away from the desert.

Looking at the desert from the air, they can not only clearly see the oasis in the desert, but even groups of elephants, and a fiery red lake. When the airship roared past, the red seemed to be replaced I was startled, and suddenly flew up, it was a flamingo, and when tens of thousands of flamingos flew through the air, they almost dyed the entire sky red.

On this day, the red flamingo and Deming's airship were flying over the southwestern coast of Africa...

(End of this chapter)

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