Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 83 The Great Victory

Chapter 83 Great Victory (Second update, please collect, please recommend)
The Mapuche people were hanged and beaten!

Not the Mapuche, but Chief Namonza who led more than a thousand Mapuche were beaten by a group of Argentine cavalry!

Now this group of Mapuche people, who were reluctant to leave their looted things and run away, ran to the door to ask for help!
This call for help made Zhu Xianhai feel complicated!

For MMP, don't you have the self-awareness to be a robber?

I have been chased and beaten for half a month, but I still love money like my life, and I don’t want to throw away my things and run away. If you don’t get beaten, whoever gets beaten!

"First, sir, only you can help us now. If you don't send reinforcements, we are no match for the Gauchos at all."

Even now, standing in front of Zhu Xianhai, Juan still feels a little weak in his heart. When the steam monster drove past him that day, he was under the wheels, and in the steam heat wave that hit his face, Juan's will had completely collapsed. up.

It is true that he is a member of the tribe, but he is firmly on the side of the strong, and who is the strong?

It must be the Huaxia who owns the steam monster, so while delivering the letter on behalf of the chief, he explained the current situation they are facing one by one.

Facing Juan's request for help, Zhu Xianhai frowned.

To save or not to save?

This is not a multiple-choice question, but a mandatory one.If this Mapuche tribe is severely damaged, it will not only affect his plan to subdue the Mapuche, but also affect his "long-term plan" of using the Mapuche to bloodlet the Argentines.

"Juan, you did a good job in this matter, don't worry,"

Zhu first patted Juan on the shoulder and said.

"We are friends with the Mapuche people, I will definitely help you..."

It's easy to say, but Zhu Xianhai's mood is full of mixed feelings!
Originally, Zhu Xianhai made up his mind to "grow up obscenely", but now the dramatic changes have repeatedly told him that the plan will never keep up with the changes.

Originally, he thought he could stage a "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on the grassland, and he would take the opportunity to "develop insignificantly" and accumulate strength, but now the Mapuche who are being chased by the Argentine cavalry have no way out, and it is very likely that he will be exposed .

It is even very possible that it has been exposed now - the Argentines will know the "steam monster" and the existence of Nanhua from the captives.

In order for the captives to survive, they will definitely confess valuable information.What's more, if they confessed to "another powerful "tribe", not only would they not have any psychological pressure, but they might also be able to relieve the pressure on their own family!
People don't want to be destroyed by heaven and earth!
Who said that the Indians are honest and honest?
Stand up, I promise I won't hit you.

They are all villains like ghosts!
There is no fuel-efficient lamp.

But even so, Zhu Xianhai had to send reinforcements, because the Mapuche was an indispensable link in his control of the grassland—only with the help of the Mapuche could he slowly bleed the Argentines.

Slow and continuous bloodletting!

Besides, here is a place that pays attention to strength. Nanhua must show his strength to have the capital to communicate with the "simple" Mapuche people, and this strength must be proved by the blood of the Argentines.

"Mobilize the army!"

When asking Juan to go down to rest, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

"Fortunately, for this day, I have already made preparations."

In fact, from the very beginning, he knew who Nan Hua's biggest enemy was—the Argentines!

Therefore, he has been preparing for this day all the time.However, before dispatching troops, of course, a simulation is still necessary.


"Turn on the simulator, the simulation time is [-] days..."

The reason for simulating [-] days is more to simulate the impact of "exposure".

[Starts simulation. ]
[On May 1861, 5, you led a self-defense force of 17 troops to rescue the Mapuche. ]
The light screen flickers and the scene loads quickly.



"Kill Baipi and defend Nanhua!"

On the grassland, this scene seemed familiar, and there were familiar shouts.

For the first generation of immigrants in Nanhua, Baipi's previous enslavement created an indelible hatred between them and Baipi.

Sometimes hatred can only be met with blood.

Standing on the carriage, Zhu Xianhai observed the battlefield solemnly, ignoring the surging Argentine cavalry. Unlike the Mapuche who used cold weapons, these gaucho cavalry used both spears and revolvers.

"do it according to plan!"

Following Zhu Xianhai's order, the South China Self-Defense Force was dispatched.

Facing the attack of the Nanhua Self-Defense Forces, the gaucho cavalry who rode their horses to kill them seemed a little puzzled, stopped involuntarily, and turned to look at their commander.

Major Matoro also seemed a little puzzled.

In his life, he had met many Mapuche people, and perhaps those people were usually brave characters.

However, their tactics are the same - cavalry charge.

The fearless charge is enough to defeat any small army.

But he had never seen a Mapuche like this.

They are not cavalry!

The most important thing is that the dress of these people does not seem to be Mapuche.

Everything is so weird.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Major Matoro's heart tightened for no reason, and he felt a danger inexplicably.

It turned out later that his guess was correct.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, defeat was already doomed.

Even before Major Matoro figured out what kind of tactics the opponent was using, he felt the difference of this "Mapuche" - gunshots!
A dense rain of bullets enveloped them like raindrops.

They had muskets!
And it's the latest Henry rifle!
Bullets rained down on them, and in an instant, hundreds of people fell down. In such an impact, the gauchos with revolvers in their hands were no match for them at all.

They are not Mapuche!


Major Matoro is extremely decisive, and he has no awareness of fighting the Mapuche to the death.

When he led his men to retreat, the enemy chased them again. While they were running away, they were under the attack of the Mapuche bullets. After fleeing for a distance, Major Matoro fell to the ground.

He was hit in the back by a bullet.

An hour later, except for a few gauchos who fled, the rest of the gauchos were either buried or surrendered.

The South China Army won a great victory, wiping out [-] elite Argentine cavalry without a single soldier...

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(End of this chapter)

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