Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 84 The Jackal Comes With Swords And Guns

Chapter 84 The jackal is here, with swords and guns (first update, please collect, please recommend)

[The simulation ends! ]
At the end of the simulation, there was a hint of joy in Zhu Xianhai's expression!
Not because he beat the Argentines in the simulation, but because the commander of the Argentine army was actually his old acquaintance - Major Matoro!

In Buenos Aires, Zhu Xianhai performed a life simulation, this guy led the soldiers pretending to be Urquiza's rout and attacked his manor, and then that guy Mitre, pretended to be merciful Stand up and give Zhu Xianhai a "beautiful funeral".

But at the moment, Major Matoro did not act as a rout, but led a cavalry of more than [-] people, chasing the Mapuche who had successfully robbed all the way. ,
"It's actually him!"

While muttering, Zhu Xianhai's eyes were full of joy.

"Good guy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you break in..."

Hmph, with a cold smile, Zhu Xianhai said softly.

"This time it's our turn to take revenge!"

That is "revenge to kill the body"!

In the simulator, that was the first time Zhu Xianhai "enjoyed" the "thrill" of being killed, now it's that guy's turn!

"That shot... really hurt..."

Even now, recalling the first time he was "killed", Zhu Xianhai still touches his chest with lingering fear. The memory of that shot is definitely extremely deep.

Although not in a cold sweat.

But painful memories always make people itch with hatred.

Now, it's finally our turn to take revenge!

After laughing wildly for a while, he didn't care much about what he gained.

However, even if you don't care, the system still gives corresponding rewards.

[The harvest of this simulation: at this time, when the troops are sent out, facing the elite of the enemy, the user can win by surprise, and then he can use diplomacy to defuse various crises flexibly. .Users can choose one of the following three items as a reward for this life simulation. 】

[[-]: Elementary Diplomacy]

[Two: Elementary Cavalry Tactics]

[Three: Wholesale permission for entry-level entrepreneurs in Life Mall once]

Although he didn't care about rewards anymore, when he saw the wholesale permission, he still drooled excitedly.

"Wholesale permission!"

Isn't this exactly what we need?

Excited, Zhu Xianhai opened the Life Mall without hesitation. The mall was still the same mall, without promotion, and the same was true for the permissions.

Staring at the dazzling array of products in the mall, when he opened the weapon page and was about to purchase a batch of weapons, Zhu Xianhai hesitated a little.

It is too wasteful to waste a wholesale authority on weapons!

"Good steel should be used wisely. Save this opportunity first. After all, there must be more important places to use it in the future!"

After all, in the simulator, we won easily!
The sudden change put Nanhua in a "wartime state" immediately. When the troops were preparing to leave, Zhu Xianhai was also preparing for the battle.

"Do you need me to go with you?"

Elizabeth looked at Zhu Xianhai and asked.

"I need you to guard our home!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen at home."

After thinking about it, Elizabeth said again.

"Actually, Major Matoro is not such a difficult person to deal with. In essence, he is just a sycophant."

She has a certain understanding of Major Matoro, and she is just a confidant of high-ranking officials.

"I know,"

That guy is simply vulnerable. In the simulator, we beat him to pieces with just one face-to-face encounter. There must be no suspense in defeating that guy.

"What I'm worried about now is Buenos Aires. After all, after this battle, Nanhua may be exposed..."

Is there still time for wretched growth?

It is obviously impossible, no matter whether Zhu Xianhai is willing or not, Nanhua will appear in the eyes of outsiders in an aboveboard manner.Of course, the most urgent task right now is to deal with the invading enemy.

Hit one punch, save a hundred punches.

Of this truth, Zhu Xianhai is naturally clear about it.

After bidding farewell to Elizabeth, Zhu Xianhai went to the barracks.

A wooden flagpole stands on a high platform made of wooden planks, and a red flag shines brightly in the morning light.

The red flag, in "The Life of the Slave Liberator", the guerrillas held the red flag. After coming to Nanhua, he chose the red flag without hesitation.After all, any Chinese person has a very special feeling for the red flag.

However, Nanhua's flag is the red Suzaku flag. The reason why Suzaku was chosen is because it is among the "Four Divine Beasts" in China.It represents the south. "Red Bird, Vermilion Bird, Gods of the South".And it also has a meaning "Phoenix"!
The phoenix reborn from the ashes!Just like the Chinese nation, they are reborn from the ashes again and again!

This is why Zhu Xianhai chose this flag.

More than [-] soldiers stood in front of the carrier, the riflemen carried rifles, the grenadiers carried grenadiers, and in front of the team, there were two Gatlings mounted on gun wheels that looked similar to cannons. machine gun.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. I just got the information that a group of white skins killed them. What are they doing here? I don't need to say that the big guy understands that they want to grab our land and our house. , can we make them get what they want?"


Although there were only more than [-] people, the roar of everyone's shouts was still earth-shattering, and they were still holding their breath.

"No, definitely not. As the saying goes, when friends come, they have good wine, and when wolves come, they have swords and guns. If you want to stop Baipi, you can't rely on your mouth, but rely on our guns and cannons. We must beat them to death. Once they are defeated, they will not dare to provoke us again..."

There was no expedition ceremony, no flag presentation, only a simple order, and the troops set off in the belief of "defending Nanhua".

Of course, it was not on foot or on horseback. More than five hundred soldiers left Nanhua in a full one hundred four-wheeled carriages. When they set off, a group of armed workers temporarily mobilized watched They, they will take on the responsibility of defending Nanhua.

The soldiers sitting in the carriage looked extremely calm. Perhaps they had only received a few months of training, but without exception, these team members were former Taiping Army soldiers, and they had also charged in the domestic battlefield.They are no strangers to war, they have long adapted to life and death on the battlefield, the only thing they are unfamiliar with is the way of war.

Not only were they not nervous, they even looked a little excited.

going to war...

Going to fight white skin!

Revenge for revenge, revenge for resentment!

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(End of this chapter)

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