Chapter 85 People die for money (Second update, please collect, please recommend)
When Zhu Xianhai led a large carriage force to reinforce the Mapuche, Zhu Xianhai's old acquaintance, Major Matoro, was planning a new attack.

"Major, the Mapuche and the cattle are about thirty kilometers southeast of us."

After receiving the report from the scouts, Major Matoro pondered for a moment, then said to the cavalry behind him.

"Everyone check your pistols, watch out, put on the caps, wait a minute and it's the same as before, get as close as you can and shoot them with your pistols, don't ask the cattle, don't think about the hostages, remember, Try to kill those Mapuche people, understand!"

As the president's confidant, what Matoro cared about was never how many people he saved or how many cattle he took back. plus a star.

"Yes, sir!"

The cavalry shouted loudly, most of these cavalry were Gauchos. Two centuries ago, Spanish colonists came to this land. Although the Spaniards who came here were of the same clan, they were divided into ranks, and wealth determines everything. , They rapidly differentiated. The landless Spanish whites wandered around, and some of them combined with indigenous women. The Gauchos were their mixed descendants. They lived on the Pampas prairie. meaning.

These gauchos living on the prairie are different from their Spanish compatriots, they retain more Indian culture, and they speak Spanish.Believe in Catholicism.engaged in animal husbandry.But like the Mapuche people, they are accustomed to living on horseback. They are heroic and powerful. During the independence movement in South America, they were the best cavalry in the independence army.Now they are also the strongest opponents of the Mapuche, especially after they are equipped with revolving guns, which is even more so.

"Follow up, remember, hit and go, kill those Mapuche people as much as possible, by the way, pay attention to capture a few prisoners, we need to find out where that "Nanhua" is."

Have "natives" built cities by the sea?
Matoro was dubious about the information confessed by the captives, because what they said was too outrageous, especially the invulnerable "steam monster".

What kind of monster is immovable with a gun?

"It's just a savage's fantasy!"

Major Matoro sneered.

"However, if this information is true, it may be related to Chile. They have been eyeing this place and want to cross the Andes Mountains. Maybe they really came, who knows?"

Subconsciously, Major Matoro regarded "Nanhua" as a "Chilean conspiracy", and even thought about it, after finding out the situation from the captives, he went to Nanhua to find out what happened there. thing.

If the Chileans intervene...just another wave of credit!
Maybe after this round of fighting, the major will become a colonel!

The mighty herd of cattle on the prairie is like a large black cloud, almost occupying the entire prairie.

Around the cattle are the Mapuche people on horseback. They hold spears and look into the distance from time to time. There seems to be some worry in their brows.


Once again, Chief Namengza cursed those gauchos, cursed their riding skills, and cursed their revolver.

The Gauchos are a group of guys who are as brave as the Mapuches, and their riding skills are not inferior to the Mapuches. They clearly have the blood of the Mapuches in their bones, but they are willing to be driven by the whites.

"What a bunch of damned guys!"

While cursing the people of Gaoqiao, Chief Namonengza asked again.

"When you and Juan went to Nanhua, that Mr. Zhu said they would come to support us, right?"

"Yes, Chief."

Carlos quickly replied.

"His people should be on their way here with Juan now."

"I hope so..."

When the words of Chief Namengza fell, another fast horse ran over from a distance.

"The Gauchos, the Gauchos are calling..."

"Quick, prepare to fight!"

Once again, Chief Namonza had to raise his spear and gather his subordinates to prepare for battle. In fact, he had countless opportunities to escape along the way, but he couldn't bear it.

He can't bear to part with the robbed cattle, nor can he part with the robbed women.

In a word, people die for money.

When Chief Namengza gathered his subordinates, a whirlwind of cavalry rushed forward in the distance. They were dressed in red military uniforms and rode maroon horses, like a red whirlwind, coming from a distance. .

"Kill all the barbarians!"

Major Matoro, who was leading the horse, held the rein with his left hand and held the Colt revolver in his right hand. However, because of the distance, he did not shoot, but pointed straight ahead. Like a straight sword or spear.

However, not all gauchos used revolvers. In fact, almost half of the cavalry led by Matoro still used spears.But even so, these revolver cavalry still posed a great threat to the Mapuche.

Facing the rushing gauchos, Chief Namongza raised his spear without hesitation and pointed at the enemies.

"Kill all the white people."

After that, the Mapuche raised their spears, and together with Chief Namonza, rushed towards the Gaucho cavalry. They were fanatical and fearless. Once upon a time, they repelled the whites again and again like this. Joe people.

Just like before, Matoro pulled the trigger when the distance was only a dozen meters away, and the gaucho cavalry beside him greeted the rushing Mapuche with bullets from their revolver guns. The advantage is very obvious, but it is not easy to shoot accurately on a subversive horseback.But at close range, their shooting accuracy is not bad.

Most gauchos are usually not good marksmen though.Because the gauchos seldom use muskets, because muskets are expensive, gunpowder is difficult to obtain, and bullets tend to destroy cowhide.So they are better at using cold weapons like crescent spears.

But despite this, the marksmanship of those pistol cavalry is not bad.One bullet after another was like a deadly whirlwind, knocking down the Mapuche one by one. Even when they hit the impact, they didn't stop, and directly tore apart the Mapuche formation with their revolvers. At one opening, they charged while firing, and in front of them, Mapuche cavalry fell one by one...

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(End of this chapter)

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