Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 834 The Dragon in the Eagle's Nest

Chapter 834 The Dragon in the Eagle's Nest
On June 1876, 6, the Turkish army gathered heavy troops and began to prepare to attack the St. Nicholas position known as the "Eagle's Nest".

This position with a distinct orthodox meaning was planned and designed by Li Bin. He carefully planned the defense facilities here and brought many unique fortification systems of the Ming army here.

The army guarding here has only one company of the Russian army and one battalion of the Bao army, less than 1000 people.

And Li Bin is their commander.

The reason for letting a foreigner command this army is very simple. In the past few days, a large number of officers died in battle. Although Li Bin was a foreigner, Valensky still put him in this most important position .


The silence of the mountain was broken by the sound of violent explosions starting in the early morning. During the violent explosion, the few trees on the mountain were blown away by shells, and sawdust and gravel flew around, hitting their heads and faces from the air.

After the first round of shelling, more shells flew over, and the strong screeching sound of the shells flying overwhelmed everything, followed by a deafening bang, and the violent shelling continued to explode with boom, boom, boom.

The Bulgarian soldiers who were dressed in the trench fortifications of the "Eagle's Nest" hurriedly pressed their bodies into the trench after hearing the swishing sound from far to near, and buried their heads in it.Rows of shells exploded, the ground trembled, and the sky was filled with dust.The choking smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

But even so, the shelling still did not stop.

The whistling and explosion sounds of shells are completely different. The sharp ones are the high-speed shells fired by field artillery, while the low ones are the sound of mortars. For the wars in the trenches, the vertical falling mortar shells are the most deadliest.Occasionally, a heavy mortar shell fell into the trench, and the tens of kilograms of shells would immediately set off a bloodbath in the trench.

In the deafening explosion, the soldiers will be blown up, and the parapet built with rubble will collapse a lot.

"God bless, all the glory be to you, all the glory be to you..."

The Bulgarian soldiers and Russian soldiers in the trenches were there praying and shouting, and if anyone was timid, the moment they showed their heads, the flying debris in the air would crush their heads and take their lives.

In the explosion, the stones were blown to pieces like raindrops, and the broken stones and shrapnel flew through the air together. They collided with each other and shattered. Flying to the trenches, tearing apart the bodies of warriors hiding in the trenches,

Bloody wind, in this violent storm caused by shells, there was bloody wind everywhere in the trenches, but the soldiers still persisted tenaciously.

In fact, only a few people watched the Turkish army on this storm-shrouded position, and everyone else waited in the bunkers on the reverse slope, waiting for the Turkish attack.

Suddenly, there were bursts of harsh whistles amidst the deafening explosions.

"The Turks are coming up!"

Standing up abruptly, Li Bin looked at several Russian and Bulgarian officers around him, and said.

"Enter the position!"

"For God!"

The soldiers in the bunker shouted, and then they ran in the trenches under the artillery fire without hesitation, and ran to their posts.

"Anla, Anla..."

At the foot of the mountain, thousands of Turks were like a tide. They shouted slogans and commanded the Type 71 rifles purchased from Ming Dynasty, "An arms dealer who does not sell weapons to the enemy is not a good arms dealer." The arms dealers of Daming are definitely good arms dealers, they have successfully sold the arms of Daming all over the world.

The Russians used a Russian-improved Type 71 rifle, while the Turks used the original Daming product. The blued gun body glowed beautifully in the sun.

When the Turks rushed towards the mountain, the guards opened fire. They were holding Type 72 rifles, aiming and shooting. In the hail of bullets, the Turks continued to attack while fighting back.

Just when the Turks rushed up like a tide, and when they were more than three or four hundred meters away from the defense line, Li Bin shouted with gunpowder all over his face.

"Grenade, grenade, grenade..."

With his roar, hundreds of grenades fell from the sky like raindrops. In fact, grenades can't be thrown that far on flat ground, but they are on the mountain. The "Eagle's Nest" is because they guard the place that only eagles can fly up.

After the grenade that fell from the sky was thrown, it flew forward in a parabola for tens of meters before falling, but from the distance of the mountain road, it was hundreds of meters away.The moment the raindrops of the grenade fell, amidst the sound of successive explosions, the Turks who came pouring in like a tide were blown into the sky.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, there were corpses everywhere on the mountain road, one in the east and one in the west, but despite this, the Turks still did not stop entering.

"calm down……"

Once again, they launched an attack. At the same time, the shelling from the rear was even more violent. The mountain was trembling and vibrating, and there was even a tendency to raze the entire mountain to the ground...

"Ivan, Ivan, pay attention to the left flank and prevent the enemy from turning around there. Nicholas, you guard the right flank, and I personally guard the front..."

Orders were issued one by one from Li Bin's mouth. Although he was wearing a green military uniform unique to the Ming Army, he looked no different from an ordinary soldier covered in dust.

During the fierce battle, as a commander, he never entered the bunker at all, but shuttled and fought in the trenches like ordinary soldiers, with a rifle in his hand, and sometimes he was like an ordinary soldier. Our infantry fights, shoots, and bombs the same way.

"Brothers in-laws, if we are doomed to die today, let the world witness our courage! Our bravery!"

Facing the Turks pouring in like a tide, Li Bin shouted to the soldiers in Russian.Because the hillside was not flat, the attacking Turks used the valleys and ravines many times to get close to their positions. Finally, a group of hundreds of Turks rushed to their positions. Facing the Turks who were right in front of them, Li Bin shouted, He was the first to jump out of the trench. At this moment, everyone was stunned. He stabbed the Turk in the chest with a bayonet.

Seeing this, the Bulgarian soldiers in the trenches shouted.

"For God!"

Then he jumped out of the trench without hesitation, and killed the enemy with a bayonet...

(End of this chapter)

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