Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 835 The Bonus of War

Chapter 835 The Bonus of War (First update, please subscribe)
"...the furious attack of the Turkish army was defeated in fierce hand-to-hand combat. Under the command of Captain Li Bin, the Russian and Bulgarian soldiers fought to the last moment, even after the ammunition ran out, they used stones and the corpses of their comrades to fight back... …In the end, they held out until Russian reinforcements arrived, the Turkish attack was broken, they left over [-] dead on the Shipka Pass, and the battle was over...”

July 1876, 7 "Daming Daily" - Bloody Battle at Shipka Pass!
For Daming, the war that took place in Europe would have a page about the size of a tofu block in the newspaper. After all, for most Ming people, Russia was too far away, so far away that they had never even heard of it.

Even if it weren't for the fact that the commander of this battle was an officer of the Ming Dynasty, it probably wouldn't even have such a little space in the newspaper.

Of course, the war still had an impact on Ming. For example, on May 5, the Russian ambassador and Ming signed an arms procurement contract with a total amount of 1 million rubles. According to this contract, Ming will export up to 1.5 rifles to Russia. , hundreds of millions of bullets, and thousands of field guns and shells. This is the largest arms order that Daming has received. Although most of the orders for field guns are second-hand old-style racks, they still keep Daming's arsenal busy. At the extreme, not only military factories, but even civilian factories have received military orders to produce various parts and components.

Daming's war machine was running silently like this.For the workers in Daming, this is not a bad thing. While the workload has increased, overtime pay has also increased rapidly. For the workers, this is a good thing.Even the war just broke out, and Ming's industrial production actually saw a small increase, which can be understood as "war prosperity".

Other than that, the war didn't seem to have any impact on the people, not to mention the people, even the Naval Academy was on vacation in July as scheduled.

From the moment he got off the tram and entered the community, Li Pingan kept greeting his neighbors. He was admitted to the Naval Academy last year, and he has already become a child in others' mouths, and a role model for neighbors in educating their children.The Naval Academy, although not a university, is a very respectable profession for naval officers.

"Mom, Dad!... I'm back."

Pushing open the door and coming in, he put his luggage by the door, and while changing his slippers, he pointed his head and shouted inside.The younger brothers and sisters in the house are definitely not there - he is the eldest, and there are seven younger brothers and sisters under him. The eldest sister is married, and the second brother graduated from the apprenticeship school last year and entered the factory. Compared with living at home, he prefers to live in the dormitory .The other younger brothers and sisters are either in primary school or junior high school.

My mother gave birth to another child last year, and he had another younger sister. Others say that my father is old and strong, but in fact, my father is getting old, but he is only forty years old.

"Ah, I'm back in peace, baby, I'm back in peace."

When the mother came out with the little sister in her arms, Li Tieliang, who had just returned home, put the stewed vegetables in the kitchen, looked at his son and said.

"You kid is really lucky, you can't smell the pig's intestines from the Ma family!"

"Hey, Dad, if you don't tell me, I really can't remember, what's wrong, why did you remember to buy braised vegetables today?"

Although the Li family has seven children, their life is quite manageable. They rented a house with seven bedrooms. If it weren't for their father's reluctance to move, they would have moved to a new home with eight to ten bedrooms, and the rent was also low. It's the same, 2 yuan a month.

In another world, such a large apartment is called a large flat. The reason why Ming Dynasty promoted apartments was because of investment, because there was almost no real estate industry in Ming Dynasty, and most of them were public housing invested by the government or enterprises. Long-term leases are given to workers. After the lease expires for [-] years, they can pay the final payment equivalent to one year's rent, and the ownership is transferred to individuals. Neither the government nor enterprises can benefit from it.In order to save construction costs, multi-storey apartments have become the best choice.

In addition, the government also provides childcare subsidies in the form of free milk, food stamps, etc. In addition, there is no tuition fee for going to school, and there are free lunches. Childbirth has become a natural thing.

But any normal family has at least five or six children. More children means more blessings. In Daming, it is not only a myth, but also a reality!

"If you want to buy it, buy it."

Li Tieliang couldn't hide a smile on his face when he spoke.

Li Pingan asked curiously:

"Mom, is there any happy event at home today? Why is Dad so happy?"

"Yeah, of course it's a very happy event!"

Li Liushi put down the spatula, smiling until the corners of his eyes were wrinkled.

"You don't know, Dad and his factory received a big order from the arsenal to provide accessories to the arsenal. Originally, it only took twelve hours to work in the factory. Now? It takes a full sixteen hours. Although there are four extra hours, the working hours are calculated as six hours. Before, everyone would not be able to eat and starve to death. Now it’s all right. It’s only been a week. The boss said that they will give your father a monthly increase for each of them. Three yuan salary, and three meals will be provided in the factory in the future! If you calculate it, your father's salary has almost doubled, do you think you are not happy?"

Li Pingan was dumbfounded by his mother's words, and he said in surprise.

"Really? Why did it rise so much? No wonder Dad Lecheng looks like that."

Looking back at the restaurant, the cheerful father took out a bottle of wine, which was ordinary victory wine.

The family's income has increased, and Li Liushi is also happy to keep his mouth shut.

"That's not right! Your father's factory is not a big factory. You are thankful that you don't lose your job and buy pension insurance on time. Who wants a salary increase? Now that you have received so many orders and time is urgent, the boss will naturally ask for it." Wage increase."

After being happy, Li Pingan had a question in his heart. The big orders from the arsenal, ordinary factories like this have received big orders from the arsenal, what about other factories?Why does the arsenal place an order with a private factory?It must be that my own list cannot be produced!

Why is the list of the arsenal so busy?
It must be related to the current war in Turkey. In addition to Russia, France and the Austro-Hungarian Empire also purchased a lot of arms from Ming Dynasty.

"Ping An, come here, you are on vacation today, have a drink with your father and me!"

Li Tieliang said with a smile on his face.

"You've grown up, and your second son has joined the factory. Our family's life is getting better and better... Well, with my skills, we can definitely earn a lot of money in this good time."

Li Tieliang has no ambitions. He has never thought about setting up a workshop by himself. He just wants to make more money through his own labor. In fact, if he wants to make money, he can earn more money even if he goes out to open a workshop.

"Yes, as long as you work hard, you will definitely make a fortune. Dad, my son respects you, old man. You have worked hard, old man."

Although there was a smile on his face, Li Pingan had a hint of worry in his heart.

Is the war really that far away from Ming Dynasty?
He didn't know, but he knew that once the war broke out, as a soldier, he would definitely be involved...

(End of this chapter)

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