Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 842 Daming, that's all

Montevideo Bay.

Eight warships of the Brazilian Imperial Navy are quietly berthed. This huge fleet arrived in Montevideo two days ago. It is from that day that this fleet has attracted the attention of the entire South America. .

As usual, Navy Captain Paul was nervously looking at the distant sea with his binoculars.

Whenever a column of smoke rose from the sea, he would observe it carefully for a while!
If there is only one smoke column at sea, it may be a passing merchant ship. If there are multiple smoke columns, it must be a fleet.

How will the Ming Empire respond to them?

Although he was young, Paul had visited Daming with a warship, and he didn't believe that Daming would let their fleet demonstrate here without saying a word.

The Ming Empire Navy will definitely do something!

In this regard, Captain Paul is convinced, but his judgment has no influence in the navy at all. Now His Excellency the Commander and the senior officers of the fleet are attending a ball in the high official residence in the city.

It seems that to them, the threat of Daming is not worth mentioning at all!

"It is true that the diplomats of the Ming Kingdom issued a warning. They warned us that if we do not withdraw the fleet and insist on challenging the bottom line of the Ming Empire, we will be resolutely countered!"

In the banquet hall of the high-ranking mansion, facing the local dignitaries, ladies and young ladies attending the welcome ball, Marquis Tamandale held a wine glass in one hand and gestured with the other.

"Do you know how they responded when I asked how you would react if I refused to withdraw?"

Everyone laughed and said.

"Let's wait and see!"

Just this morning, the newspapers in Montevideo reported the news. Daming's threat was so weak, but it was just a few words.


Marquis Tamandale laughed, then shrugged.

"Okay, let's wait and see!"

When the voice fell, the ballroom burst into laughter. Amidst their laughter, the music sounded again. Those beautiful ladies invited the naval officers one after another. Amidst the cheerful music, people danced dance.

When these people were immersed in the cheerful music, a huge airship troop was slowly flying towards the target in the air hundreds of kilometers away.

This is Daming's floating troops, three entire regiments, as many as seventy-two airships, sailing towards the distance in a formation that obscures the sun.

When the huge floating troops flew towards Montevideo, the Brazilian sailors on the berth of the port were still enjoying the bright sunshine there. On weekends, many sailors even lined up there waiting to go ashore.

The prostitutes and tavern owners on the shore are also looking forward to their arrival.

On July 1876, 7, this day, it seemed, was the same as usual, just having an ordinary weekend!

Some people are happily planning how to spend their weekends, while others are at their posts. Captain Paul is such a person. Perhaps because he is vigilant against the Ming Empire in his heart, he dare not be as relaxed as others. While searching the sea with a telescope, suddenly, he heard some strange sounds mixed with the sound of the waves.

What's the sound?
Just when his heart was full of such doubts, someone suddenly shouted in his ear:
"Airship. The sky is full of airships! An airship is coming!"

What?There is an airship coming...

He raised his head in astonishment, picked up the binoculars, Paul's mouth opened wide in astonishment...

Airships Lots of airships!

Not one or two, but a total of seventy-two airships formed two columns, flying towards them from the southern sea.

"It's Daming's airship, hurry up, sound the whistle, raise the fire, pressurize the boiler..."

The remaining officers gave orders one after another. When the boiler soldiers on the warship tried their best to ignite the boilers and pressurize the boilers, all the officers raised their binoculars to look at the sky.

The same is true for Baron Radario. He is holding the famous Phoenix eight-fold telescope in his hand. Although he is separated by more than ten kilometers, he can still distinguish the shape of the airships and the cabins hanging below. The airships in the country are very different from the small airships that Brazil bought from England.

It looks bigger!

This is the trump card of the Ming Empire - a large long-range airship!
Daming's airship technology has always been ahead of the world. They have flown across the Atlantic Ocean countless times, but what about Brazil's airship?No such attempt has ever been made.


Why did Daming send the airship here?

Although there are not many airships in Brazil, the Brazilian army has also conducted experiments on airships, and the conclusions drawn from their experiments are the same as those of the British and French - airships are extremely lethal to infantry, but for Warships have no lethality at all, because the bomb accuracy of the airship is too ordinary.

Not to mention a moving warship, even a warship moored at a berth, it depends on luck if the bomb on the airship wants to hit it. It is very difficult for a bomb to hit a warship from a height of several hundred meters.

Some naval officers even called the airship a "budget that devours the budget."

Of course, this does not mean that the airship has no threat to the navy. For example, the 30mm Gatling gun on the airship is a threat to any navy. The dense small shells will set off a bloody storm on the deck and destroy the deck. , smash the mast, and the rigging of the mast will burn a mighty fire.


For an ironclad ship, it is also very deadly. Of course, it is definitely impossible to destroy an ironclad ship with a fire ignited by an airship with a 30mm Gatling gun. At most, it will kill a large number of sailors!

That being the case, why did Ming Dynasty send their airship troops?
"They may be demonstrating!"

Baron Radario instinctively had such an idea in his heart. If the Ming Navy fleet appeared in front of him now, he would be aware of the threat, but the airship unit...

For a moment, Baron Radario didn't even know how to describe his mood,

Is it the Ming Empire's answer?

Maybe they were trying to have some "strong friction" with the Brazilian Navy with the airship!
"Is the pressure up?"

Baron Radario once again urged that once the pressure of the boiler reaches the pressure, he will command the fleet to the sea and have a friction with De Ming's airship force. As God can testify, he will use his solid hull and De Ming's airship Give it a good rub.

"It turns out that just like that!"

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