Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 843 The Crushing from the Sky

Chapter 843 The Crushing from the Sky (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
It turns out that Daming is nothing more than that!

When this idea came to Baron Radario's mind, what he didn't know was.

There is a kind of airship called Daming's airship and other countries' airships.

Daming is the founding country that put airships into military use!
As the founder, Daming must have his own unique secrets.But at this time, many people can't think of this.

"Check the bombsight!"

When the airship was about to fly over Montevideo Harbor, Ma Guangming, the commander of the Fifth Floating Air Wing, shouted at the aimer.

Bomb sights!
Different from visual aiming in the past, two years ago, after years of research, the mechanical sight was finally successfully developed. Although its structure is extremely simple, it is only composed of two iron pieces, but when used for low-altitude bombing, its bombing accuracy Still extremely high.

In fact, in terms of structural principle, it is very similar to the "Mark Twain" bombing sight used by Doolittle to bomb Tokyo during World War II. It is two pieces of iron. This new sight is not only highly accurate, but also easy to use.For low-altitude bombing at 1500 feet, this sight was even more accurate than the overpowered Knowlton sight.

Perhaps, in World War II, the bombing at an altitude of 1500 feet, which is 457 meters, was a low altitude, but in 1876... this is definitely a high altitude!

And what is the order received by the floating troops now?
It was to bomb the Brazilian fleet anchored in Montevideo.This was the first time airships were used to bomb warships.

"Don't worry, sir, it will be fine!"

It's just two iron rulers. If there is anything worth checking, the most important thing is to check the bomb delivery system.

Compared with their European counterparts, Ming's floating troops not only had bombing sights, but also a specially designed bomb-dropping system. The moment the aiming hand pressed the button, the bomb would be dropped.

The sight and the bombing system are complementary things. Without this bombing system, it would be impossible to carry out precise bombing with human bombing as in the past.

"Open the bomb bay!"

When the bomb bay was opened, dozens of bombs hung on the bomb racks, just letting the breeze blow.

At this time, the enemy's warship has come into view, and the target is ahead!

Staring at the target on the sea, Ma Guangming grinned, and a fanatical smile appeared on his face.

"See? The Brazilians are still there to pressurize the boiler!"

Not to mention this era, it is the era of steam turbines a hundred years later, and during World War II, warships of various countries need to spend as long as several hours to complete the pressurization. It is still a hot furnace. If the boiler is completely cooled, It may even take ten hours.

In fact, Brazil's warships are also hot boilers. If they find a sea target, they have time to pressurize the boilers, but now they are facing airships from the sky, which directly dooms them to have no time to complete the pressurization.

Just as the boiler soldiers of the Brazilian Navy were desperately shoveling coal into the furnace, the airship had already flown over the fleet.

"What are they going to do?"

The Brazilian naval officers and soldiers on the warship have seen the open cabins of the airship group, and they can even use high-powered binoculars to see the bombs in the cabins.

That should be the bomb!
At the same time, seeing that Ma Guangming, who had already flown over the Brazilian fleet, could clearly see the "Rio de Janeiro" which was very similar to the Nanhua, he swallowed hard!If this battleship can be sunk with an airship, then Daming's floating troops will become famous.

In the past few years, as countries have equipped airships one after another, airships seem to be no longer a secret. Everyone knows that this big ship looks big, but it can't hold many bombs. What's more, it explodes. Infantry and fortresses are okay, but as for warships, that is impossible.

And now?

The Brazilian warship was right in front of his eyes.

The aimer wearing the military cap backwards is aiming at the target on the sea through the bombing sight. Soot is emitting from the chimney of the "Rio de Janeiro". Seen from an altitude of nearly [-] meters, the [-]-meter-long warship It looks small.

100 meters long and 17 meters wide...

The aimer, who was thinking about this number in his heart, finally pressed the bomb button.

In an instant, several aerial bombs weighing 200 kilograms were thrown from the bomb bay. At the moment the bomb was dropped, the edge of its tail rubbed against the air and vibrated, making a sound of "chi chi" piercing the air. This sound sounds like Harsh, but also shocking.

"They're dropping bombs!"

The Brazilian naval officers and soldiers on the deck were all screaming in horror,

Not only the Rio de Janeiro, but also the "Riachuelo", "Aquidaba" and the Sao Paulo. Airships were dropping bombs above every warship. When dropping bombs, The speed of the airship is not fast, only a few tens of kilometers, and bombs drop from the sky just like that.

"God bless, the accuracy of the airship's bombing is not high..."

Almost at the moment when this idea came out of the hearts of those naval officers, huge water columns suddenly exploded near the warship, and at the same time a bomb accurately hit the "Rio de Janeiro".

The 200kg bomb did not explode immediately after hitting the deck, but smashed through the oak deck and then directly into the cabin-warships of this era did not have horizontal armor.

When the bomb fell below the deck, the Brazilian sailors in the cabin even saw the bomb in horror.

The black bomb looks so scary!

Suddenly, before they could scream, the bomb exploded!

The power of hundreds of kilograms of explosives loaded inside the bomb was extremely astonishing, almost directly blowing the entire front deck of the "Rio de Janeiro" into the sky.During the violent explosion, the Brazilian sailors in the cabin were even directly gasified, and the smoke from the explosion burst out from the porthole like fireworks at a festival.

"my Lord!"

Baron Radario's eyes widened in horror. Just when he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, a bomb hit his "Riachuelo" accurately. Although the bomb did not penetrate the deck, it did A huge fireball exploded on the deck, and the burning smoke flew everywhere with the explosion, not only igniting the canvas rope, but also blowing up the surrounding twin ten-inch gun turrets amidships. .The top cover of the left turret was directly blown into the sky, and the interior of the turret was full of corpses. The two ten-inch cannons lost their combat effectiveness before they were even able to function urgently.

Immediately afterwards, the airships flying through the air began to drop bombs again. The airships in the air were like a huge air fleet. They lined up in neat columns, and then continuously dropped bombs towards the ground.

Hundreds of heavy aerial bombs fell!
In the first wave of air strikes, the airship force had a total of 200 200kg aviation armor-piercing bombs, of which 12 hit the target!
Although the hit rate is only 6%, the losses to the Brazilian fleet are unimaginable. At least in the naval battles of this era, no fleet has ever suffered such a heavy loss at the beginning of the battle. .

A bomb hit the front deck of the "Rio de Janeiro", blowing the front deck and secondary guns into the sky, and two bombs hit the building below the bridge of the "São Paulo" and exploded on the spot, directly blowing the The captain and senior officers on the bridge were directly blown into the sky.

As for the left turret of the fleet "Riachuelo", the left turret was hit, and all the people on the flagship were stunned.Two other bombs fell on the deck of the "Aquidaba", one penetrated the deck, exploded in the coal bunker, and then caused a fire, and one bomb exploded directly on the rear deck.

As for the "Cet de Settemburu", which claims to be the pride of the Brazilian shipbuilding industry, a bomb directly hit its midship. The violent explosion not only blew up the big explosion on the warship, but also ignited the coal bunker. The coal in it directly caused the fire...

(End of this chapter)

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