Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 857 Emperor Zhu Has Golden Fingers

Chapter 857 Emperor Zhu Has Golden Fingers (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)
The importance of an airplane cannot be overstated no matter how you describe it or exaggerate it.

No one from the [-]st century doubts this.

After all, in the 21st century, the air force has become the most important service, and any army without a strong air force is doomed to fail.

With airplanes, you have air rights, and with air rights, you have everything!
After learning that the test flight was successful, Emperor Zhu went to the military base less than [-] kilometers away from Nanhua when he was excited.

"Haha, this is the "Aviator One" made from one ton of aluminum!"

As soon as he entered the hangar, Emperor Zhu said a little excitedly.

"Your Majesty, the actual use is not so much. The aluminum is mainly used to test the aluminum alloy. In order to make the engine, we need to add other metals to the aluminum to increase its strength and hardness. The aluminum is now..."

Before Li Lin could finish speaking, Emperor Zhu laughed loudly.

"That aluminum doesn't matter at all, what matters is this guy, the monoplane, fine, fine..."

Looking at the monoplane that looked like the six-year-style glider, Emperor Zhu nodded with a smile.

The appearance of this aircraft looks very unique, and of course it is very powerful!
"Is this its engine? A three-cylinder? It looks good!"

It's actually a three-cylinder engine?Vibrate?

Emperor Zhu looked at the cylinders arranged in the shape of "pin", which looked like half a radial engine, so he asked about its power and performance.

"Weighs 98.7 kg, thirty-five horsepower, um... not bad, not bad, I think it still has room for improvement, consider the star shape..."


"It's an engine whose cylinders revolve around a crankshaft..."

When Emperor Zhu was speaking, he took out a notepad and drew a simple sketch of the principle. The star engine is the future!
Now that the daimyo already has a plane, it is not impossible to speed up appropriately.What is the most important thing for an aircraft?It is the engine. With a good engine, there will be an aircraft with better performance.

"...the pistons are connected to the crankshaft by a master connecting rod. The connecting rod connected to the uppermost piston is the master connecting rod. The connecting rods of the other pistons are called articulating On the ring at the center of the main link..."

This... This is the engine designed by His Majesty. After listening to His Majesty's explanation and looking at the sketch drawn by His Majesty, Li Lin, an engineer, was shocked!

Your Majesty... is really an engineer!

And it's the best one, just from the sketches, Li Lin can see the advantages of this kind of engine, it is lighter in weight, and the structure is simpler, with this kind of engine, they can manufacture better performance s plane.

Finally, when he tore off the sketch and handed it to Li Lin, Emperor Zhu said.

"You study this kind of engine. I'm just an idea. You can try it. You don't have to use aluminum at the beginning. You can use cast iron for experimentation. When the experiment is successful, it's not too late to use aluminum."

Afterwards, Emperor Zhu cast his eyes on Feng Kai again and said with a smile.

"How about it, pilot, do you want to fly around and show me!"

Emperor Zhu is really looking forward to the plane!
Airships... are just things that are doomed to be eliminated. Airplanes are the real future!
Soon, under the gaze of Emperor Zhu, "Aviator No. [-]" flew into the sky again. Seeing it soaring freely in the sky, a smile appeared on Zhu Xianhai's face.

At this moment, he was smiling happily!
Not only because the phrase "Da Ming invented the airplane" will always be recorded in the future human history, but it also means that Ming has opened a new chapter in history!

With airplanes, everything would be very different,

Of course, the most important thing is - with the plane, Da Ming really has the killer weapon to restrain the airship!At least until the next war, Ming will be the sole owner of the plane...

"The age of airships is over..."


His Majesty's words made Li Lin stunned. Is the era of airships over?
"Let's move the laboratory to the south, we will build a new manufacturing plant on the plateau, um... we are still building a new flight school there to train pilots!"

Emperor Zhu said directly.

The plane... will become Da Ming's secret weapon, at least until the final decisive battle with Britain, Da Ming will not tell the world about this secret weapon!
Otherwise, how can Britain go all the way on the crooked road of airships?

On the empty shooting range, an artillery reconnaissance balloon was suspended in the air. Under the action of the tethering rope, it only swayed gently with the breeze.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

Wang Xinyue looked at the balloon in the air in puzzlement, and then he turned his eyes to the soldiers in front. The machine gun they were manipulating looked a bit strange, and there was a cylinder in front of the gun body.

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Emperor Zhu still had a smile on his face.

A few minutes later, accompanied by a burst of gunfire, several flashes of light spewed out from the muzzle of the machine gun, and the faintly visible red line in the air flew straight towards the balloon. fireball.

"This this……"

Wang Xinyue was dumbfounded. He opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a while. His eyes were full of fear!

"Don't be so surprised, this is the future of airships."

Emperor Zhu patted him on the shoulder, and then said.

"Hydrogen! Airships rely on hydrogen to provide lift. Ordinary bullets hit the airbags, nothing more than leaving a few holes. Except for the slow leakage of hydrogen, they have little effect on the airship. And this special bullet The red light emitted can not only help the shooter to shoot more accurately, but also directly ignite the hydrogen gas, causing the airship to explode and fall..."

Putting a tracer bullet into Wang Xinyue's hand, Emperor Zhu laughed.

"You can see that it is it. Only a few dozen rounds of this kind of tracer bullets are needed to turn an airship worth tens of thousands of yuan into a burning torch. This is why airships are destined to be eliminated, at least on the battlefield. "

As early as during World War I, tracer bombs proved to be effective against German Zeppelin airships. This was also Emperor Zhu's secret weapon against British airships!
"Your Majesty, this, this...just this little bullet..."

Looking at the bullet in his hand, Wang Xinyue only felt that the bullet was as heavy as a thousand weights. After a long time, he said.

"It seems...the airship is really useless..."

When the words fell, he said again,

"Is this why His Majesty wants someone to leak that document?"

(End of this chapter)

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