Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 858: Ming’s Strategic Deception

Chapter 858 Daming's Strategic Deception (First update, please subscribe)
Leak out the secret documents of Ming Dynasty's development of airships!

This is what Emperor Zhu told Wang Xinyue on the train when he came to Nanhua. It is very common to deliberately leak some secrets to future generations. To mislead the other party by spreading false information.

The same is true of what Daming needs now.

"Only by leaking the documents can we allow the British to increase their investment in airships. Of course, the most important thing is to let them see that there are many types of airships and a wide range of applications!"

With his back to Qian Zizhuang, standing in front of the window and looking at the palace square in the distance, countless pigeons on the square sometimes fly up and sometimes land on the ground, watching those pigeons play among the tourists, Emperor Zhu thought for a while, and then said .

"In the future, we have to get used to misleading the British by forging some false information, not only on airships, but also on the development direction of naval ships. For example, we can use some methods to make them mislead Speed ​​is the main performance indicator of naval ships, thereby reducing the investment in armor and firepower."

The speed, armor, and firepower of any warship are of course best balanced, but the problem is that it is limited by the technological level of the times. This kind of warship wants to run fast, but also wants to have thick armor and strong firepower. It is impossible!
Not to mention that this idealized warship costs too much money, the most important thing is that the technical requirements are too high.Not to mention the Great Britain, even the Ming Dynasty is very difficult to build. Besides, Britain has only just finished the triple expansion steam engine for a few years, and it is simply a daydream to make a battleship with balanced speed, firepower and armor.

They can only choose one or two of the three items of speed, armor, and firepower.In fact, even in another world, when the battleships of that era were the most brilliant cannon giant ships, no country had achieved a balance in all aspects. Whether it was Britain, the United States, Germany, or Japan, they would all make certain adjustments in the three aspects of armor, firepower, and speed. trade-offs.

According to Emperor Zhu's analysis based on naval battles in another world, speed can be sacrificed among the three!

If you want a faster battleship, you need more and bigger boilers and steam engines, you need to waste a lot of tonnage, occupy the limited space in the ship, and even sacrifice firepower and armor, which directly results in weak firepower and thin armor. warship.

For example, a fast battlecruiser in another world.Of course, battlecruisers have their uses, especially for a country like Britain with extensive overseas interests, but it is almost impossible for battlecruisers to be the main force of the fleet's decisive battle.

When encountering a battleship with stronger firepower and thicker armor than him, the battlecruiser is simply not enough.

At that time, there is only one thing they can rely on - the speed of the ship, and they will escape by relying on the speed of the ship.

In contrast, those battleships with rough skin, thick flesh and fierce firepower, but relatively slow speed, have stronger survivability on the battlefield, and their combat effectiveness can definitely meet the needs of various conditions.

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, our warship is now the fastest!"

Although Qian Zizhuang was not a naval officer, how could he not know that Ming's warships were the fastest?
"It does, and that's why we continue to mislead the British!"

Emperor Zhu laughed.

"The reason why our warships are fast is that the efficiency of the boiler is higher, and the power of the steam engine is greater. Our Nanhua class can reach 17 knots, and the Linhai class can exceed 20 knots at the fastest test, while the "Youzhou class "Through the optimized design of the ship type, its speed will reach 20 knots. Our advantage in speed will force the British to catch up with us, but the British are far behind in terms of steam engine technology and hull hydrodynamics. We are so far behind that they have to sacrifice some performance in order to catch up with us."

When mentioning Ming's technological and scientific advantages, the corners of Emperor Zhu's lips could not help but rise. Such scientific advantages really make people very proud!
When did the British Empire fall to this point!
It's not that the British Empire is behind, it's that Ming is too strong!
"After they sacrificed their armor, the warships of the British Royal Navy turned into thin-skinned dumplings in front of us. When the naval battle broke out, wouldn't they just let us bully them..."

With a smile on his face, Emperor Zhu looked at Qian Zizhuang, and his intelligence chief said.

"Now, your task is to leak this information through appropriate channels."

Looking at His Majesty with a smile on his face, Qian Zizhuang just bowed his head slightly and remained silent. As the person in charge of the investigation department, his mission is very simple - to carry out His Majesty's will.

As for understanding or not understanding, it doesn't matter at all.

"Your Majesty, I know what to do."

This task is very simple, there is nothing complicated at all, double agent... There are ready-made characters in the investigation department.


Anmin Lane is said to be an alley, but it is also a tree-lined avenue. There are many exposed teahouses and restaurants on the side of the street. This is also the place where Anton comes most often. As in the past, he will come here for lunch.While he was enjoying his lunch, a man walked up to him.

A surprised smile appeared on Anton's face when he saw the person coming.

"Long time no see, my friend, I invite the best dishes."

Anton added,
"Drink some red wine, how would you like it?"


After sitting down, Li Chengan cast his eyes on the sycamore tree on the street. The warm sunlight fell through the leaves. Facing the soft sunlight, he said softly:

"I brought what you asked for."

"Oh, thank you."

A smile appeared on Anton's face, and he quietly put an envelope on the table.

"This stuff is important, more important than anything in the past."

Looking at the Englishman in front of him again, Li Chengan continued.

"So, I need more rewards!"

"A thousand pounds."

Anton gave his quotation directly. The guy in front of him is a spy he developed two years ago. This guy works in the Navy Department. On the surface, he seems to be a very competent officer, but in fact he Is a gambler.

For a gambler, nothing is more important than money, and this is why Anton was able to develop him into a spy. At the beginning, what he asked for was only some semi-public information, such as Nanhua and Linhai Information such as performance indicators of high-level warships, these information are not secrets at all.

The point is to get the other party used to selling secrets in exchange for money. After selling becomes a habit, he will naturally send more and more important information.

like now!

Hearing a thousand pounds, a smile appeared on Li Chengan's face.

"It sounds good... Well, I can also give you another piece of news-the war between us and Brazil is not just a border conflict, but an occupation. Uruguay is our bottom line!"

After saying this sentence with a smile, Li Chengan emphasized it again.

"After all, for us, Uruguay controlled by Brazil is too close to our capital, so this is entirely out of security needs."

(End of this chapter)

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