Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 859 The Showdown Between the Two Great Empires

Chapter 859 The Confrontation Between Two Great Empires (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Uruguay, Montevideo!
Standing in front of the window of the palace, Emperor Zhu felt that he could even see the opposite city across the river.

On the east bank, Montevideo is on the east bank of the Xin'an River, only a hundred kilometers away...

"Your Majesty, the third army is currently marching towards Uruguay in three routes. It is estimated that the vanguard will arrive in Montevideo in two days."

When Sun Hu reported the military situation on the front line, Emperor Zhu didn't speak, but just stared at Xin'an River quietly.

"At present, the Brazilians have about [-] defenders in Montevideo. As long as Montevideo is captured, Uruguay will belong to me."

Nodding his head, Emperor Zhu said.

“It’s true, and it’s also true including Brazil. 60% of Brazil’s population lives from Rio de Janeiro to Sao Paulo, and almost 90% of their population is concentrated in the southeastern coastal areas including Rio and Sao Paulo. As for the vast The interior is either a desolate plateau or a dense rainforest."

Brazil...Brazil in this era is indeed very big, but Brazil is also very empty, with a population of only ten million, and four million are black slaves on plantations.Not to mention now, even when Brazil moved its capital to Brasilia in history, the population of the vast inland area was only about three or four million. At that time, what was the population of Brazil?

Seventy to eighty million!

As for now... In the life of Emperor Zhu's imitation of guerrillas, the inland of Brazil is really desolate and sparsely populated. The so-called "city" is actually a small town with hundreds of people.

"Speaking of it, Brazil looks very big, but it is actually a long snake formation."

"What Your Majesty said is true!"

His Majesty's description made Sun Hu laugh.

"On this long snake formation, the most critical points are two points. One is Rio de Janeiro, which is the capital of Brazil, and the other is Sao Paulo. The population of the two places reaches 15 million. If black slaves are deducted, [-]% of the white people in the country live in two places. As long as these two cities are taken down, Brazil's resistance will basically collapse, so Chen's suggestion is still the same as before, after taking down Montevideo and solving the threat on the eastern border , Immediately march to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro with the army and navy..."

In fact, in the eyes of the Ming Army Staff Headquarters, Brazil has never been a difficult target. What is the so-called strategic depth? Space is exchanged for time. This is compared to a large country with a large population. For a vast country, the so-called strategic depth is a bit interesting, especially since 90% of its population is still concentrated in the southeast coastal area with a depth of no more than [-] kilometers. As for the inland... There is depth, but there is a problem No one.

Not to mention the supply of weapons, even the supply of food is a problem.

Withdraw to the vast inland, trade space for time, the question is what will the army eat?for what?
When Napoleon invaded Russia, since Russia withdrew from Moscow, there were still tens of millions of people in the rear, and San Dezi invaded Russia, and there were still about [-] million people in the rear of Russia.

As for China, even if some provinces along the coast and central China fell, there are still more than [-] million people in the rear. Only with people can there be other possibilities.

And the problem with Brazil is precisely that... no one!

Therefore, from the very beginning, the military has blocked Brazil's vital gates-Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

As long as these two places are captured, Brazil will basically die.After all, the land that seems to be several million square kilometers, the actual developed area is only a few hundred thousand square kilometers.

Of course, the Great Emperor knew this very well. After all, in one of his life simulations, he had traveled thousands of miles to Brazil. Why did he fail in the end?

Not to the Brazilian army, but to a desolate Brazil. Without people, there is nothing. It is impossible to recruit soldiers and obtain food.


Emperor Zhu nodded, he turned around and walked to the map, looked at the map of Brazil hanging on the wall and said.

"But we don't just want to defeat Brazil. It's easy. We can bomb with airships, we can send fleets to bombard them. We have many ways to deal with them, but our goal is to completely occupy that land. To a certain extent, the smaller the local population, the more beneficial it is for us and our rule. Of course, there are some behaviors that are definitely not applicable in this era, so what? We have to give them Some chance, a chance to resist..."

Emperor Zhu was also very helpless. If he had a choice, he definitely hoped to solve Brazil's problem quickly, but right now, delaying the progress of the war is also an option that can be made.

"I understand, so the current offensive speed of our army is controlled within a controllable range. The Brazilians should have time to mobilize!"

As His Majesty's confidant, Sun Hu certainly knows what His Majesty means. His Majesty's idea is very simple, that is, through a few beautiful annihilation battles, to kill and injure as much as possible the vital force of Brazil. … Just like Bai Qi killed [-] prisoners of Zhao State and made Zhao State unable to recover from a setback, what Ming needs is to kill or wound hundreds of thousands or millions of Brazilian troops at one time or several times, and then annex that country.


War broke out!
Facing the sudden war, Brazil was stunned.

The warships that exhausted the national treasury were destroyed, and the border was breached. Faced with such a situation, the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II did not compromise. In fact, they would not compromise, because they knew very well that Ming Dynasty was a completely different country. opponent.

"Your Majesty, although the Ming Empire is located in South America, it has never been a South American country in the traditional sense. In the past, wars between South American countries were mostly territorial differences. Even the war between us and Paraguay was just an attempt to overthrow other countries. It’s just the government, but what about Daming?”

Standing in front of the emperor, Marshal Caxias, who was nearly seventy years old, said excitedly.

"What they want is destruction! What they want is conquest, the conquest of this land, and the conquest of all the people here!"

As soon as the marshal's words fell, Prince Gaston, the prince who won the title of "The Butcher" in the Paraguay War, agreed.

"Yes, Your Majesty, for the Ming Empire, the countries in South America are just like the Indians back then. They want to conquer us and occupy our land just like we conquered the Indians. According to the information we have so far, the Ming Empire More than [-] troops have been mobilized, their goal is definitely to occupy Brazil, not just through a military victory, forcing us to negotiate, now we must mobilize our troops first before they finish mobilizing!"

Facing the warning from the marshal and the prince, Pedro II thought for a while, and then said.

"Yes, we need to mobilize the army, but do we have that many weapons?"

"You can purchase from the United States and the United Kingdom. Your Majesty, the Ming people are now attacking Uruguay with all their strength. They will end the war in Uruguay as soon as next year. We still have time to mobilize."

Marshal Caxias said.

"We can order the mobilization of all forces there, just like Lopez, use Uruguay to hold back the Ming army's footsteps and buy us time! Ultimate time will allow us to win this war!"

(End of this chapter)

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