Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 860 The Liberator

Chapter 860 The Liberator (Third update, please subscribe)
In Florida...don't get me wrong, not the one in North America, but Florida, Uruguay, in a small town not far from Florida City, where the ongoing war doesn't seem to have much effect.

In the tavern, there was a noisy and smoky atmosphere.Whores in flamboyant dresses, with lips painted like a wound, sitting on the waists of the sailors, laughing profligately there, the war put the sailors of the riverboats out of work—after the destruction of the Brazilian fleet, Ming Army gunboats blocked the coastline of Uruguay.

Other than that, though, the war didn't seem to have any effect on them.

After all, they are Uruguayans.

Debauched laughter and clamor echoed in the tavern. At this moment, the door of the tavern was suddenly knocked open—a group of Brazilian soldiers walked in, including whites and blacks. Their uniforms were covered with dust. The man is still bandaged and injured.

"You, all men gather!"

The Brazilian captain who broke into the tavern shouted:
"The yellow race is coming, now we must defend Uruguay, all men must take up arms!"

The Brazilian officer's Spanish was stuttering, and as soon as he finished speaking, someone began to curse.

"Damn Brazilians."

"What, what did you say?"

A drunk got up, and he yelled at the Brazilian.

"Damn Brazilians, listen carefully, we are Uruguayans, the war between Ming and Brazil has nothing to do with us! Let us die..."


Gunshots rang out!

When the gunshot fell, the man even looked at his chest in disbelief, where blood was oozing.

"Damn traitor!"

After the man fell, the Brazilian officer holding a pistol looked at the people in the tavern and said.

"The war with Ming now concerns all of us—whether all white people can survive in this land, gentlemen, this is not a war for Brazilians..."

Although the Brazilian officer was impassioned, no one paid any attention to him. Those people continued to drink and tease the woman. Seeing this, the gloomy officer sneered.

"Damn Uruguayans!"

After speaking, he led the soldiers back out.

As soon as he went out, he gave orders to his subordinates.

"Lock the door and burn these Uruguayans!"

The door of the tavern was locked, and then several black soldiers poured the kerosene outside the tavern with the kerosene that they did not know where to grab it. Soon the flames burst into the tavern, and the people in the tavern were all terrified and wanted to escape. , But the door was locked. When they wanted to break the window and escape, they were greeted with bayonets and bullets from soldiers.

When the cries came from the burning fire, the Brazilian officer just looked at all this with cold eyes, as if to him, this was nothing more than an ordinary thing, and then he ordered to the soldiers.

"Let the mayor notify all the men to gather, otherwise this is their fate!"

Killing chickens to warn monkeys, this method is not only known by Chinese people, but Brazilians are also old among them. After all, slaves... always use this method to kill and suppress!

After being suppressed, the local people can naturally be mobilized to resist the brutal Ming army.

In the face of the brutality of the Brazilian army, many Uruguayan men were fleeing. Although many people fled, by September, the Brazilian army had successfully recruited as many as [-] people to join the army in Uruguay. You know, the total population of Uruguay , but only three hundred thousand!
When the Brazilian army forced the Uruguayans to join the army, as the Ming army that had already invaded Paraguay, they were very restrained. They took every step steadily and would never advance rashly.

In front of the large army, a group of cavalry vanguards was running on the grassland, the leader Sun Dahai said a little bored.

"It's like a parade, it doesn't mean anything."

"That's right, apart from a few battles on the border, there was no resistance at all along the way..."

"Resist? What are you resisting? The entire population of Florida is only [-] people, and even a county in China can't match it. If they want to resist, they need someone..."

"Haha, the most important thing is that the Uruguayans are unwilling to help the Brazilians,"

When the comrades-in-arms were talking about each other, Han Lin would occasionally cast his eyes into the distance. They were the vanguard, and their mission was to search and reconnaissance in front of the main force of the army.

However, after crossing the border, the battle turned into a march. They encountered almost no resistance along the way, and even compared to resistance, they were welcomed to a certain extent. After all, the process of occupying Uruguay was not very pleasant. Brazil The army here fully shows what an occupying army is.

So, after witnessing Ming's civilized behavior in Paraguay, the Uruguayans who were victims even wished to replace them with their own bodies—it was better to be ruled by Ming than to be ruled by Brazilians.

Under this mentality, Uruguayans are far from repelling Daming, and even many locals welcome their arrival.

Who can understand this kind of psychology?
This kind of mood does not need to be considered, just to feel it. Along the way, they really felt the kindness from the Uruguayans.

When leading the soldiers in the squad to continue walking, Sun Dahai, who was carrying a two-year cavalry rifle on his back, looked at the surrounding wheat fields lazily, and finally saw the wheat fields. It means that they are getting closer and closer to the city.

There were even some Uruguayans in the wheat field. Those people did not hide around because they saw them, and some even waved to them. In the past few years, the reputation of the Ming army as the army of benevolence and righteousness has long been spread throughout South America .

This is an army that neither robs nor kills ordinary people. In South America in this era, people's requirements for being a "benevolent and righteous teacher" are not high, but that's all.

"Squad leader, what are you laughing at?"

Han Lin looked at the monitor and asked curiously.

"Look at them!"

Sun Dahai pointed to the Uruguayans in the distance and said.

"For them, we are not conquerors at all. To some extent, we are liberators, liberators who rescued them from slavery in Brazil, so they welcome us..."

When talking about those Uruguayans, Sun Dahai said again.

"However, when Brazil is defeated and this land is occupied by us, what will we become? Will we become an occupying force in their eyes? No one can say for sure. Now they welcome us because We are liberators, but what about the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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