Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 861 Daming is an Enemy of Civilization!

Chapter 861 Daming is an Enemy of Civilization! (Fourth update, please subscribe)
Occupation Army!
In fact, for Daming, it doesn't matter if it is an occupying army at all, because Daming itself is an occupying army!

It is to occupy those lands in itself!
There is absolutely no need to do things like being a whore and erecting an archway. Daming would never put himself in such an awkward position.

Even the so-called "teachers of benevolence and righteousness and civilization" are just because the current discourse power is in the hands of white people, at least they must always maintain some image.

When maintaining those images to the outside world, it did not prevent Da Ming from creating a bunch of special areas such as "Gulag", "Super High School" and "Lubyanka" after the occupation, nor did it prevent Da Ming from sending prisoners of war to Go to Africa to work as cattle and horses.

Always do something that befits an imperialist identity.

However, on the other hand, it does not prevent Da Ming from occupying the highest point of morality, just like declaring war on Brazil, even if the war broke out less than ten minutes after the declaration of war, even if Da Ming's army had planned it for a long time, No problem - Daming had already issued a warning before this.

Even after the declaration of war, Ming also negotiated with Brazil through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the withdrawal of the diplomatic personnel of the two countries, and expressed his willingness to gift the Brazilian diplomats to leave the country. In a word, Ming will always be great.

Because of this, one month after the declaration of war, almost when the Ming army was approaching Montevideo, a ship from the United States withdrew the Ming ambassador to Brazil and other diplomats from Rio de Janeiro.

"Gentlemen, what is civilization?"

On the "New Continent" ship, facing reporters from various countries, Song Zhelun, the ambassador of the Ming Empire to Brazil, said in a calm and proud tone.

"When the Ming Empire expressed its desire to negotiate on the issue of diplomatic personnel, Ming was redefining civilization. In a war, no matter how far the war between countries goes, civilized countries should neither harm diplomacy. Officer, only barbarians hold back diplomats during war..."

While Song Zhelun was speaking in fluent English to the reporters on board and the passengers, Mark Twain, a well-known American writer sitting at the restaurant table, spoke in a curious tone.

"John, do you think the Ming Empire is really redefining civilization?"

Facing the question from his friend, John, a reporter from New York, asked rhetorically.

"Mark, my friend, haven't you noticed that until now, Ming has been constantly redefining civilization?"

After a glass of wine, John sighed.

"In the past few centuries, we, the Europeans, and the whites have defined what civilization is, but now?"

This is a soul-like rhetorical question. In the past two or three hundred years, relying on guns and cannons in their hands, European barbarians have decided what is barbarism and what is civilization.

They even define skin color as civilization.

Caucasians are civilized, while other colored races—yellow races—are savages. As for blacks... they are not human at all. Of course, this is also the common view of this era. There are also special zoos in Europe. The garden is used to exhibit black people, ranging from a few people to hundreds, and they are there to show the life of black people to Europeans.

Well, for those who claim to be a "civilized country", in their eyes, black people are just like animals from exotic lands, and they are displayed in zoos.

This is the "civilization" defined by the European barbarians.

"Now Ming is using their way to define civilization. I don't know what this means, but for the entire European world, this is undoubtedly a disaster."

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, John said in a wise man's tone.

"Twelve years ago they took Chile, six years ago they took Argentina, and now they declared war on Brazil, but the whole world... I mean the entire civilized world has not noticed their threat until now, and the Europeans When sharpening their knives there, they aimed at the surviving pagans in Turkey, and when they were advocating the "Crusade" in the new century, they did not notice that the ambitions of the Ming Empire were rapidly expanding. It is certain that when the Europeans launch a "crusade," South America... will fall to another group of heathens!"

"Crusade", this is the most popular language in recent months. Since the Russian Empire declared war on Turkey, there have been many people in Europe advocating the launch of the "Crusade" - to recover the Holy City.It is not surprising that France is the loudest voice. After all, the French Empire has always been a supporter of the Papal State, and no one would doubt France's status as a "warrior of God".

"Yellow peril!"

John spit out two words directly.

"When Brazil falls into the hands of the Ming Empire, this "yellow peril" will be inevitable. However, no one in Europe has noticed the threat of the Ming Empire at all. They even colluded with the Ming Empire. Their short-sightedness will eventually lead to Destroy the entire civilized world!"

As a political commentator, John has always been hostile to Daming. It’s not just him. In fact, compared to many Europeans, the most hostile to Daming has always been the Americans. After all, Daming once bombarded After Los Angeles, Daming once gave the United States endless humiliation.

"When South America is completely occupied by the Ming Dynasty, at that time, the civilized world will definitely have to pay an extremely heavy price in the face of this "yellow peril"!"

Faced with the assertion of his friend, Mark Twain neither agreed nor expressed his disapproval. As early as in New York, John had reported similar news in newspapers many times. For John, advocating the "yellow peril" was not It’s not just just Qiafan—many people in the United States support this view, and articles advocating the “Ming Threat Theory” are naturally popular in the market. For this reason, no matter what their previous positions are, some journalists are now of course transformed into “Ming Threat Theory.” Under their advocacy, the entire United States now firmly believes in this theory-the Ming Dynasty may move from the north to the south at any time, colluding with Mexico to occupy the western and central regions of the United States.

"The Great Ming Threat Theory?"

Mark Twain said the word, looked at his friend and asked.

"Is that why you want to come to Daming?"

"Of course, even though the United States is now clearly aware of the imminent threat of Ming Dynasty, not many people really understand this country. I hope to obtain first-hand information to prove to the Americans that this country—has become a civilization of mankind. Public Enemy! Especially the Public Enemy of American Civilization!"

(End of this chapter)

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