Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 874 Daming Sparta

Chapter 874 Daming Sparta (First update, please subscribe)
How beautiful is Buenos Aires?

It used to be called "Paris of South America", it used to be the most prosperous city in South America, it used to be...

"Now this is the city of Ming Dynasty, soon everything here... I mean, everything that the Spaniards built here will disappear from here!"

Using the camera to take pictures of the European-style buildings in the old city, John said in a rather sad tone.

"At that time, this place will become a Ming-style city like Xincheng, and everything created by Europeans will be erased from here, just like the place name Buenos Aires..."

"The future is something we can't imagine, but my friend, as Sandler said before, the imprint of the Indians here has also disappeared. I think this is the inevitable of history!"

Mark Twain looked at the magnificent and beautiful European-style buildings around him, and he didn't think that all of them would disappear from here. In fact, what disappeared were only those old and dilapidated buildings, the European-style old city... Daming is always Still will keep it.

Because the European-style old city itself is a symbol of Daming's illustrious military achievements!
"That's different. The Indians are barbarians. What did they create? Nothing, but the Europeans created modern civilization. Now our civilization is being destroyed by the Ming people!"

In John's view, everything about the Indians was destroyed and razed to the ground, which is nothing more than a normal thing, and it is inevitable for civilization to conquer barbarism.

But the European civilization that Ming Dynasty destroyed here is unacceptable, it is an extremely barbaric behavior.

To put it bluntly... double standards!
But John would definitely not admit all of this. In his eyes, he could only see that the imprint left by European civilization here was being erased little by little.

"Mark, did you see that they treat Europeans like barbarians, Ming people enjoy a good life here, but what about white people? They can only live in slums..."

"If they can speak Chinese, everything will change. In the United States, many foreign immigrants who cannot speak English have difficulty finding a job. Without a job, they can only live in a place with a poor environment."

Before Mark Twain could finish speaking, John waved his hand directly and said.

"That's different. It's systematic here... yes, that's the word, systematic exclusion. The Ming Empire is planning and targeting to destroy the traces of Europeans here. I promise God, if it is now A few hundred years ago, maybe the Ming people would have killed 200 million Europeans in Chile and Argentina. Of course, they would keep women, just like the Mongols did. They killed men and left women as They had children..."

Although it's a bit exaggerated, if Emperor Zhu heard John's words, he would definitely praise him... confidant!It's hard to find a confidant, but the times are different!
"Mark, what we see here will happen in Uruguay in the future, and even Brazil. If Brazil fails, the white people there will be discriminated against like the white people here..."

Just at this time, John saw a family coming towards him. The man was from Huaxia, but what about the woman beside him?It's European, their children are of mixed race, John raised the camera and pressed the shutter, and then he said.

"Mark, have you seen that here, the most common ones are Chinese husbands and European wives, just like the Spaniards came to this land, Spanish men and Indian women..."

Listening to John's words, Mark Twain cast his eyes on the passers-by, looking at the couples or lovers of the Hua-European combination, his mood became a little complicated at this moment.

Because all this clearly shows the fact that Europeans have become Indians!
Europeans became Indians!

What does this mean?

It means that the Europeans will be eliminated in the future, and the Ming people are just like the current Europeans, they will become the new rulers of this land.

The two walked forward without a word, and their hearts seemed a little heavy. Along the way, John didn't break the silence. He just thought about it occasionally, and took pictures occasionally. Before they knew it, they came to a park Well, there are many Chinese-European families or couples in the park. Just when their mood became a little complicated, a burst of passwords came from the small square of the park.

There are troops training there!

When John and Mark Twain walked there, what caught their eyes was not the army, but civilians, who were conducting military training.This scene is very common in Ming Dynasty, and many people have mentioned this scene. Those people used to describe it as "Prussia in South America" ​​in their travel notes, and it was the folk training of Ming Dynasty.

During the course of the previous interview, John had also seen similar training in public places on several occasions.

"In Daming, everyone needs to receive military training. Ordinary adult men are soldiers, and high school students and junior college students are officers. Look, Mark..."

John pointed to the adults who were training in military posture in the square, and then looked at them with vigilant eyes and said.

"Since coming here, what can we see?"

Looking back at Mark Twain, John said.

"The high-rise buildings we see? Is it the happy life of the citizens? Neither, but a country where all the people are soldiers. The people here-all are soldiers, and they force all men aged 18 to 45 in the territory to be arrested. The obligation to be recruited as a soldier requires everyone to participate in militia training, which "no one can evade", and then achieve the goal of "all people are soldiers". Even their students need to learn basic military command theory when they are in school. "

Looking at the ordinary citizens walking in a military posture following the command of the drill officer in the square, John sighed.

"I don't know what others see. Maybe they think this is the "Prussia of South America", a country full of soldiers, but what I see is Sparta!"

What his friend said made Mark Twain stunned. In the past few days, he had witnessed similar training again and again. He knew that this kind of training was very common in Daming. It could even be said that every park, Every community has people training there every day. After all, according to the laws of Ming Dynasty, all adult men must receive military training for at least two days and four hours a week.

But Sparta . . . how far that term is!Although far away, looking at the country in front of him seems to use this word to describe more appropriate.

"In their school, those children began to receive military training from the moment they entered the school. They were trained like Spartan soldiers since childhood. The Ming Empire..."

Pick up the camera and point the lens at the people who are training in the small square, John said.

"In fact, it is a Spartan empire. They are destined to expand and conquer, because they have been preparing for all this..."

When the voice fell, John pressed the shutter and took a photo.

"Ready to conquer the whole world! Destroy our civilization, our everything..."

(End of this chapter)

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