Chapter 875 Fathers Conquer, Sons Guard (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

The sea breeze blowing from the Pacific Ocean brought a little smell of the sea into Linhai City, in the gentle sea breeze.The clear gunshots echoed in the shooting range, and the birds on the canopy in the distance flew into the air when they heard the sound, chirping non-stop.

"Shooting is over!"

Zheng Hai, who was lying on the ground, moved his shoulders vividly, squinted his eyes and looked ahead. The target 50 meters ahead was at most the size of a book. It was not easy to aim at it, but he grew up on a farm. When I was [-] years old, I carried a health-style rifle with my younger brother and hunted small animals such as hares and pheasants in the woods to supplement food for the family.

Although the training type 2 rifle they use in school is different from the Jianwei type, both use 5.6mm bullets. This kind of rim fire bullet with a shell length of only 25mm is less powerful, but it is cheap and has almost no recoil. It is very suitable for hunting animals such as pheasants and hares.

Of course, its biggest use is training—all adult men in Ming Dynasty have to receive military training, and this bullet was originally developed for training because it was cheap enough.Many Daming people now have a rifle of this type in their homes for hunting or self-defense.

After finishing the shooting, Zheng Hai turned his head and glanced at the students beside him. These people behaved differently. Some students looked confident, some looked around anxiously, and some lamented. Apparently it must have been wrong.

Not everyone has hunting experience, especially children who grew up in the city.They often have the opportunity to shoot live ammunition only after they enter junior high school.

The training officer picked up the binoculars and looked at the target in front of the red brick wall 50 meters away, then nodded slightly.

"Remember the essentials of shooting - before shooting, the three points must form a straight line, and the gauge, sight, and target must be aligned! The butt of the gun is on the shoulder, the cheek is against the butt, and the trigger is firmly pulled..."

The instructor repeated the shooting essentials loudly, Zheng Haisheng and the others quickly calmed down and looked ahead calmly.Squinting his eyes, Zheng Haisheng aimed at the bull's-eye, aimed... and pulled the trigger.

"Get ready—let it go!"

There was another burst of gunfire, and through the faint green smoke, a few balls of flying soil were released from the sandbag behind the target in the distance. This time, the instructor showed a smile on his face and praised a few students who had made significant progress.

Gunshots echoed in the playground one after another. When Zheng Haisheng still felt that he had just found the feeling, ten bullets had already been fired.

Ten rounds!

This is the amount of training for one semester. In fact, the military training in the school is just to let the students master the basic shooting skills.

For the military training of students, it is part of Ming Dynasty's maintenance of war mobilization potential.From Nanhua to the present, Da Ming has never stopped similar military training. It is the military training covering all people that has allowed Da Ming to maintain the most powerful war mobilization potential of this era.

After the shooting training on the playground, the instructor was in front of the blackboard again, explaining the shooting skills to them, and analyzing the problems exposed by the previous shooting with them.

"Attention all class—assemble!"

The instructor's voice echoed across the playground.

After a shooting class was over, the students who had just finished taking notes all got up from the ground one after another when they heard it. They stood at attention and looked at the shouting instructor.

The instructor in the corporal military uniform stood with his hands behind his back and his legs crossed. From his expression, it could be seen that he was very satisfied with the actions of his classmates. After the military training in junior high school and high school, their every move has long been in line with the army's requirements for soldiers.

Of course, according to the standards set by the army, these high school students are not ordinary soldiers, they are trained as non-commissioned officers. Like now, these students are like veterans. In front of the instructor, gather facing the instructor.

The queues are aligned and aligned, and a positive posture is established.This is the result of 12 years of continuous training. Of course, at the high school stage, their military classes are mainly to learn squad platoon command and corresponding squad platoon tactics.

When Wang Jingchu, Liang Dong, Zheng Haisheng and their classmates just lined up, the instructor shouted.

"Look to the right—together...forward—look! count!"

The horizontal team turned their heads from right to left to report the number in a short and loud voice. The last student in the horizontal team did not turn his head, but directly shouted loudly: full team.

"Relax...Students, now, you are already in the third year of high school, and you are also in the last year of high school. I know that your studies are very stressful. You all hope to be admitted to a prestigious school like Nanhua University, but you are also the same. Also remember that now is the time of the war, each of us—every Ming Empire subject must be prepared for the war and wait to respond to the imperial call at any time..."

After a pause, the instructor said.

"The homework in the third year of high school is very heavy. For a long time to come, we will no longer have so much time for training as we do now. I hope you can firmly remember that we... Huaxia people are on this land Survival does not depend on our kindness, but on the weapons in our hands, our blood! This is the foundation of our foundation, I hope you can keep this in mind!"

Whether it is junior high school or high school in Daming, they will tell all the students very clearly that the founding of the New World by Daming is by force and blood, and tell them very bluntly that if they cannot use force to defend, then they will Lose it all, lose it all.

"The survival of my Ming depends on iron and blood!"

No one would doubt this. After all, this piece of land once belonged to someone else. If someone else was not defeated, how could they give up this piece of land to Daming?
Their fathers went to conquer, and now, they go to defend!

"You are all high school students. In the future, you will enter universities, junior colleges, various industries, and become engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and scholars. But you are also men, Chinese men, who have received a comprehensive education. Culture, a new generation of Ming men with ideals, the empire has great hopes for you, and I hope you can keep your responsibilities in mind!"

Looking at the students in front of him, the instructor's eyes swept over them one by one, and finally he said.

"Today is our last day in this middle school. I will report to the army early tomorrow morning. I wish you all good grades in your exams. Okay, dismiss!"

When the instructor's words fell, the squad leader standing in the front row of the queue shouted loudly.

"I wish Instructor Wang a triumphant return!"

"I wish Instructor Wang a triumphant return!"

All the students in the audience shouted in unison.


Wang Chengjie clenched his fist tightly, then pursed his lips and said.

"As a soldier, I only hope to be able to enter the Martyrs' Shrine. I hope that I will meet you again in the Martyrs' Shrine in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and performed a military salute.Facing the instructor's words, the students all looked at the instructor with solemn expressions.

"stand at attention!"

At this moment, the squad leader's password rang.They stood at attention simultaneously.



(End of this chapter)

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