Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 876 Consumables in America

Chapter 876 Consumables in America ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
The war between the Brazilian Empire and the Ming Empire did not affect the vast majority of people, at least for the vast majority of Americans, the war that took place in the South American continent was too far away from them.

But it's not true for everyone.There are some people who always have a little foresight, even in the United States, there are many people who have foresight.

For Noah, when he saw the outbreak of the war between the Brazilian Empire and the Ming Empire, he and I felt a strong sense of crisis.

"If we don't join this war, then the next country that the Ming Empire will invade will be the United States."

In many scenes and Noah said that to the people around him again and again, even at his wedding, Noah told his relatives and friends.

"We must see the threat of the Ming Empire to the United States. After they occupy Brazil, the next target is the United States."

As a backbone member of the Native American Association, Noah is definitely a patriot. He would spare time every month to go to the wharf to welcome the paupers from Ireland with bricks.After the "Los Angeles incident" broke out, he gave a speech in the school in grief and indignation.He even joined the army for this reason, wanting to fight against the threat of Ming Dynasty.

However, he did not get his wish, and the war did not break out.

In the past few years, he seemed to have forgotten the threat of Ming Dynasty, but now after the news of the Ming Empire's invasion of the Brazilian Empire, like many people, Noah once again felt that strong threat, so, the past For several days he had been thinking about it, thinking about that decision.

As usual, after dinner, Michelle played the piano in the living room, with her daughter sitting next to his wife.For anyone, this is a scene of happiness.

But Noah was looking at the newspaper, and his news was that the Ming army had arrived outside the city of Montevideo, and they were launching their final attack there.

After giving his daughter a goodnight kiss, Noah looked at his wife and hesitated for a while and said.

"Honey! Daming people!"


Michelle asked puzzled.

"Da Ming invaded Brazil, and now all the newspapers on the street are shouting about it."

Noah looked at his wife and said in a somewhat excited tone.

"My dear, Brazil is far away from us."

Noah hugged his wife tenderly, he could even feel his wife's heartbeat.

"I've been thinking about this all afternoon. As I passed the streets, the newsboys were shouting the news. From Uruguay to Paraguay, the cannons were roaring, people were dying, Ming was invading Brazil, invading that country."

At this moment, Noah had a picture in his mind, the picture of the level being destroyed and the church being burned. He saw the pagans occupying Brazil, and he saw those pagans killing Brazilians.

In the quiet room, the two of them sat down on the bed, and it was dark outside the window.It seemed inappropriate to talk about these topics in this bedroom at night.

"Honey, I've thought about it."


Michelle looked at Noah with wide eyes.

"I'm going to Brazil."

Noah watched his wife speak his mind.

"I'm going to Brazil, to join the Brazilian army, and I'm going to help the Brazilians resist Ming's invasion."

"What? Honey, do you know what you're talking about?"

Michelle looked at her husband in surprise.

"Brazil, which country is it? What does it have to do with us? My dear, you have a daughter, you have a wife, why do you go so far away?"

Facing his wife's puzzlement, Noah said directly.

"No, honey!"

Putting his hands on his wife's shoulders, Noah said.

"The reason why I want to go there is because I know very well that if we can't stop the invasion of the Ming army in Brazil, then they will definitely invade the United States next step. The reason why I am going there now is to protect you and want to protect you and our daughter."

"But, but Brazil is so far away, dear, Millie needs a father, and I need a husband!"

Facing his wife's request, Noah said straightforwardly.

"Honey, don't worry, I will definitely come back, and I will definitely come back after the war is over."

When the voice fell, he hugged his wife tightly. Although his wife's tears fell on his shoulders, Noah still didn't change his mind. At this moment, he seemed to hear it.The local call for him.


Hearing God's call, God is calling God's warriors to fight for God.

The next day, Noah came to the home of his friend Roger. After the two of them chatted briefly, Noah said.

"Roger, I've tried my best not to think about the situation, but now that I read the papers, I don't think I can stand by anymore, and I'll take your guns now, and I'll feel like a human being again, from Chile to Argentina , from Argentina to Brazil..."

Noah said in an extremely serious tone.

"The war doesn't just stop in Brazil, it ends up on the Hudson. When it comes to us, we're all going to be involved in the war anyway. I'm just speeding up to that moment. I've been waiting for everything all my life, but this time. I don't want to wait any longer. I'm desperate to win, fuck, I'm from a military family after all, so I'm going to Brazil too, I'm going to join the Brazilian army, I'm going to fight the Daming, Going to kill the damn Daming people."

After saying these words, he smiled and said.

"My father deserted in and around Anchitan, but if it was to protect the United States, he would never do that!"

The Antietam River, that's a river in Pennsylvania and one of the battlegrounds of the Civil War.

"Well, I know, you must have made up your mind, haven't you?"

Roger looked at Noah and his good friend seriously. .

"Yes, that's right. I plan to buy a boat ticket to Brazil in these two days. So I hope that after I leave, you can take care of Michelle and Millie for me. I believe you can..."

Didn't understand that Noah finished speaking, so Roger went straight to that.

"My dear friends, that is your responsibility, take care of them. If you decide to go to Brazil, I will go with you, after all, we have never been apart, we are friends, Noah, you think I will let you Going on an adventure alone?"

"No, I know, Roger..."

Noah frowned and said.

"But, but, I think..."

"What do you think of Noah? Do you think I'm a coward?"

Roger smiled and said.

"If we're going, we'll go together, like the last time we joined the military after what happened in Los Angeles."

After the last incident in Los Angeles, the two of them joined the army together, they trained together in the army, and they once fantasized about going to the battlefield together.Fight those damn Daming, fight them off, and finally win the war.

Although they failed to get what they wanted last time, now is also an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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