Chapter 877 The British Dutiful Son Has Arrived (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)
In the early morning of the next day, Roger and Noah came to the pier. They bought a ticket to Brazil. On the company pier, they found that not only the two of them were going to Brazil, but also other people.

One topic they all discussed there was going to the Brazilians to fight the Ming Empire.

After the "Los Angeles incident", the impact on many so-called "native Americans" was very great. For a while, Ming became the biggest threat in their eyes. After the outbreak of the war between the United States and China, they thought that by going to help Brazil, they were helping the United States to resist invasion.

In a word, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

But this lip is too far away from the United States!

When Noah, Roger and others embarked on their journey to Brazil, the British special envoy had already walked into the White House and started his lobbying in Washington. In fact, in the past few months, the British special envoy had been frequently traveling to and from various countries. have been trying to persuade other countries to join their alliance.

"Mr President,"

Granville George Leveson Gore, the former British Foreign Secretary, said to President Hayes.

"Now, the war between Ming and Brazil has broken out. It is certain that after this war is over, no country will be able to stop their expansion in South America. Mr. President, Ming is a completely different country from the United States. They are like Just like the Mongols, their desire to expand is unimaginable to any other country, if we can't stop them, then after they complete their expansion in South America, the next target must be the United States!"

Although the UK has intelligence that shows that Ming's purpose is very limited, it is just the land occupied by Uruguay and Paraguay, but of course the UK will not tell this secret to the Americans, not only will it not say, but will also advocate the threat of Ming, Let the Americans jump on board the British.

"Mr. Special Envoy, we all know that the Ming Empire has a strong desire to expand, but Mr. Special Envoy, we do not believe that the Ming Empire will pose a threat to the United States in the short term."

President Hayes has a smile on his face, what is negotiation?Of course it was up for negotiation, he needed an offer from the British.

All Americans are aware of Ming's threat, but if the British want to win over the United States, they must at least make an offer first!
"Your Excellency, when I first arrived in Washington, I heard that the South purchased airships from Da Ming. Da Ming's support for the South is obvious to all, and their North Sea Governor's District is facing your west."

Gore's words made Hayes sneer again and again in his heart.

This guy has the face to say it!

It was you British who sold the British Columbia colony to Ming Dynasty. As for the south, does the British still have little support for the south?

Immediately after the war, four ironclad ships were exported to the south.

Brits have never been kind.

But even though he understands this, Hayes also understands that now they need to hug each other to keep warm.

"And the aid and support of the Ming Empire to Mexico is also well known. They have already posed threats to the United States from three directions. How can Mr. President feel that there is no threat?"

As the former foreign minister of the empire, Gore gave a sharp answer, which made Hayes silent for a moment, and then he said.

"Ming's threat to the United States is future, but their threat to the United Kingdom is real. Mr. Special Envoy, compared to the safety of the United States, I think the United Kingdom should worry more about itself."

"Indeed, Mr. President, what we need to face is not a Ming Dynasty, a France, a Russia or Austria-Hungary, but their four empires. This is why I came here. All people of insight in London I hope that Britain can form a close alliance with the United States, and with the strength of this alliance, we can protect the common interests of our Anglo-Saxons, and I believe this is what the people of insight in Washington hope."

This is of course what they want. There are also voices in Washington. Faced with the pressure from Ming Dynasty, many congressmen hope that the United States can have allies and use the power of the alliance to fight against Ming Dynasty.

However, if you want to form an alliance, you need to pay a price!

"Mr. Special Envoy, we do have common interests on some issues, but on some issues, there are also many differences between us. For example, the root of all our problems with Daming is because of the United Kingdom—"

Looking at Gore, Hayes said directly.

"Back then, you sold the British Columbia colony to Daming in order to create a conflict between us and Daming. This contradiction was deliberately created by you, and at the same time, your support for the South has never stopped. Mr. Special Envoy, today's In the final analysis, the situation is caused by Britain alone!"

A qualified diplomat, even if he is exposed in person, he will face it with a smile on his face. Of course, Gore can do this.

"Mr. President, that's all in the past,"

After waving his hand vigorously, Gore said directly.

"We sold the British Columbia colony to Ming, but for the United States, this is not a bad thing. I believe that when the time is right in the future, that piece of land will belong to the United States, not Ming."

Gore's words made Hayes stunned, and he even looked at the British envoy in front of him with some surprise.

"Of course, it also includes Alaska. At the same time, we will support the United States' claim to sovereignty over the South and support the unification of the United States!"

The conditions offered by Gore are simply unbelievable. When did the British become so generous?

For a moment, Hayes even suspected that he had heard it wrong. He was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Is this your decision?"

"Mr President, I am a Liberal and Mr Prime Minister is a Conservative, and we stand together now because we all know that the British Empire is facing unprecedented challenges, and likewise, America is facing unprecedented challenges , for the sake of common interests, we should abandon the contradictions of the past and focus on the future to solve some problems! As for those lands..."

Looking at Hayes, Goyle said directly.

"We believe it should belong to the victor, Mr. President!"

Will the United States be the victor in such a war?

Of course it will be the winner of the war, but who is the real winner?The British Empire, of course, or America would get British Columbia, but so what?But it is just an ice sheet, even if there is a gold mine, it will have no effect. The most important thing is that Britain can obtain an alliance, so as to defeat the "Quadruple Alliance" with the help of the alliance.

"When the United Kingdom and the United States form an alliance, I think we must be the last victors in this war!"

Facing President Hayes who seemed to be hesitant.Gore continued.

"We are all Anglo-Saxons, we share a common culture and values. We believe that the future of the United States will not only unify the South, we also believe that Mexico should also become a part of the United States in the future!"

The British are the best at being generous to others.As soon as he took the shot, Gore offered reasons one after another that the Americans could not refuse.

"I have to admit that these conditions are indeed very attractive, but..."

Hayes said.

"Mr. Special Envoy, you know that I can't decide many things in the United States. Everything in the United States needs to be approved by Congress. But..."

Looking at Gore, even though his father once told him...the first is to hate the British, and the second is to hate the British, but facing such an attractive condition.Hayes is really hard to refuse!

"I personally feel that when we face a common threat, it is absolutely necessary to fight the common enemy together!"

(End of this chapter)

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