Chapter 883 False Gambling (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
The British Empire must accept the challenge!
After the fall of the Pleven Fortress, British public opinion suddenly went into an uproar. Everyone—even ordinary British people knew very well what would happen once Russia occupied Turkey. They would threaten British interests in Egypt and threaten To the Suez Canal, would threaten British rule in India.

In a word, those half-orcs in Russia must be firmly locked in the Black Sea, and their clutches must not be allowed to extend to the Mediterranean Sea.

"What do we do now?"

Prime Minister Benjamin looked at Foreign Minister Edward, and his tone seemed a little excited. Everything happened too fast. Before they dragged the United States and Germany into the water, Turkey was about to perish.

"We must accept the challenge!"

Edward said directly.

"In the past few years, when we faced the "Alliance of Four Emperors", every time we retreated, it fueled their arrogance. It is our retreat again and again that has led to today's situation. If If we don't accept the challenge, what will be waiting for us?"

Looking at the prime minister, Edward said.

"A catastrophic failure, which may even lead to the United States, Germany refusing to join our alliance. After all, God can testify that no one will be with the weak!"

"However, our sea power..."

Casting his gaze on Mision, the Minister of the Navy, Benjamin asked.

"Admiral, how sure are we?"

"Is it the defeat of the Imperial Alliance fleet?"

Mision thought for a while, shook his head first, and then said again.

"The question is not how sure we are, but how determined the Imperial Alliance Fleet is to fight the Royal Navy!"

After thinking for a while, Mision continued.

"In naval battles, will and courage are the most important. Perhaps the Royal Navy is weaker than them, but, Your Excellency, the Royal Navy has never lacked courage!"

Yes, the Royal Navy has never lacked courage, and even this has been the pride of the Royal Navy for many years. From Spain to France, every time it faces an enemy, the Royal Navy has never retreated. It was the same in the past and it is the same now.

"The only question is, do they have the determination and courage when we choose war with decisive determination and courage? Your Excellency Prime Minister! I don't think they have the courage. After all, they are four countries, not one. Countries, they can't always agree."

The Secretary of the Navy's answer made Benjamin's eyes light up. Yes, the reason for the past was the alliance of the four countries. But if the empire made up its mind, would they dare to go to war?

If they dare not, then there is room for diplomatic mediation, and there are countless possibilities in diplomatic mediation, and they can use their differences in interests to divide or even disintegrate their alliance.

The Jewish prime minister thought for a moment, then he said.

"Then, send our fleet to Istanbul! We must protect Turkey!"

Finally, at this moment, the British Empire, which had been retreating all the time, accepted the challenge!Accepted the challenge from "Alliance of Four Emperors"!

It seems that for the current UK, they have no way out.

The news spread through the press immediately, and all eyes of the world turned to Turkey, and of course, to Paris, Moscow, Vienna and Yingtian.

Now that Britain has played its cards, how will the seemingly powerful "Alliance of Four Emperors" play its cards?

Everyone was watching them, waiting for them, and even the stock market in Paris plummeted.

War seems to be imminent.

Emperor Zhu, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, said bluntly after learning that Britain had sent the Mediterranean Fleet to Constantinople.

"Send all our remaining battleships to the Mediterranean Sea!"

"Send them all?"

Zuo Zongtang looked at His Majesty in surprise.

"Yes, that's all!"

sneered a bit,
"Britain!" Emperor Zhu said dismissively,

"The British didn't really accept our challenge and were determined to use war to stop it. They wanted to use war blackmail to force us to make concessions. In fact, they were not ready at all!"

The threat of the British is not worth mentioning!

The reason why Emperor Zhu could make this judgment is because he stood on the shoulders of the giant of history. From those memoirs, we can see that every time a crisis broke out, when Britain was faced with a choice, they seldom made choices at the beginning. Determined to go to war, especially when there is a disparity in strength, they often choose to talk about blackmail to induce the other party to make concessions.

In many countries, because the strength is not as good as that of the United Kingdom, or the leaders are too rational, most of the time, the United Kingdom has succeeded.

Of course, if the strength is enough, the British are not blackmailing, but when the strength is not enough, the British will never bet the country to the gambling table to stud.

"Historically, unless the UK has an absolute advantage, they would never stud. Now they are just testing our bottom line!"

Emperor Zhu was in another world, and he had a lot of research on Britain during World War I and World War II. The reason why Britain made up its mind to go to war before World War I was because although the strength of Britain surpassed that of Germany, Germany might lose power in the next few years. Overtake the UK, so the UK's choice is to declare war on Germany before it overtakes them.As for World War II, Chamberlain's appeasement and sit-in seemed to be a betrayal of its allies, but the essence was that Britain was not ready for war at all.

After Fatty Qiu came to power, although the war started, what happened next?
If it weren't for the help of the filial son of the United States, the United Kingdom would have been finished.Even if it is World War I, it is the same. Without the millions of new troops from the United States, it is hard to say whether Germany will lose in the end.

One thing is certain, unless it is Fatty Qiu who disregards his own strength Erha, most British politicians are very strategic, and they will never take any military adventures!
Besides, Benjamin Disraeli, not to mention that he is a Jew, the famous saying "There are no permanent friends or enemies between countries, but only permanent interests" was left by that guy.

That guy will never bet the future of the British Empire on Stud!

"They just want to use the fleet to test whether we have the courage to stud!"

"Your Majesty, so the British are testing us?"

Zuo Zongtang already understood, he clapped his hands and said,

"In other words, they are bluffing!"

"Yes, that's right. They are betting that we will give in. They are watching to see how we will respond, and I sent the fleet to tell him—Da Ming Stud! Now it's up to him to follow!"

With a cold smile, Emperor Zhu said sarcastically.

"Between big countries, when you go to the gambling table, you must be cautious. When your strength is weak, you can use force to blackmail. It is good to succeed, but what if you fail? Then you will lose your face!"

For example, corn sends missiles to Cuba, and then what?
Then the face is swept away!
While Emperor Zhu sighed, Zuo Zongtang said again.

"Your Majesty, we can't do it alone, France... how will France choose?"

When Zuo Zongtang mentioned France, Emperor Zhu naturally thought of his cheap son and said to himself.

"Euren, you should know how to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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