Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 884 If You Have Yafu, You Will Never Counsel

Chapter 884 If you have a sub-father, you will never be counseled (third update, please subscribe)
Face the British threat!
Eugene not only knows how to do it, but he goes even further!
Almost on the same day that Britain issued the blackmail by force, Eugene convened a special meeting of the Legislative Council. Facing the members of the Legislative Council, Eugene, the Emperor Napoleon IV of the Second French Empire, delivered an impassioned speech .

"...after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the glory of Christ has not shone on that land since that day. For centuries the Turks have ravaged the kingdom of God and destroyed Christ Churches, captive and killing pious people of God, insulting chaste women, greedily drinking the blood of baptized children. From Greece to the Balkans, from the Balkans to Vienna, from Vienna to Kyiv, Christians are weeping and praying!"

On the rostrum of the Legislative Council, Napoleon IV pointed his finger at Turkey from the very beginning. In order to make his actions "more legitimate", he even quoted Urban II's speech calling for the Crusades.

"In 1095 Pope Urban II cried out in Clermont - let us engage in a holy war - a great crusade to regain the Holy Land for the Lord! Let all disputes and Let the strife stop, and embark on the journey to the Holy Land! Take back the Holy Land from that evil race!"

When his words fell, the applause in the Legislative Council was like thunder. As the world's largest Catholic country, France's self-proclaimed Pope Patrons should take it for granted that they should recover the Holy Land.

Recover the Holy Land!

That's an honor!
Recovering the Holy Land...of course it is also wealth!

For the superiors, they never mind the outbreak of war, because war never takes away their wealth, and even doubles their wealth. As for death, that is a matter for civilians.

"For the glory of Christ Jesus, for the return of the Holy Land, and for those oppressed Christians, the French Empire will bravely shoulder the responsibility of recovering the Holy Land!"

Amidst the warm applause and Eugene's exciting speech, the Second French Empire declared war on Turkey!
This move shocked the whole of Europe, and of course the world.

Because just a few hours ago, Britain had just decided to send their fleet to Turkey, saying something over and over again-Britain would never accept wars against Turkey by other countries.

And how did France respond?


Yes, it is war!

France declares war on Turkey!
France will fight for the glory of God, for Jerusalem.

Faced with France's decision, European countries were stunned. They were more nervous. If they were not nervous, once the war broke out, it would be the largest European war since the Napoleon era!
This European war!

No one knows what the outcome will be, but what is certain is that once this war starts, it will definitely be protracted.

That is, when the European countries were panicked and at a loss, Ming on the other side of the ocean also responded, and they once again sent their fleet to the Mediterranean.

"We will prove to the world with our will and blood that the Imperial Alliance will never accept any blackmail!"

At the same time, Ming also declared war on Turkey. On the day the war was declared, Ming confiscated the munitions that Turkey had ordered from Daming—as many as 50 airships, hundreds of thousands of rifles, and a large amount of ammunition. Well, after the war broke out, The order placed by Turkey, however... was not delivered in a hurry. Although only [-]% of the deposit was paid, it was still a lot of money!
In short, Daming made a small windfall.Even the weapons that were just ordered were resold by Daming to France and Russia, making two rounds of money back and forth. I have to say, Daming made a lot of money!

This is how war money is made.

However, between countries, this amount of money is nothing more than a small amount of money.

After learning that Ming Dynasty declared war on Turkey and dispatched all their remaining battleships, Eugene was very excited. He even came to the Palace of Fontainebleau on purpose. Since the death of his father three years ago, Queen Eugenie and his The younger brother Zhu Di lives here.

"Mother, you are right, Daming has really declared war!"

As soon as he saw his mother, Ou Ren's tone seemed a little excited.

"They not only declared war, but also sent all the warships. It's really hard to imagine, mother, you know, their war with Brazil is not over yet, and he sent all the fleets."

Seeing her agitated son, Queen Eugenie smiled.

"I said, he won't let you down, all you need is to do your best and do your job well!"

He has never let her down, even as early as a few years ago, he had already arranged everything.

"Thank you, mother!"

Ou Ren looked at his mother and thanked her.

"What can I thank you for? Eugene, my child, you are stronger than your father. I hope that one day, I can see you become a great emperor like Napoleon."

Facing his mother's expectation, Ou Ren nodded and said.

"Mother, I will go to Jerusalem soon. After the holy city is recovered, mother, I will definitely become a great emperor like him!"

like who?
There is not only one Napoleon in Eugene's heart, but also another person who planned everything for him a few years ago.

"Wait until you see those bankers before leaving. As he said, those banks have a very keen sense of smell. They must be able to appreciate the deep meaning in your speech. With those people around, they will pay for this. Pay for the war!"

When looking at her son, Eugenie's eyes were full of reluctance. He will soon go to the battlefield. When he went, he was just an emperor, and when he came back, he would become the real emperor of France!

And all of this was driven by him.

"Are they really coming?"

Eugene said with a little worry.

"I just quoted Pope Urban II's speech, how could they have such a reaction?"

"He can't be wrong, I trust him!"

When Eugenie spoke, her tone was as calm as before, but when "he" was mentioned, her eyes were full of love and longing.

The mother's strangeness fell into Ou Ren's eyes. Although he could see his mother's love and longing for him, he said as if turning a blind eye.

"Yes, I should trust him too, right Zhu Di?"

He loves his younger brother very much, after all, that is his only younger brother.

"He's in class. I'll have someone call him over in a while. If he knows you're here, he'll be very happy. Recently, he's been clamoring to go to the Louvre to find you."

When mentioning her youngest son, Eugenie's face was full of happiness. Her happiness was very simple. It was nothing more than her two children. Of course, if she could be with him, she would be even happier. Thinking of this, she even felt a little envious of Sissy, she could at least travel around the world, maybe, they could go to Daming together.

The two of them will go there together, and he will be very happy when the time comes!

Thinking of this, she was not only distracted, but even her face was full of happiness and anticipation.

Maybe you can try it, like making an airship to go there...

(End of this chapter)

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