Chapter 885 The emperor is a big fool (fourth update, please subscribe)
"Read the newspaper, read the newspaper! The Second French Empire declares war on the Turkish Empire!"

"Read the papers, Emperor Napoleon IV calls for a "Crusade"!"

"Read newspapers……"

In September 1876, London was sunny. In the bright sunshine, newsboys shouted everywhere. They waved the newspapers in their hands and shouted the news in the newspapers. All the news revolved around a topic. - The French Empire declares war on Turkey.

Not just a declaration of war, but a "crusade."

The declaration of war by the French Empire shocked the whole of Europe. Even the British, who were planning to transfer the Atlantic Fleet to the Mediterranean Sea and use further deterrence to force the "Imperial Alliance" to make concessions, temporarily stopped their actions.

how so!
When has France been so tough?

How could Emperor Napoleon IV be tougher than his father!

Of course, they didn't know that the reason why Emperor Napoleon IV was tough was because he had an "Asian father" who helped him plan all this behind the scenes.

My father is not hard, as long as my father is hard enough.If you have a father, you must do it.

France's declaration of war, Ming's declaration of war, coupled with the fact that the Russian Empire has already gained an advantage in the battlefield, all these make it difficult for the British to ride a tiger.

But for some Brits, what they see is not a predicament, but an opportunity.

Politicians were not the only ones shocked by Emperor Napoleon IV's speech in the Legislative Council.Many ordinary people were also deeply shocked by his speech.

When he put down the newspaper, Lionel Rothschild, the banker who lent money to Britain last year to snap up shares in the Suez Canal, frowned, thought for a while, and then he He glanced at the newspaper again, and then read the contents of the newspaper.

“That place—Jerusalem, as the Bible says, was given to the heirs of Israel by God, where milk and honey flowed all over the land, where gold and precious stones were everywhere. Jerusalem is the center of the earth, and its fertility and richness surpass everything in the world Land, another paradise of joy and joy."

This is the speech of Emperor Napoleon IV at the Legislative Council. Of course, this is not his original work, but from Pope Urban II. The difference is the next sentence.

"We believe that the Holy Land will return to its true owner one day!"

Who is the real master of Jerusalem?

Are you a Christian?
Maybe, but who is the real owner?
Of course it's Jewish!
Although Emperor Napoleon IV didn't say it explicitly, the meaning behind the words is all there.

"Sir, why do you think he said that?"

Facing the question of his son-in-law, Lionel Rothschild, the head of the Rothschild family, shook his head.

"I don't know why he said that, but what is certain is that for any emperor, every word he says is full of deep meaning! They will never say any superfluous words for no reason. Words, we must use their every word to obtain information that is beneficial to us, Edward, in Europe, the rules of the wealth game are absolutely different from India or China. Being close to power can allow us to obtain more wealth!"

In the past nearly a century, the Rothschild family has been close to power and obtained huge wealth through power.

In this regard, many people say that the Rothschild family obtained wealth through speculation, but they are only half right, because the other half of the truth is that Rothschild obtained more wealth by getting close to power and speculating on power. much wealth.

"Sir, I've been learning the rule."

Edward Albert Sassoon said quickly.

As a member of the Sassoon family, the reason why Edward was able to marry Caroline was in the final analysis because of wealth-he brought a huge property of 500 million pounds to the UK, which was an unimaginable wealth in the UK, even for Ross. The same is true for the Childe family.

Of course, it is not easy for the Sassoon family now. His elder brother was arrested and sentenced to death in Ming Dynasty. The Rothschild family didn't mind about it. In fact, they had intervened before, but they were strongly repulsed by the Ming Empire.

The Rothschild family may be rich, but in the face of absolute power, they are just rich people, just like they may be able to lend 500 million pounds to the British government to buy shares in the Suez Canal, but they cannot buy the chicken that lays golden eggs by themselves .They must back down in the face of power.


Lionel nodded and said.

"We haven't invested much in France since the time of Napoleon, and of course we have many friends in France, and now they care as much about the emperor's speech as we do—"

Lionel cast his gaze into the distance, his brow furrowed.

"No one knows why the emperor said that, and no one knows what he meant? Just copied Pope Urban II's speech? Or, he..."

Although Lionel didn't continue talking, Edward was surprised.

"Sir, do you mean that the French Emperor is willing to help Israel return to Jerusalem?"

When talking about returning to Jerusalem, Edward only felt that his voice was a little stiff. He is also a Jew. What is the dream of all Jews?
Back to Jerusalem, of course!
Not just their personal return there, to be buried in Zion, but more importantly Israel - Israel back to Jerusalem!

"This, only God knows!"

Shaking his head, Lionel said.

"We are all mortals, and mortals cannot figure out God's intentions, but when God gives signs, we must see him and discover it. Only in this way will we not miss the opportunity."

What are the signs of God?

Edward looked at his father-in-law with some puzzlement. They were both Jews, and they were all moved by that sentence.

Jerusalem is back in the hands of his true master!

Standing by the window, staring out of the window, Lionel thought for a while, and then said.

"In this world, no one will say something casually for no reason, especially for those who wear crowns. What is certain is that they must have plans for us!"

What is the plot?

Of course it is money!
Now that Emperor Napoleon IV showed his favor to them, it is their turn to respond now. Thinking of this, Lionel turned around and said.

"Edward, notify the bank to purchase 500 million pounds of French bonds!"

Edward was stunned by his decision, he said in surprise.

"Sir, in this case, the Prime Minister will definitely be very unhappy!"


Lionel shook his head, looked at Edward and said seriously.

"Edward, you have to know that we are businessmen, businessmen, always looking for profit! And now...we can go to gain more benefits! As for Britain..."

Smiling, Lionel said.

"Let them deal with the challenge at hand!"

challenge!Maybe it's a challenge for the UK, or is it for them?Perhaps it is an opportunity, the biggest opportunity that the Jewish nation has faced for more than 1000 years!
(End of this chapter)

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