Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 888 Did the British Empire Win?

Chapter 888 Has the British Empire Won (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
The vicissitudes of Europe, how much influence did it have on Daming?

Almost zero!

Because Daming never planned to follow the British rules of the game in the world system created by Britain.

In fact, from the very beginning, Da Ming appeared as a challenger of order.

After all, as early as the wave of independence in South America was surging, Britain had already started their layout of the world according to their vision.

And the appearance of Ming Dynasty changed everything, from Chile to Argentina, from Argentina to Paraguay, from Paraguay to Brazil now, Ming Dynasty has already shattered the South America built by Britain for half a century.

As a destroyer of order, Daming... can be said to have gained a lot!
As for itself, the operating rules of this world are that two kinds of countries can eat and drink enough—one is the maker of order, which makes profits by establishing order, while the other challenges order and makes profits by destroying order.

The former is very difficult, the latter... is even more difficult!
How difficult is it?
Don't look at others, just look at Er Dezi, and you will know the result of San Dezi.

For Emperor Zhu, who stood on the shoulders of the giant of history, he knew very well what would happen to the so-called "challengers of order" if they failed.

So from the first day, Emperor Zhu knew that he had no way out!
Perhaps it can be said that Daming has no way out.

From the day Da Ming jumped onto the chessboard of the world, Da Ming had only two choices—either advance, or retreat, advance, or the future is bright, or the abyss, must be the abyss!
But, sometimes you have to quit!

At this moment, facing the chessboard in front of him, Emperor Zhu stared at the chessboard with sunspots in his hand, without making any moves for a long while.

"Give the British a step up!"

At the moment of falling, Emperor Zhu said in a calm tone.


Hu Xueyan, who was playing chess with the emperor, said in surprise.

"Stairs to the British?"


Emperor Zhu said while playing chess.

"Although we know that the possibility of British military adventures is unlikely, if they bombard the Russian army in Istanbul and protect Turkey with force for the sake of face, then it is very likely that something we don't want to see will happen. .”

As early as a month ago, Emperor Zhu saw the future through a short-term simulation—Russia and Vienna are really a bunch of rats!
To say that they are short-sighted is to praise them. They are simply a group of guys who only see small benefits and ignore big benefits. No wonder these two countries have not really risen in history.

The so-called "European Gendarmerie" relies only on the crushing of millions of "gray cattle", and even the so-called "second pole" has no strategic vision at all.

In the simulation, facing the reality that the British fleet came to Constantinople, Russia actually accepted the conditions offered by the British—stopping in the strait, Britain supported their request for Constantinople, and did not even oppose them Occupy Turkey in the Balkan Peninsula, but require Russia not to invade Turkey in Asia Minor.

Turkey exchanged for the survival of the country by ceding all European land and part of Asian land.What did Britain get?

The "Quadruple Alliance" seems to be in harmony!

From the day Russia and Vienna accepted diplomatic mediation, the "Quadruple Alliance" was essentially disintegrated.

The British Empire has won!
In such a good situation, how could Emperor Zhu tolerate Russia's sabotage, or in other words, how could he tolerate Russia getting off the ship halfway, eating a mouth full of fat, and just wanted to wipe his mouth off the ship, is there such a good thing in this world?
"Is it diplomatic mediation?"

Hu Xueyan, the president of the Imperial Bank, immediately pointed out what His Majesty was worried about.

"Yes, any diplomatic mediation may lead to a change in the plan. Will the Russians and Austria-Hungary accept it? These are all problems, so we can't take that risk."

Although the Imperial Alliance Fleet was established, it was just the same.The four empires were not ready to fight a world war at all. Although the imperial alliance fleet looked very glamorous, if they were not ready, they were not ready!

Therefore, Russia and Austria-Hungary will be ready to "take it as soon as it is good". Of course, Russia's bottom line is Constantinople, which is to reach into the Mediterranean Sea. As long as their wish can be fulfilled, the remaining problems will be solved. not a problem.

The British Empire will always be a role that dares to choose.

Anyway, what was sacrificed was the interests of other countries. The British Empire was constantly sacrificing the interests of other countries, or sacrificing immediate interests, in exchange for longer-term returns.This time, the British Empire...others made a mistake in their wishful thinking!

Emperor Zhu has already made up his mind that Russia will not be able to disembark from this thief ship. Does Russia want to disembark?
It's not impossible. If you think about it, at least a revolution must happen first!

"So, now we have to take some actions to prevent the Russians from getting off the ship, or let them see more generous returns!"

"Is there any necessary connection between this and giving the UK a step?"

Hu Xueyan was a little at a loss, he didn't see the connection between the two.

"You'll find out soon enough!"

Emperor Zhu smiled, and played a chess piece casually.It is true that he is a bad chess player, but he has never made a mistake in making decisions about international affairs.Because... he can imitate!
"Let's not talk about this, is there anything unusual in the financial market recently?"

"Your Majesty, it's not unusual, but at present, French bonds are being sought after by all parties, and this is the case in all European countries. Even the American market is also very enthusiastic about French bonds..."

Hu Xueyan said a little puzzled.

"I really don't know exactly why French bonds are welcomed by all parties."

"Because of what?"

Emperor Zhu laughed.

"When you visited Europe, did you notice that more than 70% of the banks and insurance companies in Europe are controlled by a group of people?"

a group of people?

Hu Xueyan thought for a moment and said.


It is no secret that the Jews control the financial industry in Europe. This is a well-known fact. When Hu Xueyan went to Europe to investigate the banking industry and study finance, he certainly noticed this.

"But why should the Jews support France? It doesn't make sense..."

While talking, Hu Xueyan ran through the recent events in his heart one by one, and then he seemed to have suddenly figured out something.


Looking at His Majesty in surprise, Hu Xueyan said.

"Your Majesty, could it be said that Emperor Napoleon IV reached an agreement with those Jews?"

(End of this chapter)

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